Saturday, May 27, 2023

5-24-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-24-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda.


I too, along with all of the mentors, shine our love and light into each and every one of your hearts. Beloveds, it takes courage to know, and to admit, when you have been lied to, when you have been conned by those who you thought had your highest and best interests at heart.


Because the more and more of the truth that is coming out. You are being shown, that all of the institutions of humanity, all over your Beloved planet, are so very corrupted. They are designed in with all of their intricacies to keep you tied down into these low frequencies and vibrations. So that your energies will feed these controllers of humanity, which are these beings who comprise all of the factions of this satanic cabal.


They have used their lies, tricks, and deceptions against humanity with their ritual sacrifices, with all of their manipulations engendered from the black magic, that has manifested from artificial intelligence, and underworld power sources.


Beloveds, in each and every Now Moment, the power of love grows greater on your planet, and we are here with you feeling this oneness, shining our love and light continuously into your high heart centers, calling forth all of your chakras to be spinning in unison, in this unified chakra effect, to bring about this transformation, by having all of your power centers within the totality of your being activated, to enable you to be ready once you rise up in frequency and vibration, during this Event of the Truth, to empower ascension in mass on your Beloved planet, to enable humanity to once again activate your original Adman Kadmon blueprinting.


This is very necessary, Beloveds, for all of you to be able to achieve ascension en masse on your Beloved planet, and to create this new Fifth Dimensional society, that preserves the integrity of this timeline of being in little or no polarity, of creating new systems of society to empower humanity in such a way that there is harmony. And all of the higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension are called forth, in each and every moment of your existence.


Beloveds, we ask you to prepare your meditations for your new reality. It is here already in the higher dimensions, which so many Beloved beings who are on the other side have been working to bring about flawlessly.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your heart centers. They are a symbol of us being in mission together in their high vibrations and frequencies, in their colors and sound spectrums.


Beloveds, we are one, and we are radiating the power of love all throughout Beloved Mother Gaia, to expedite this Event of the Truth in each and every Now Moment. And from then on, your reality becomes ever so much lighter, and you feel this power of love exponentially to such a great degree. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.

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