Saturday, November 5, 2022

11-2-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

11-2-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds, we are shining our love and light into your heart centers. You are going through a fantastic time on your Beloved planet, but at times we know that it does not feel like this, because you are in the anticipation of events unfolding, that will give back the power to humanity, and really that is what NESARA is all about, Beloveds, preserving the rights of humanity so that you spiritually evolve, and once again reclaim the power to create your reality in a place of non-polarity, which is the Fifth Dimension.


NESARA has been constructed in such a way for you to use all of its provisions, as the cornerstone, and foundation, of your new Fifth Dimensional reality. All will not be as it was before in the Fifth Dimension, because now you have had this very real experience of being controlled by these factions of Satanists, in such an overpowering way, where it took the resolve of many Beloved beings, from all over the Cosmos, to come in at this time to liberate your DNA, as you are doing right now, with integrating these ascension protocols, and carrying forth your Mission of Ascension on this Beloved planet to completion.


Beloveds, the power of love has always been in your hearts, but it takes your commitment to allow yourself to let go of your attachments, to let go of your perceived safe spaces, and all of the conditioning, that told you that you were so much less than you really are, because, Beloveds, you have given permission to participate in the context of being in this hologram, this holographic reality, but it is only a schoolhouse, Beloveds, for you to test yourself, on how much you can awaken, and how much you can trust that process of breathing into your heart, and empowering yourself with the high vibrations and frequencies, that align with the higher dimensions, up and into Creator Source, all throughout this Tree of Life, and grounding yourself into the heart center of Beloved Mother Gaia, her crystalline core, so that you enable yourself to let go of your ego mind programming, and empower you with this dynamic of being heart centered, and creating your reality from this knowingness, from this beingness of love being the strongest force in all of creation.


It has taken, Beloveds, all of your resolve to learn how to do this, and to trust in this process, but Beloveds, now you are seeing the fruits of your endeavors blossom forth, and we are with you in every Now Moment.


As Sekhmet has said, we see the light show on your Beloved Planet, because the frequencies and vibrations have risen to such a dynamic level, where the light is once again dominant, but now in the context of a different phase in your spiritual evolution, because now you are seeing the dynamics of how you have been controlled, within the context of this Third Dimensional Matrix, and all of the devices, that have been used to clamp you down in a fear and separation based reality, but Beloveds, the power of love is synonymous with the power of the truth being made known, carried forth with Light as the messenger, from the Higher Dimensions, from the Divine Supreme Conscious Intelligence of Creator Source, into your hearts, allowing you to create your reality to empower yourself with the truth of yourself, as a divine sovereign being, as a co-creator of your reality, and this has enabled you, and will enable you, to integrate this event of the truth, and to build this bridge into the Fifth Dimensional reality, so that you can accelerate your Ascension process in a very advantageous and accelerated way, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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