Sunday, October 13, 2024

10-9-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-9-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you all again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, it is time for all of Humanity to draw together in the light and love that they are, that you are, each of you Beloved Beings. You are going through so much, so many changes right now. You see these old systems falling apart. The money systems, have been controlled by the central banks. It is all coming undone. The opposition to these monies, to these fiat currencies made out of thin air is finally taking hold on your Beloved Planet. This Cabal has conned themselves into thinking that they could make your life a living hell and that you would once again give your power away to them.


That is not going to happen because too many of you have propagated the love & light into the collective consciousness of Humanity, to raise the level of the collective consciousness to such a level and degree that these revelations cannot be unlearned. In other words, the genie cannot be put back in the bottle this time.


You are coming into the light and realizing the power of love. It percolates in your heart. It is always there, and it is with the power of choice that you activate it. You allow yourself to feel what the Truth is of who you are, of what is needed in the Now moment to generate more lovelight energy on your Beloved Planet, to awaken all of Humanity to prepare for this Event of the Truth and this mini-solar flash. But it will not be an extinction-level event. It will be a manifestation of this power of love, taking over, flowing out, and ridding this Beloved Planet of any/all evil.


This is what you volunteered for, Beloveds. This is why you came into physical embodiment at this time because you knew that most probably it would come down to this moment. This moment of Truth is for all of Humanity to come together, to feel empowered in the love & light. This is universal energy, Beloveds. You can have as much as you want of it. You can be a production plant for propagating this lovelight all throughout your universe.


This is what so many yogis and Ascended Masters were able to do on their timeline in that lifetime when they came in and they Ascended, but now this is a mass Ascension Event. Where the culmination of all of your lives. The ones you aligned within completing your soul contracts, with this manifestation of the love & light that you are will take hold on your Beloved Planet.


You have already pushed through the illusion that this Cabal has used against you in this holographic reality. Yes, they will push you to the brink, but Beloveds, we see that the strength of your love will allow you to rise up and be triumphant in this Victory of the Light over evil.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle, Beloveds. Once again they offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts. They are of high vibration & frequency of color, sound, and light. They symbolize us being joined together in mission, to accelerate and bring to completion Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


We honor you, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and so long for now.

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