Monday, June 3, 2024

5-29-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-29-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this conference call with all of you tonight.


Beloveds, once again we shine our love & light into your hearts & minds, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and this Violet Flame and all of the Violet Flame Angels spiraling this energy throughout your energy field, through your high heart center down into the soles of your feet out through your center below, grounded into Beloved Mother Gaia.


Here you feel this place of balance and being in the Now moment, of letting go of the fear and all of this fear & separation-based programming that you have been imprinted with. This is a huge step for all of Humanity to let go of the lies of their ego-based negative mind control programming of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix. 

It takes courage to release this programming and you create a new program. One whereby you are in forgiveness allowing compassion to come into your heart knowing that you are only responsible for your own movie, and all of the judgment that has been levied upon you by your negative programming is all based in lies, to create more drama on your Beloved Planet so these members of the Satanic Cults could have more misery, low vibrational energies, & suffering to feed off of.


Beloveds, you are in such high frequencies of love & light right now. These miscreants of the Cabal are not faring so well because there is not nearly as much low vibrational energy to feed off of as there was before you came into this first phase of integrating Ascension protocols. Now during these 4 years of clearing all of the polarities that need to be cleared, that were designed in your soul contracts to come to completion are really taking off Beloveds.


You are moving from one assignment to the next as it were. All of these things aren’t yours alone but of all of the Beloved Beings you have had soul contracts with, and what they haven’t been able to clear you are helping by clearing these polarities in this lifetime. This is your Ascension lifetime, Beloveds. This is why you are here and you are in mission with us. We love you ever so much.


We, not so long ago, were on this Planet. And we were in a heightened state of confrontation with this Cabal, and my Twin Soul Sananda, he had to fulfill these prophecies by being taken over by them and hung on the cross. They made it into a fairy tale as it were because it was never about him being your own personal savior. It was about Humanity empowering itself with love & light as we did. So much love was shared between myself, Mother Mary, and Sananda. And so many people who became our disciples and apostles. We radiated that love & light wherever we went. Yes, Sananda was the spokesperson because he was a male and his word carried more weight than Mother and myself as females at this time. But now we see that drastically changing.


We see equality, the dynamics of it being empowered by the implementation of NESARA because as more & more of the Truth comes out you’re going to see who you really are as beings of the love & light in divine perfection, infinite & eternal energy and not limited to a physical expression of that divine perfection.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite, and now Sananda is going to come in.

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