Saturday, November 26, 2022

11-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you on this call.


Beloveds, yes, you are at this Eve of Thanksgiving in the United States, and so many of you are feeling deeply the love, and light, and the gratitude for being in this Now Moment, of all you have experienced, of all the connections that you have made with loved ones, and the feelings in your heart of activating these messages of love coming in from the Galactic center, these higher light encodements. As you have moved through the eclipses, the solstices, the gateways, the portals of this calendar year, and now, Beloveds, you are feeling this power of love being multiplied in the truth coming out, in so many different forms, on so many different platforms, and each time you feel this love and light and shine it on the truth, you make the truth stronger.


Each time you are in a state of meditation, whether it be sitting, and listening to meditation music, or walking out in nature and being in a contemplative frame of mind, and feeling love in your heart, in appreciation for all that you have on Beloved Mother Gaia. You are strengthening this power of love to carry you, and all of humanity, all living beings, on your planet, into this next phase of integrating ascension protocols.


Where you will be integrating the Fifth Dimension in a very deep way, because the truth is coming out. Those responsible for any crimes against humanity will be held accountable. They have betrayed humanity, and they will get their just desserts, and we ask you not to feel any guilt over this whatsoever, because, Beloveds, this is only illustrating the power of choice.


All of these minions of the Cabal, they have had ample opportunity to come into the light to rehabilitate that, and remove that negative programming and all of those devices, the parasites, the implants, and what have you, with our help. But still they kept on choosing the lies, and deceptions, and con games of Satanism, and all of the Satanic death cults.


Beloveds, we are in this Now Moment when the light is dominant, and shining forth so brightly throughout the universe, and doing the work, that we have, to empower humanity to be, once again, in a Golden age. Only this time you are so much more experienced, and you will empower the will of humanity, in sync with the Councils of Heaven, not to allow any forces of darkness to invade this timeline, that you are creating, into the future ever again, Beloveds.


You are sealing the deal, as they say. And we are so very happy, that you are in Oneness with us as our ground crew. We could not have done this without you, Beloveds. We are victorious in the light. We love you ever so much.


My Mary’s come into the middle of the circle, and they are offering you the Kumara roses. They are resplendent in frequencies, and vibrations, and colors that are not limited to your universe at all. Take them into your heart as a symbol of our union, of our oneness together to be in mission, to raise the level of frequency and vibration, for the completion of ascension en masse, on your Beloved planet, full consciousness and physical embodiment as a standard bearer for what can be done, and that it can be done in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, Beloveds. Namaste and goodnight.  

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