Friday, May 19, 2023

5-17-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-17-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, yes, the light of love is shining so brightly from all over the cosmos through the Galactic Center, into each and every one of your energy fields, into your hearts, all throughout and down through your central column of energy, your soul energy, and you are radiating these high frequencies of love and light, and shining them forth into the collective consciousness, whether you are aware consciously of this or not, Beloveds.


This energy dynamic is all pervasive on your planet right now, because as more and more increments of the truth come out, this dynamic flow toward ascension into the Fifth Dimension cannot be stopped. We have been telling you this for quite some time, but now we feel, that you are feeling this dynamic in a very powerful way, that you have not been feeling it before.


You have gone through these markers in your calendar year already of an equinox, of these eclipses, of these double-digit days on your calendar, of astrological alignments that have been very powerful; and you have just come out of a Mercury retrograde, which was one of the strongest that has ever happened on your Beloved planet.


Beloveds, more and more of the truth is necessary to come out, to enable humanity to see the dynamics of the corruption of this cabal, and to see the dynamics of satanism. Because they are becoming glaringly obvious to those of you on your Beloved planet, to your Beloved Star seeds that are paying attention, and yes, you have been awakened, and you have been paying attention to all of the different parts of this process to enable ascension, It continues to become stronger and stronger.


This dynamic of the truth being revealed, and seeing how all of the different strategies, these movements on the Fifth Dimensional chessboard have been made, that have led up to this Now Moment, where you feel that this 3D matrix control system is falling apart. Because the love and light of all of creation is being shined upon it, to fractalize it, and disincorporate it.


Its lies, deceptions, tricks, and black magic, its narcissism, its arrogance, its contempt for your Beloved DNA, and for life itself will no longer be tolerated, Beloveds. This is what you have enabled with your meditations, with this feeling of unity in your hearts. It cannot be stopped.


Victory of the light is happening over evil, Beloveds. You are here to enable it with us as the ground crew. We love you ever so much, and now my Beloved Sananda, my Twin Soul, will come in. Namaste, Beloveds, and Goodnight.

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