Sunday, June 23, 2024

6-19-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-19-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this conference call, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, yes, we are shining our love & light into your hearts, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, lifting you up in frequency & vibration, Beloveds, because yes, it is time to remember who you truly are, and for you to start hooking up the dots for yourself, as more & more of the Truth comes out, and these events transpire, where this Cabal will be revealed for the heinous nature of their belief systems, of their control systems over Humanity, how they have done it, how they have cheated & lied, deceived, & stolen time & time again to make sure that they would control you on this Beloved Planet.


But now that control has evaporated, Beloveds. Yes, there is the illusion that they are still in control because of their titles and offices. But their money supply and their central banking system has run aground. They are not powerful any longer. They have run the course of their manipulation because you have done the work. You have made sure that Humanity has raised the level of its frequency & vibration in such an integrated way, integrating with these higher light encodements that have been streaming in to balance the energies on Beloved Mother Gaia in such a way, that you are creating this bridge onto the 5th Dimensional Timeline. You are empowering yourself with all of your intentional requirements to rise up in frequency & vibration.


You are letting go of all of your negative programming because you know it’s all based in fear & separation, and that all fear is a lie. Love is the Truth of all of Creation. Love is the inspiration, the driving force behind all of Creation, Beloveds. You are a manifestation of that, in your meditations, in your intentional requirements, in the embodiment of consciousness of the divinity of who you are as a conduit into the godhead.


Beloveds, we honor you. All of us Mentors on the ships. We know that we couldn’t have done this without you. We would have never gotten to this place this quickly if we hadn’t had all of you starseeds working as One with us, working as our ground crew. You have been the guiding force in all that has transpired to bring Humanity, once again back into the light, back again into the 5th Dimension where you can have this Ascension en masse event.


Now it won’t happen all at once, but it will happen in such a way that you will be very grateful because it will give you a chance to play out your role as teachers, energy workers, and correspondents of the light. This is a very miraculous time on your Beloved Planet. Yes, you are going through this bumpy road that has already started. Soon that bumpy road will be smoothed out, Beloveds. And you will get on with the real work of why you are here, to bring Beloved Mother Gaia into the light, into this new 5th Dimensional Timeline where the balance on Beloved Mother Gaia will shift in frequency & vibration because of the higher dimensions. And you will feel all of these attributes of being in the 5th Dimension continuously.


We love you ever so much. Namaste. Goodnight. And now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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