Tuesday, October 8, 2024

10-2-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-2-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you once again tonight.

Beloveds, in the coming days we ask you to breathe into your heart and meditate on this word acceptance because your ego mind will pull you into your imprint of judging, blaming, of going down into low frequency & vibration, but when you accept that everything is in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization, & everyone has a role to play, a purpose to go forth with, to bring to completion all of the changes that will be transpiring on your Beloved Planet, to rid your Planet of the old control structures built in throughout all of your institutions, so that you can create new societies and new ways of propagating the love & light that you are throughout your Beloved Planet, in the spirit of play, in the spirit of non-attachment, in accordance with all of the Universal Laws that we as your Mentors & Guides are going to be able to help you integrate as this Cabal is removed, and the changes are made upon your Beloved Planet, which will enable you to be on this new 5th Dimensional Timeline, Beloveds. This is what all of you have been waiting for.

It has been the inspiration for all of your meditations, for your intentional requirements, with all of the times you have been expressing with other like minded beings from your heart and feeling a communion of your souls in unconditional/universal love. Yes, it is all coming to a head now, Beloveds. As you open this new month, as you are in the energies of this last eclipse of the Beloved year of 2024. It is a magical number this 24. You are going to see it replicated in the events that will play out.

Beloveds, you have the power to let go of the fear and the separation that you have all been imprinted with, that is how this 3-D Matrix holds control over you. And that is how all of the slave masters for thousands upon thousands of years took control of you, and were able to initiate all of these wars that continue to give them power, over your money supply, over your bodies because so many Beloveds lost their lives in these wars, and if the Cabal has their way you will have a World War again, but that is not going to happen, Beloveds, because you have, and you continue to do the work to raise the level and the frequency of the vibration to open your hearts, and to help others open their hearts, and to awaken to the Truth of their divine Cosmic spiritual nature, Beloveds.

We are with you every step of the way. We love you so very much. We are in mission with you, Beloveds. Namaste & Goodnite, and now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

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