Sunday, June 16, 2024

6-12-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-12-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on your conference call, once again, Beloveds.


Yes, you are right here with us every step of the way as we make this journey through all of these layers of the density of duality into these higher vibrations where we are feeling this power of love come into each & every heart and psyche and enabling all of Humanity to radiantly shine the Truth of the love & light that you are at this time.


Beloveds yes, there is much confusion. There is much fear being spread in the narratives of the Mainstream Media. But with all the things that have happened, in these last 4 years, so many Beloveds of Humanity won’t watch the Mainstream Media ever again. They have found their own niche, going to certain websites & podcasts for the Truth and finding meditation music that accentuates their meditations and allows them to rise up in frequency & vibration.


Beloveds, we are with you in the pursuit of the Truth. We are here with you every step of the way to expedite Ascension on your Beloved Planet. This has been in preparation for thousands upon thousands of years, Beloveds. And we are right here with you, shining our love & light into each & every heart.


Yes, the forces of evil are very wild. They are screaming loudly because their food source has dwindled up. People are not going for the lies, and now you are feeling more of the love & support of the universe pouring in through the crown of your head, through your energy fields, and all of these higher light encodements are of such high frequency & vibration.


Beloveds, you are, at this moment, where so much of the Truth is coming out. You see the black magic making an inverted reality on your Beloved Planet. That black magic is being taken apart fractal by fractal, all of its curses & spells, its tricks, lies, and deceptions. All of its laughing at the misery of others. It is being exposed for the cowardliness, intimidation, and weakness of these members of the Cabal because they have been lied to, they have been conned into living a lifestyle that has absolutely no integrity.


Beloveds, you have awakened and many, many more are set to awaken during this Event of the Truth. If you have had Beloveds who you have been praying for to wake up. Perhaps this will be their moment of Truth. Perhaps they will understand when they feel these high vibrations of the 5th Dimension shooting into their hearts, into their minds. Allowing them to let go of all of the fear, and making them whole in the Now moment with all of the rest of Humanity that are opening up their hearts. It takes the intentional requirement of going for the light, of being the Truth, of the love & light that you are, Beloveds.


And this is the reason why each & every one of you has come into this lifetime. It is just with you on this call, you have been awakened for quite some time, and you have committed to doing these meditations with us. We honor you. We love you ever so much. We are shining our lovelight into your hearts every moment, Beloveds.


We love you. We honor you. Namaste and now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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