Sunday, June 19, 2022

6-15-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-15-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am with you once again, and let us take a long, deep slow breath into the High Heart Center. All of us Mentors, on the ships, are shining our LoveLight into your hearts, while you are still in your circle, joined together, one heart and one mind, in Mission with us for your empowerment, Beloveds, for the acceleration of your Ascension Process.


Beloveds, the playfulness of a child, the innocence of the wildflowers in the fields, this is what I spoke of in my Sermon on the Mount. And Beloveds, we ask you to remember this Empowerment of the feelings of Joy, and the natural order of things. Because that natural order of the integrity of your DNA is being returned to you. You are moving toward this Event of Empowerment, where you will be once again in the 5th Dimension. And you will be empowered with not having to deal with the mutations, that have been placed upon your DNA, and the Power Centers of your mind.


You will once again be able to be free, sovereign beings, to be multi-dimensional. And all of your survival needs will be taken care of, because all of the provisions of NESARA enable advanced technologies to be released, and for all of these agents of the Satanic factions of Satan, and its control system of the 3D Matrix, and Artificial Intelligence, and the power sources of the underworld, they will not have any way to feed off of your energy.  Provisions of NESARA explicitly detail how all of these agents of evil will be dealt with, and cast aside, off of the stage, never to be able to manipulate and disempower you ever again, Beloveds.


You have earned this Ascension in being fully physically embodied, in full consciousness. And this is what we have all been working toward together, for thousands of years. Because yes, many have gone for being enslaved, and being in fear and separation, and thinking that they were hopelessly disempowered, and that they were helpless against this control system. But we came together Beloveds in the planning sessions before you incarnated, into this present lifetime, and into many other lifetimes, whereby we were pushing forward the Plans to be ready for the end of this cycle. 


And now, we are here, and this window of opportunity is open to us. And you are already in the First Phase of these Ascensions Protocols. You have earned this, Beloveds. You have been in Mission with us for many, many eons.


And now, we are in this State of Celebration, of Joy, of being the witness of you, who are growing in your empowerment, and transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, as you integrate with these higher-Light Encodements. And that you work with us in your meditations, to let go of the fear and separation, in knowing that whatever lies, deceptions, and tricks that this 3D Cabal matrix system throws at you, that they are only revealing themselves to be weak, and helpless, and liars, and deceivers. And they are not in Oneness with Creator Source. They are in denial of their power, by giving their power away to these factions of Satanism.


Beloveds, it is only by you continuously breathing into your heart, and growing in this Spirit of Empowerment, in this Spirit of Unity and Truth, that you push forward this narrative of what you resonate with, as your Truth, and shine these high frequencies into the Collective Consciousness, so that more and more Beloveds awaken from their slumber, from their brainwashing, and ready themselves for this Universal Event of the Truth.


We are here in Mission, and blast-off, Beloveds. We are with you.


And now my Mary’s come into the center of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses for you to take into your heart, as a symbol of connection, of being in Mission with us, of the Love and Joy that we experience together, each and every Now Moment of empowering ourselves with the Truth, of who we are as One, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night.

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