Saturday, November 19, 2022

11-16-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda.


I am very happy to be with you on this call. Beloveds, you are in this transformational process, and many of you have come from the future to be here in this lifetime, in this Now Moment, to enable Ascension to proceed in such a way as to completely root out all forces of evil on Beloved Mother Gaia, at this time. Because the Councils of Heaven issued a clarion call, when they realized that in the future that forces of darkness had resubmitted themselves into your consciousness at these key transformational moments, and that the overriding choice of these councils, in concert with Creator Source, was to come back into the end of this cycle of duality, of the Third Dimensional timeline, and raise the level of frequency and vibration in such a way as to make humanity more conscious, more vigilant, about anything that resubmitted these same dynamics of the control systems of artificial intelligence, that you have been enslaved with all along this 26,000 year cycle in the Third Dimension.


Beloveds, that is what you are doing right now, because you are standing firm and tall to all of these tests and challenges, having to do with the lies, tricks, and deceptions that are perpetrated upon you, within all of the dimensions of this Third Dimensional Matrix, and negative programming.


You are so much greater than your imprints allow you to believe, and yes, you came in with amnesia, as to what your Soul Contracts were, and who you have been in all of your other incarnations, and you know that all of that information is there in your akashic records, and this is what is part of your ascension process, to regain that information, so that you can be in the Fifth Dimension, and create this mass ascension event on Beloved Gaia in such a way, that you will know, when you are out of alignment with the truth, the power of love, the integrity of your soul level and consciousness, as a conduit into the Godhead.


Beloveds, these forces of darkness are being rooted out with the master plan of implementing all of these provisions of NESARA. They have been put in motion. They will lay the foundation for your Fifth Dimensional reality in such a way, that each and every one of you will, by being in Unity Consciousness, will take deeper levels of responsibility to make sure that all is in alignment with the truth, with freedom, and justice, and liberty being preserved in the Fifth Dimension, on your Beloved Planet.


We shine our love and light into your hearts. And my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like in the high vibration of the colors and frequencies, that they are in. They are a representation, of manifestation, of us working together to bring about mass ascension, and the liberation, of Beloved Mother Gaia into ascension.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are one with you. Call us in whenever you like. Namaste and goodnight.


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