Friday, June 3, 2022

6-1-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-1-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again. 


Beloveds, you are in Mission. And big part of your Mission has been to once again be part Galactic Federations. You used to be in these Federations, but then your planet got locked down by the Satanic factions of the Cabal, and you became a prison planet. And we on the ships weren’t able to intercede, until you were in process with your Ascension. And yes, the first step was the Harmonic Convergence, and then there were various steps after that, that significantly upgraded the energy on your Beloved Planet.


And the raising of the consciousness in the Collective, when there were people, who started to work together in Mission, to activate crystals, and lei lines, and to do the work of reprogramming themselves, and finding out the Truth, and disseminating that information so that you could transmit that Love and Light, through transmitting the Truth, all over your Beloved Planet. And in the last couple of years, this dynamic of radiating the Truth, in the highest frequencies of Love and Light, has escalated, whereby so many Beloveds have awakened, and your Moment of Truth, this Event of the Truth is getting closer and closer.


Beloveds, it is inevitable, because all of the Plans, that the raise in the level of consciousness have enabled from your work, from all of the Beloved Beings, on and off your planet, who comprise this Earth Alliance. Many choices have been made to implement NESARA, because you needed a Plan. And this Plan had started some 250 years ago with St. Germain and the Declaration of Independence, and then your Constitution, which was a document for the ages, a standard bearer of Human Rights, and of the central protections and of high conscious governance, for not just the United States, but for Beloved Mother Gaia.


And now, that original document, that will be empowered in a new way, a very significant way, whereby the tribunals will root out those, who have chosen darkness, and the architypes of Satan as their savior. And they will be removed. The 3D Matrix is crumbling, and disincorporating, and flying off into the ethers, along with the Artificial Intelligence that empowered it. And all of the black magicians are scurrying away. They will be dealt with too.


And Beloveds, the Light is shining ever-so brightly. We see it as fireworks going off, from the ships, where we are, and we cannot help but be in Joy, being in celebration for all that has transpired in these few short years, after you have won the passing of the Markers for Ascension. These events have escalated, whereby you have been in the First Phase of Ascension Protocols. And you are carrying your Mission forth.


Beloveds do not allow yourself to go for any of the fear mongering. It is all a lie. It is disinformation. There is no parallel to the Power of Unconditional/Universal Love. And we know that when you breathe into your High Heart Centers, you know this to be an essential Truth, with Pure Intent, this Love and Light that you are, as you radiate it forth, as an essential component of your Ascension Process, as your Mission, as a Ground Crew working with us, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia, to once again be in the 5th Dimension, and accelerate your Ascensions on this Beloved Planet.


My Mary’s come to you in the middle of your circle. And they are handing to you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your High Heart Center.  Feel this frequency and vibration of Love and Light, of empowerment, of being in this Now Moment in Mission with us. There is no separation, Beloveds. We are victorious in the Love and Light, that we are radiating forth in each and every Now Moment.


Namaste and good night.

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