Saturday, May 27, 2023

5-24-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-24-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you again on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds, once again all of us mentors are shining our love and light into your high heart centers. We honor you, Beloveds, for all of your clearing work, for all of your meditations that you do, for seeing the light and being the love and light that you are, and transmitting it with your words, transmitting your feelings of calling forth this ascension on your Beloved planet, with allowing yourself to radiate these high frequencies of love and light, to help awaken other Beloveds who have still been manipulated into feeling fear and separation, into thinking that they are alone and powerless.


Beloveds, with these higher light encodements streaming in in every moment onto your Beloved planet, you are so vitally empowered at this time, when you make your conscious commitment to ascend, to rise up in frequency and vibration. This is what has enabled you to be in this Now Moment, where more and more of the truth is coming about. This truth is so very necessary to show the level of corruption, which humanity is becoming increasingly aware of, because they hear what the evidence is. They hear the alternative narrative of the Beloveds, who are challenging the Third Dimensional matrix control system enshrined in the institutions of government, and businesses, all throughout humanity.


They are realizing that the truth has a feeling. The truth is powerful because the truth is connected to love and light that is the core essence of humanity’s being. All living beings on your planet, all throughout creation, have sprung forth from the consciousness of creator source. This is the message of universal laws, of the Law of One.


When humanity wakes up to this transmission, by integrating and choosing the light, during this Event of the Truth. We are calling forth humanity to feel this Oneness, this compassion, to empower all living beings, all of humanity in the Now Moment, when this Event of the Truth happens, to truly be the love and light that you are, to make choices that empower you, to open up your minds and hearts to all of the possibilities of you being connected into Creator Source, in every Now Moment from there on, all throughout eternity.


Yes, you are winning this war of light over evil, Beloveds. We see it. We feel it all over your Beloved planet. Now, you are at this time, when the vibration, the speed of this process is being incrementally increased, to lead up to this Event of the Truth, and once it does the floodgates will be open.


You will exercise your free will, to radiate your love and light, to empower all of your Beloved brothers and sisters, and all Beloved beings on your planet. We see this happening in the higher dimensions in this Now Moment.


Beloveds, we honor you ever so much for all you do, for answering the call to be here at this time, to bring about ascension for Beloved Mother Gaia and all living beings on her planet.


Namaste, Beloveds and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

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