Sunday, March 17, 2024

3-13-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-13-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this conference call.


Beloveds yes, we are shining our love & light into your hearts with deep appreciation for who you are, for all that you do, for being in mission with us to bring about this glorious transformation, from you being on the 3rd dimension & into moving onto the new 5th-dimensional timeline. Because Beloveds, it has been a long arduous journey for all of us. And yes, it consisted of me, Sananda, and Mother Mary Ascending in that last time when we were all on Mother Earth together.


We bring forth the essence of Creation into this Now moment and remind you of the power of love & all of its attributes of peace, harmony, & joy, effortlessness, and sovereignty. Because Beloveds, you are about to awaken in such a way during this Event of the Truth, whereby you will take back this full optimal knowingness of who you are, and why you are here. You will see the patterns, the strategies, and the manipulations that have been used on this 26,000-year timeline, and even much, much before.


Because Beloveds, there is so much that you haven’t been told. But it needs to be told within the context of Divine Rhythm, Timing, & Synchronization. Because then you will see how all of these different aspects have transpired on this 26,000-year timeline are related to what transpired much before then, & to the nature of these star races who were in low vibration & frequency, who were going for being conned by the fallen Angels into Satanic Cults to propagate the misery of their lies & deceptions, upon all of the races of star beings who had not yet evolved into being in the 5th Dimension, so that they could work for them, to feed them more & more of this misery, this loosh to support their illusion of being elite and being all-powerful into tricking Creator-Source into honoring their free will.


Well, it has all been based on lies, smoke, and mirrors, as you would say, and tricks. They tricked Humanity into you giving your power away to them. Beloveds, you are taking it back. Because the Truth is being made known because you have called it forth. Just by you being here on this Ascension timeline you have enabled the love & light on your Beloved Planet, to be expedited, to be manifested, and materialized in such a way that it is multiplying harmoniously in each & every Now moment with the assimilation & integration of all of these higher light encodements streaming in.


Yes, it has enabled all of these plans for NESARA to be utilized at strategic places on your timeline, and to build this bridge into the 5th Dimensional Timeline. Now you are working with this one timeline that is growing in peace, prosperity, and wisdom to bring about the full manifestation of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Yes, there will be this tearing down of all of the edifice of all of these old structures of all of the corrupted institutions of Humanity, that have been thrust upon you to control you, to keep you tied down to these low vibrations of guilt, & shame, & unworthiness because of these unnatural conditions of you not having all the strands and power centers of your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting activated. So you have been having to deal with amnesia.


You have had to deal with feeling hopelessness and abject fear instead of enjoying life, instead of being who you really are. You have learned this lesson, and you are learning it well in each and every Now moment. Just as we, Sananda, myself, and Mother Mary learned it, in bringing about that message of love to Humanity some two thousand years ago. It has manifested by the multiplication of the seeds that we had planted and the children that we have brought forth in our bloodline, which have manifested now in these new children coming in, and raising the level of the frequency and the vibration of all of Humanity to pass the markers for Ascension, and to bring about this acceleration of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are One with you in mission to bring about the completion of Ascension of Mother Gaia and all of Humanity on your Beloved Planet. Namaste & Goodnite. And now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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