Sunday, September 22, 2024

9-18-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-18-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this conference call, once again, with you all tonight.


Beloveds, do not let your minds confuse you. Remember you have all been imprinted with 3-D Matrix mind control programming, but now is the time to rise up in frequency & vibration. Yes, your hearts are opening. Your hearts at times feel this unmistakable feeling of joy, even though you know that you are soon to come into days of tests & challenges to remove the old control structures of this Cabal, to completely take them apart, fractalize them, and disincorporate this 3-D Matrix and all of its negative mind control programming, to bring in the new systems that will enable you to rise up in frequency & vibration into the 5th Dimension & beyond.


Beloveds, what you truly yearn for by having been imprinted with negative programming, is this feeling of joy, allowing yourself to rise up in frequency & vibration into the 5th Dimension and beyond. This is the Truth of who you really are, these high frequencies of love & light.


What you have started, Beloveds, cannot be stopped. You cannot return to being in the density of the 3rd Dimension. It is a low frequency & vibration, and it suits the agendas and ulterior motives of this Cabal. But you have answered the call & rose up in frequency & vibration & you continue to do so.


Beloveds, we are doing this mission as One consciousness with you of bringing in unconditional/universal love and shining it into your collective consciousness, to transmit to all of Humanity the power of love. And yes, as Maria says, you have already won, but now is where the very interesting part comes in, Beloveds, because you are going to see how you are going to take apart the control structure of the 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming piece by piece and fractalize and disincorporate it.


You are doing this already with these major revelations of the Truth coming about. There is so much transpiring on your Planet, at this time. And this is the way it needs to be for all of Humanity to take note of these gargantuan changes on your Planet to make choices that enrich your lifestyle, Beloveds.


This is the first time in your lifetime that the Truth is coming out in waves and where the lies are transparent, as the Cabal’s narrative tries to keep you on your 3-D Matrix negative mind control imprint. But Beloveds, you have the power of choice. You always had it. It’s just that now so much of the Truth has been revealed that you are also using your ability to express courage to open up your heart, to expand your consciousness, and to radiate this love & light to raise the level of the collective consciousness of Humanity.


This is what your mission has been, Beloveds as the ground crew to radiate this love & light. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses, Beloveds. They are of high frequency of color, sound, & light. They symbolize us being in mission together, to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, and to free you and all of Humanity from being enslaved by the lies, tricks, & deceptions of this Cabal.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.

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