Sunday, September 15, 2024

9-11-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-11-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, the light shines so very strongly and abundantly on your Beloved Planet with these solar flares coming in with your intentional requirement for people all over your Beloved Planet to raise the level of the frequency & the vibration, for more & more of the Truth to come out, and for your Ascension process to accelerate. Yes, for all of the lies, tricks, and deceptions to be revealed; for all of the bad actors to be taken out of commission and to be held accountable for their crimes, for betraying Humanity for saying they are one thing, and really they are something quite different.


Their agenda has been against Humanity and primarily against your DNA. If you put all of the pieces of the puzzle together, Beloveds, you will see the mass hatred that this Cabal has for Humanity. Yes, we are not judging that because we know that so many Beloveds on your Planet have been conned into giving their power away to them because they thought that it was the smartest thing to do to get what they wanted, to have wealth, to have power, to have accessible connections whenever they wanted. All of these things, Beloveds, do not hold a candle to the power of their souls. They gladly gave their souls away.


This doesn’t mean they can’t retrieve their souls, but if they do the black magicians will go after them and enforce. Many people in this lifetime have realized that they suddenly feel all of these negative entities, curses & spells. Then they go to a channeler and they find out that in the past they dabbled in black magic, or they were the recipient of powers gleaned from sexual partners who were black magicians. The phenomenon of this evil that thinks it owns them & doesn’t want to let go is demonic. But that is where the power of love comes in because if you can think of something you can make it your reality.


This is what I, Sananda, & Mother Mary were doing all the time in that lifetime. Sananda was thinking, oh I could multiply these 6 loaves of bread into 20,000 and these baskets of fish into 5,000, and sure enough voila there it was. This exhilarated the people.


Beloveds, we did not have many of the polarities, you are dealing with right now, and those times in and of themselves were very magical because the hearts of the people were opened by the tyranny they witnessed from these Roman conquerors. They felt the power of love through us. They became strong and we became One. This is what is happening on your Beloved Planet right now, Beloveds.


The Truth is coming out. You are opening up your hearts to one another, to share this Truth, to smile with one another, the chance to be One, to feel this love in each and every one of your hearts, forming this bond of unity to bring about this transformation from being enslaved on the 3rd Dimensional timeline, liberating yourself up into the 4th and the 5th Dimension. We are creating this new 5th Dimensional society, Beloveds.


We are with you every step of the way. We are here to guide you through all the stages of integrating these Ascension Protocols. Yes, you are due for a mighty change. This Event of the Truth shall provide that bridge onto your 5th Dimensional Timeline,


Beloveds. Do not go for the fear. Bless yourself with these high frequencies of love & light as we are blessing you with shining our love & light into your hearts; to raise you up in frequency & vibration, to stop the Cabal from feeding off of your low vibrational energies, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite. Now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

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