Sunday, September 15, 2024

9-11-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you all once again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, what you are going through is this mass transformation. The falling apart of these old patterns that have held you in the grips of duality in low frequency & vibration, and this mind control programming that has enslaved you and has kept you in these embattled states of fear & separation; whereby it has made it very hard for you to have peaceful thoughts and to trust in the love in your heart.


But Now Beloveds you are seeing that love is all there is. It is the guiding force & inspiration of all of Creation. And to feel this love in your hearts, as we have when we Ascended. It is such a beautiful and wonderful thing because you are radiating this love & light to all of Humanity, to all of Beloved Mother Gaia and all of its kingdoms while you are in this process and are actively engaged in it. That is what all of you who have awakened and done the clearing work find yourself in the midst of each & every day, Beloveds, because more & more of the Truth is coming out. This Cabal is in pandemonium & panic because they cannot manipulate you like they used to. You are rising up in frequency & vibration. You are letting go of that fear and transmuting that it into the highest frequencies of love & light.


And all of those low vibrational negative energies, that have been manipulated by this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming, are falling apart. Beloveds, each time you breathe into your high heart center and are consciously aware of what you are seeing and putting forth your intentional requirement, rising up in frequency & vibration you are allowing yourself to become a radiant shining beacon of the Truth of the Power Of Love.


You are an irresistible force, Beloveds, because more & more of Humanity are waking up. They see, and feel these bright shining lights, when they dream and are guided into making new choices and slowing down in their conscious physical states of being and rising up in frequency & vibration.


Your ego wants you to be in this constant state of low-level fear which takes you out of the Now moment. But Beloveds it is in the Now moment by breathing into your heart, by being heart-centered. Therein lies the power of love. Therein lies the Truth of who you are as a divine cosmic sovereign being, as a conduit into the godhead, beloveds.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses. These roses are a brilliant shining symbol of our Oneness of the Truth of being in mission together, to accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet and to bring it to completion. They symbolize the high frequencies of, color, sound, & light radiating forth on your Beloved Planet. Intensifying this process of Ascension en masse and bringing it to completion in this Now moment, Beloveds.


Namaste & Goodnite. We love you ever so much.

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