Thursday, June 30, 2022

6-29-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-29-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am thrilled also to be on your Conference Call again tonight.


There is so much confusion, and false narratives, and twisted logic being spun by the mainstream media on the airways of your Beloved Planet, at this time. Beloveds, as my Maria has said, the Power of Love knows no parallel. It is a dominant force in all of Creation. And with each and every breath, we are with you in your Mission, of raising this Love and Light, on your Beloved Planet.


This mainstream media will twist the facts to their liking, but Beloveds, they have been supplanted, by the citizen journalists, who have actually done all of the work of digging up the facts, and using their God-given gifts, and their intuition, to decipher events of the past, and who won ,and who lost, and who was controlling the reality, and what Truths were really dominant at the time, that created the reality that happened. And so many of your stories of the past were False Flag events, perpetrated by very dark forces of this Cabal, to keep you in this pattern of endless war. 


And that cycle now has stopped, Beloveds. Because you have raised the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet. You know that war is not acceptable, war is not an excuse to have financial abundance. It is a lie based in fear.  And it only helps this Cabal have more control over the narrative, and all of the institutions of Humanity, such as the banking, financial institutions.


Beloveds, there has been this war of the Light vs the darkness. And all of you have been witness to the changes that have transpired, of this virus, that has been perpetrated upon Humanity, but mainly because it gave big pharma the excuse to disseminate their highly-toxic vaccines, to sterilize the population, to perpetrate a transhumanist agenda upon the DNA of Humanity, all throughout this 3rd Dimensional timeline.


At various stages, the integrity of your DNA has been mutated. But now, Beloveds, we are raising the level of consciousness with our meditations, with awakening so many Beloved Souls, in the Collective Consciousness, to the Truth, to the Truth of the Power of Love, that each and every one of you have in your hearts, in sync with these higher-Light Encodements, that are coming in, in such a very powerful manner, to complete this Awakening Process, to prepare all of you Beloveds for this Event of the Truth.


It may feel like a near-death experience, but the provisions have been made, whereby it will not be a mass extinction, as it has been in several previous civilizations, that have incarnated your Beloved Earth. Now you will rise up victorious into the 5th Dimension, into the integration of the later stages of your Ascensions Protocols, to complete your Ascension Processes, Beloveds.  You are in Mission with us. We are moving forward. Do not go for the lies of fear and separation. We are strong in our meditation, in radiating this Love and Light, that we are as One Beloveds.


And now, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses, to take into your hearts, in all of the color spectrums, and frequency, and vibrations. They are a symbol of this 5th Dimension reality, of the Power of Love, that we are all rising up into in frequency and vibration with as One, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night. 

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