Thursday, February 28, 2019

2-27-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

2-27-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to be on this call with you tonight. And yes, there is an air of eagerness, of excitement and fulfillment as we speak. Because yes, it seems like every moment the energy rises and intensifies in vibration. And it brings this wonderful Gift of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into your hearts more and more. 

And now, just taking a long, deep, slow breath into your hearts, allowing yourselves to relax and to feel this Freedom, this Satisfaction, this Feeling of Fulfillment of being in this Now Moment, and the Oneness with all of us, with Creator Source. And allowing yourself to feel the Essence of your Being, which is Love and Light, by breathing into the Heart Center. Ah, yes, and sending it around your Beloved Circle one more time here, around and through.

Yes, we would say it’s been such a very long, really difficult at some stages of it, very dense energy that you have been clearing on your Beloved Planet, so that once again you could evolve spiritually at a very significant level. And that is what we see happening right now. And it’s with every breath you are taking, the opportunity to rise up in vibration, and to send this LoveLight all over your Beloved Planet, so you can raise the level of the vibration in the Collective Consciousness, and raise the level of Conscious Awareness, so that all of these Beloved Beings who came in, and everybody did, with the awareness that this would be the Ascension Lifetime, because of all of the different energies and the ending of this cycle. And so you have done it. You’ve passed the marker, and now you’re fully hitting the bull’s eye, being on course to accelerate your Ascension Process.
And just breathing into it, and allowing yourself to feel this as your high-water mark and giving the Conscious Intent to stay here and not come down from this level of vibration. Because can’t you feel Love? Can’t you feel supported by all of the energies of the Universe right now? We would say that is how much the level of your vibration has risen in this Now Moment, where these deceits and lies, of ownership, of programming you to feel unworthy, unless you had certain accouterments in your lives, a certain amount of money coming in, a certain level of affluence, that the programming was set up for you to judge yourselves, and not really see yourselves as being a part of Creator Source, as being a part of God, of the Godhead. And that is exactly what you are. And by breathing into your hearts and letting go, you can feel this, and you can feel the Bliss of this Energy coming in and expanding. Every time you breathe into your Heart Center and radiate it out, it expands the consciousness, raises the level of the consciousness for everyone. 

And we know, we keep on saying this, you will feel so much better if you allow yourself to remember this, to remember how it feels right now, and to give yourselves this Consciousness Requirement to keep it at this level. Ok? Because you will find that the things that you used to struggle with, and how it was so tedious to make a decision sometimes, because of the nature of duality feeding you so many different conflicting thoughts some of the times. But now you are able to be so heart centered, and so much in surrender in the flow in the Energy of these high vibrations, that your connection with your I AM Presence, with your Guides, angels and Ascended Masters will be so much stronger. And they are so much easier for you to feel than ever before on this Beloved Planet.

So, we say to you, you are with us all of the time. We see what you’re going through. And we see your commitment. We see your Love really shining forth in this Now Moment. And we say to you, we love you far beyond verbal expression.

Namaste Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and good night.

2-27-2019 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-27-2019 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it is our pleasure to welcome you in the Communion of our Hearts on this very pivotal night in this Now Moment. Because maybe you can feel the energies and observe them to be so very strong right now on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, they’ve been coming in, in these real-high vibrations for, oh, a few weeks now, we would say. And they’re not going to cut back in their strength and potency, not one iota. Because we’re not done with bringing this whole Mission to completion. And that is to bring in the 5th Dimension to prepare each and every one of you on your Beloved Planet for your Ascensions, because yes, you have earned it. And Heaven has decreed that you will be supported in every way to bring this about.
So, it’s getting really exciting! Because we see things moving in that direction at a frequency of high-dimensional Love and Light that really hasn’t happened before on your planet. And you know where this leads, because this creates this mushroom or snowball-type effect that will push you into that saturation point. And that’s when it gets really interesting. 

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw to you, and you reaching out to somebody else for their hand to send the energy. Breathing into your Heart Center. And sending it out through your left palm, around the circle and feeling it come back into your right palm and into your Heart Center. And just breathing into your Heart Center and allowing yourself to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet at the Speed of Thought to go into the atmospheres, rising on up into the layers of the ships and coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. 

And I’m opening up the landing deck here and we’re going to pop on through hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevators here. And we’re all getting into the middle one here, and we are rising on up as soon as I push this button. We’re all in, unbroken circle, pushing the button, rising on up to the top floor. Ah, such a smooth ride. 

And here, we’re at our destination. We’re opening up the doors, and we’re coming through all at the same time. And there are so many Beloveds awaiting us, the Mentors, angels and Ascended Masters, the archangels, and beings from the ships, and of course, some of your ancestors and possibly an incarnation of you in past lives. And you may be feeling their touch, the hair standing up on the back of your neck, or maybe even a song that lets you know that someone is really sending you the LoveLight and very happy to be here with you to do this Meditation. 

Ah, yes, just breathing into the Heart Center and allowing ourselves to establish our circle around the table in the middle of our Beloved Crystal Healing Room, and us forming the inner circle. And around us the Beloved Mentors, and around them various layers of Ascended Masters, archangels, the beings from the ships, your ancestors. So now the room is pretty full.  There’s a lot of us here.

And sending the energy again through the left palm around the circle and feeling it come back into your right palm, into your Heart Center and sending it around to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, around and through in a spiral, and feeling all of the different dimensions of reality represented here. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to relax, to be in this Now Moment, and feel the Power of these high-vibe energies coming in. Because yes, we are getting blasted by this Photon Energy coming through from the Galactic Center into your Beloved Solar Sun and in the atmosphere. And it catches us too while we are way up, circling around your Beloved Planet. 

And now breathing in our Intentions for what we personally want to accomplish and achieve with our Intentional Requirements in this Meditation tonight. And shining it into the Master Crystal setting on the altar in the middle of our room here. And breathing into it and feeling this high-vibrational Love. And such Gratitude and Forgiveness to keep us very well connected with Creator Source and into this Now Moment. Because of course, that’s where the Power is allowing ourselves to be at Zero Point.

And now, we require, yes, Peace on your Beloved Planet. We require the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your Beloved Planet to be at Peace, to feel the warmth, the tenderness, the compassion Creator Source has for them and to let go of all of that fear. 

Because, yes, this has been a hologram that all of us created within the Collective Consciousness. We all gave permission to experience it on your Beloved Planet the way that we have, & for me in past lifetimes. But I was playing out the Mission, the same Mission that I am with you right now back then. And it’s really all about healing and staying in high vibration. So once again, we would anchor in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.
But of course, with what we’ve gone through in testing these densities of duality in these last 13,000 years, it’s a whole different point of reference that we have. And the energies have been affected by that, because we have had to play through duality the way that we have. And we’ve changed our perceptions and around that, the energy has changed. 

And now, just breathing, all of us together, breathing into this Master Crystal and sending this LoveLight through the opening in the ceiling of the Beloved Nibiru and down onto your planet, this wonderful blue orb of Mama Gaia Energy. And now spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface, and underneath the surface to the middle of your Beloved Planet in a very big spiral, all up, down, around and through, energizing your Beloved Planet with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 

And shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloveds on your planet, instilling within them the fervor & passion for their liberation, their freedom, their growing in the Love and Light of who they really are and remembering who they really are in this Now Moment. And enabling all of us on this planet, and we’re with you right now, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloveds, and knowing they have the Power to affect this Saturation Point and bring it in.

And then there’s never any going back to having the feeling that you are trapped by duality. Because this is our Point of Separation, our Point of Graduation from the rigors of testing that density of duality and being used as slaves to carry out a survival dynamic, which did not serve us very well. 

And just spiraling this energy from the atmosphere to the surface and all underneath the surface into those crystal caves of the Beloved Beings who live underneath your surface, all up, down, and around and through. And feeling the level of the vibration rise and the frequency of this LoveLight speed up. And pushing all of these polarities by the wayside, raising us up into the 5th Dimension and beyond, here in this Now Moment.
And now, going over to Washington, D.C., and shining this LoveLight from the atmosphere, to the surface and underneath the surface in this wide-ranging area, that encompasses all of the alphabet agencies, the White House, the Congress, and all of the offices of the Beloved Politicians, all up, down and around and through, shining this LoveLight into each and every one of their hearts, all of these players in Washington, D.C., that have been loyal to this United States Corporation.

Well, that’s all changing, because we see your Republic coming back the way that Beloved St. Germain envisioned it. And so this is a big part of our Mission for these Announcements to transpire, that will do that in this Now Moment. And feeling the Joy, the Happiness, the Bliss of Freedom, of the preservation of all of our integrities, of being really in surrender to this Mission of raising the level of the vibration for all of Creation. 

And now, venturing to Mexico and going down underneath the surface into the elevators here, entering into these tunnels. And now in a clockwise direction, spinning this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy all up, down, around and through, in a horizontal manner to completely scour all of the energy in these Beloved Underground Networks that funnel into one another, and create this dynamic of all of the underground bases, being connected to one another, so the Precious Contents can be moved around whenever the need arises.

Because to this Cabal, it has been all about deceptions, slight of hand, playing the shell game, manipulating a Rubik’s Cube, if you will. And they’ve been able to do this to some degree, but now we would say that the jig is up, and the Truth is being known all over your Beloved Planet. And one of the Truths that is manifesting is that this Cabal has done some very dark, heinous things in relationship to their religion and the ritualistic practices of their religion, that have involved taking advantage of very young children. And so, pedophilia must be stopped. It is against the nature of your DNA, and we see that transpiring as we speak. And we’re very happy about this, because everyone should be allowed to fulfill their birthrights when they come into this Beloved Planet. 

But that hasn’t been the case for a lot of the Beloved Beings. They have had to have as their Soul Contracts, and they did this voluntarily, by the way. So to us, they are very Special Beings, so full of bravery and courage. We honor them with all of our Love and Compassion. And we say to all of you on your Beloved Planet, we are One. And even those, who have been the perpetrators of these very dark deeds, we are all children of the Creator.
And we say that the time is so very right for all of us to be in the Light and enjoy the journey that we have taken to get to this place of rising up into the 5th Dimension. Because yes, the Truth is that this is a very special time, not just on your Beloved Planet, but in all of Creation, because you rising up, of course, affects all of Creation to raise the level of their vibration. 

So, we have been championing the cause of you all, realizing who you really are. Because then, it makes it a bit easier, we would say, to accept the responsibility for living a heart-centered life, because then you start to realize really what is at stake, and how badly you want an improvement, not just for yourselves, but for all of the people that you love on this Beloved Planet and of course, Beloved Mother Gaia Herself. 

And yes, she is basically already ascended as we talk, because she is firmly in the 5th Dimension but she won’t be leaving anytime soon, pretty soon through, we would say, until there’s a balance with you all being aware and integrated into the protocols of living in the 5th Dimension and beyond on your Beloved Planet. And then the time will be right for you to be the stewards of this Beloved Planet.

But until then, we’re still very much all One with one another, Gaia herself also. And she has been such a very important part of this Mission, of this Meditation for your Beloved Planet to rise up into the 5th Dimension, and for Ascension to allow her to become part of this Galactic Federation as a very important piece of liberation and manifestation of Creator Source and fulfilling all of the promises to you with this Divine Decree. 

And we are saying to all of the Beloved Beings down in these underground chambers, “We love you so very much. We honor you, and anyone who is still having a problem of transitioning. We see that there’s a few here. We’re calling in your angels, your Guidance Team, and your Ascended Masters and your I AM Presence, of course, to help you across the Bridge of Flowers to get over to the other side. Because, yes, you have done your work. You can be very happy, that you are going back Home, because everybody wants to see you there.”
So Beloveds, we say to you we love you so very much for all of the sacrifices, all of your meditations, prayers that have been a big part of clearing all of these negative programs and lower vibrations from the four bodies of your being. 

We honor you, and we say Namaste and good night. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

2-20-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

2-20-19 Mary Magdalene  by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to be here tonight. And yes, we can feel your hearts rise up in vibration while doing this Meditation. And yes, we were so joined with you as your raise the level of your vibration. And you bring in these very wonderful energies of the LoveLight into your Beloved Planet, to multiply them, to raise the level of the vibration for all the Beloved Beings, for the kingdoms of your planet, and for yourselves, to make it so much easier for you to focus and bring in this clarity about where you are in your Meditations in this Now Moment. 

Because yes, you have been doing the work for such a long time, and you are starting to see some very wonderful results on your planet. And you’re starting to hear this feeling of people, that maybe you don’t even know, have an awareness of what is really going on your Beloved Planet. Because yes, nobody is buying the fact that a fire could melt a car the way that it did in California this past Fall, last year. 

And so many other things, because of what is transpiring on the stage in your Beloved United States, and how, all of a sudden, some of the major players are being taken off the stage, like your John McCain and Papa Bush. And we see so many others who have been interred, who are standing in their Moment of Truth and having to face the repercussions of what they have been creating for themselves, while they have been living such a very privileged life and taking advantage of so many while doing the work of this higher-level cabal.

Because, yes, you must have an understanding that so many of the people are only low-level minions of these less-than-one-percenters. But they have been paid off.  They have been shifted around in their integrity and bought by this high-level cabal to do their dirty work. And now they are seeing that the price that they’re having to pay really wasn’t worth it. And so some of them are telling the Truth as they know it.

But if you could think of the whole creation of the energy dynamics of this cabal as being a Rubik’s Cube, and so many levels of lies and deceptions, then we say that you are having an accurate picture of what has transpired throughout the ages, where you have been coming back lifetime after lifetime to bring this planet back into the Light, and back up into the 5th Dimension, where the Light can thrive once again.

And you evolved so exponentially high, spiritually, to take you up into these higher dimensions, to do various Missions even on other Beloved Planets. Ah, yes, this is a wonderful time on your planet. And we are so very happy to see that you are thriving in these energies, because you are starting to know that even though you may be tested with health concerns, or finances, or the anger of your Beloved Children, and worrying about how they will survive, how they will thrive in these new higher vibrations, that are coming into your Beloved Planet, that you feel this Love in your hearts, supporting you, nurturing you, through us and all of the Beloved Beings on the ships from all over Creation. 

We say to you once again, we are all One. We want the best for you, because we want the best for ourselves. And just because Mother Sekhmet and the Mentors and I are Ascended Masters, we still have our Missions. And we wouldn’t be able to do our Missions without you, and your Love, and your dedication. And we do not consider ourselves to be above you. We consider ourselves to be Wayshowers on a different level. And we are so very happy that you are working with us in these Meditations in your own prayers, exercises and meditations each and every day, to stay centered and focused in the Love and Light that you are.

We love you so very much, far beyond any verbal expression that we can make.  We say to you Namaste. Thank you so very much and good night.

2-20-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-20-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it is our great pleasure to be with you tonight. Ah, yes, we can feel these energies ever escalating to take us to new and wonderful places in our Mission. Because the higher that we rise in vibration each and every moment of the day, the more this energy attracts other Beloved Souls into raising the level of their vibration and to awakening to the fact that they are much more than they have been told that they are. And that it is up to them to increase and multiply these energies, so that they can feel better and more connected to Creator Source. Because something is stirring within them that is telling them, that is nudging them in the direction of raising the level of their vibration to feel this connection within the four bodies of their being that allow them to connect to Creator Course. And by them doing so, that it’s going to help other people raise the level of their vibration not only with themselves but all over your Beloved Planet.

And, you know, this in essence, has been the crux of the reason why we do these Meditations to raise the level of the vibration. And yes, since this super blood full moon eclipse and it has been a progression of all of these different eclipses, equinoxes, solstices, portals and gateways opening up in sequence, one rising above the other and the amount of energy that comes in each and every time and the waves that are peaking of this photon energy coming into your Beloved Planet that truly give you the resolve to bring your Mission, your individual journey in this lifetime, to this place of realization. And that means being Ascension ready. Because all the ones that you have done in this Beloved Lifetime has helped you to bring you to this place where the LoveLight in so very dominant on your Beloved Planet.

And once you all reach that tipping point or saturation point, then the Beloved Cosmic Blast will come in and allow yourselves to make the connections with the higher aspects of your Being, so that this will all really start to make sense with you. And you will know that these low-vibrational characters that have been pretty much absconding and taking over your Beloved Planet for all of these years, that they are out of there, that they no longer hold the leverage over you like they did when you first came into this lifetime. And this is so very wonderful for us to see the energies coming into your planet and also all of you Beloveds doing the work, raising the level of the vibration. 

So now, let us join together, me bilocating my paw to you and please, you will reach out to somebody else on the call. And joining together, breathing into the Heart Center, sending it out through your left palm, sending it around the circle, returning it again into your right palm and through your Heart Center, breathing into the Heart Center. 

And with the Power of our Thoughts, raising yourself up off of the surface of your planet and up into the atmospheres. And rising up through the layers of ships and coming to my ship, the Nibiru. And I’m opening up remotely the landing deck to my Beloved Ship, and we’re popping through it, hovering in the airlock as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now we’re safe to touch down.
And we’re walking back to the elevator, and we’re getting in all at once.  The size of the elevator accommodates us so wonderfully. It’s a little bit of magic. And we’re rising on up very quickly into the top of my Beloved Ship where my Crystal Room of Healing, where the doors open up and we pop on through. And we see all the Beloveds here waiting for us and sending us the acknowledgement that they’re happy to see us.

And yes, you may feel your ancestors here and you in a previous incarnation make some sort of contact, whether it be a little touch, a tickle, a song, just to let you know that they are all here, and they are with you. And they’re really happy that we’re doing all of this altogether with the Mentors, with all of the Beloveds from the ships that are assembled here to raise the level of the vibration and carry out the Intentions in this Meditation one more time.

And now assembling ourselves in the middle of the Crystal Room and around the Crystal Altar. And around us the Mentors are assembling, and around them all of the Beloved Beings from the ships, other angels, archangels and Ascended Masters,& your ancestors. And once again forming our circles and sending the LoveLight from the Heart Center out to the left palm, around the circle into the right palm and to the heart and out to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy from the floor, the walls, to the ceiling, taking in all of the essences of these high-vibe, interdimensional, higher-dimensional energies from all over Creator-Source that are represented here in the Crystal Room.

And feeling it come back into our hearts so multiplied and higher in vibration now. And sending your own personal Intentions by focusing on this Master Crystal on the altar here, whether it be personal relationships, health-related matters, financial, prosperity that you want to see for yourself or sending the LoveLight into your Beloved Children or your spouses or any Beloved Beings in your life. Just feeling it, sending it into the Master Crystal here. 

And our Intention is the acceleration of all of the different steps of the Plan to come into fruition for us to experience this data drop where the Truth will become so much of a factor in taking down this cabal. And we see that we’re on the precipice of this becoming a reality.

So, just shining this LoveLight into the Master Crystal with that Intention for the revelations to come about, about the beauty of the Truth as we on the ships have seen it transpire over the centuries, over the millennia that you have been testing the density of duality on your Beloved Planet. And just breathing into it. And now shooting this LoveLight, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy through the tip of the Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of this Crystal Healing Room and shooting it down onto your Beloved Planet and us following it down there.
And spiraling this energy all from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet; affecting all of the subatomic particles, raising the level of that vibration with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And just breathing into it and seeing it take on a life of its own, because it enters the hearts of all of the Beloveds on your planet through their unconsciousness, their subconsciousness. 

And the ones that have been awoken, maybe will get a little nudge at this point and with an understanding that yet again the level of the vibration is rising for them.  And that is just a further indication that their Intentions, that their Free Will Choice to raise the level of the vibration on this Beloved Planet is manifesting once again right inside, within the four bodies of their being, and that they can see the dominance of the LoveLight on your planet taking shape.

And transmitting this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds, whether they be children, or the elderly, or middle age, or young adults, teenagers, with the Intention of helping them to wake up in the Truth of who they really are within the four bodies of their being; and how, yes, they are part of this Godhead, each and every one of them, all children of the Creator-Source. And how each and every person on your Beloved Planet has this Power to raise the level of the vibration with their thoughts, actions and words within these four bodies, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of their being. 

And rising on up into the 5th Dimension and beyond all the way to the 12th, feeling that power be multiplied with the Intention of Liberation for your Beloved Planet, for the announcements of NESARA to happen. And all of the Beloved Cabal players, these bad actors to be taken off the stage, so they can sort it out for themselves in another timeline, if that is their choice, if they don’t want to come to the Light.

And now, going into this place of the Vatican where so much negative energy is still being congealed with all of the secrets that this center of mass manipulation of the cabal has engendered over the years. And from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface into the catacombs there, where these secrets are hidden away in these dark, dungeon-like areas, spiraling this LoveLight up, down, around and through with the conscious Intention that all of the Beloved Players, they are not judged.

And they could come to the Light; and for them just to give up these secrets into the Light with the Intention of Unconditional, Universal Love for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and all throughout Creation to raise the level of the vibration, and that there’s nothing more to protect for them. There’s no reason to want to control anybody or to amass huge amounts of wealth, that it is detrimental to each and every one of them and their own personal journeys at this time. 

And now, traveling over into Mexico, and going into the elevators, going into this underground network that starts in Mexico, goes all through the United States and into Canada. And shining horizontally the spiral of the LoveLight all up, down, and around and through into the honeycomb chambers of the secret installations; these bases, some of them military and some of them more caches of wealth, of hidden technologies that are way, way advanced, or spas where these secret, very dark rituals have taken place for so many years on your planet.
And shining this light of exposure of the recognition of bringing the Truth to each and every subatomic particle down there in this network of the tunnels.  Shining it all in a spiral, up, down, around and through back and forth, over and over again. 

Shining this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds, who have been made into slaves to serve this dark cabal, and some of them just used in ritual sacrifices, others to take care of these installations, and some of them, who are the controllers of these bases, shining the LoveLight into each and every one of them to change the dynamics of what each and every one of them has been operating on.

Because for some of the people, who have been kept there against their will, they have been filled with doom and gloom. But we say to each and every one of them that they are special, that they have done the yeoman’s work in bringing transparency about onto your Beloved Planet.

Because now everyone is waking up and seeing the dynamics of pedophilia, that this cabal has used to keep themselves, you would say, in fine fettle in a very dark way, by feeding off of their energies in a very heinous manner.  And those days are vastly numbered.
Every time we shine this LoveLight on the plight of these Beloveds kept there against their Will, fulfilling their Soul Contracts, the level of the vibration rises higher and higher. And we get so much closer to exposing the cabal and to generating so much public opinion against them, to remove them from these underground bases.

And we say to each and every one of these Beloveds, whether they be children, or very old people, who have served there most of their lives, or young teenagers that, “We love you so very much. You are honored by us for your sacrifices, for the fulfillment of your Soul Contracts.” 

And all of the Beloveds who have yet to journey on over back home to the other side, “We’re sending in right now all of your I Am Presences, your guidance teams, to help you make this journey. And lifting you up on the wings of this LoveLight, jettisoning you from these underground bases, up into the ethers here, across the Bridge of Flowers, and to be back home, where you are celebrated, and where you will realize your Ascensions.”

And we say to each and every one of you on this call, we love you so very much. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the sacrifices that you have made and endured in your journeys, and your dedication to raising the level of the LoveLight with your thoughts, words, actions, prayers, meditations and exercises.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

2-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it our distinct pleasure to be with you on this conference call.  And what a marvelous time it is because, yes, the LoveLight is so dominant! And tomorrow is this day that is a holiday in celebration of the phenomenon of romantic Love.

Well, we think that it’s more than that though. We take it in terms of the ability to Love. And yes, we’re talking about Unconditional, Universal Love to enable all of you on your Beloved Planet to rise up into the higher vibrations, into the higher dimensions of reality and make the difference that you came into this lifetime to ascend to. 

And yes, it is all about Ascension for you, Beloved Souls. Because so many times you’ve been on this planet around the Wheel of Karma. And in your various incarnations, some of them were more challenging than others, because in some lifetimes there was a bit of balancing, what you have learned in previous lifetimes. 

But this lifetime for all of you, that came in with Soul Contracts to be teachers, to be Wayshowers, and that’s what we see of everyone on this call, it has been quite a challenge. And not only in terms of yourself but in dealing with family dynamics, with helping Beloved Friends, because you possess this Gift of balancing the energies.
And some of you are very empathic and that is really sought after when people are in extreme amounts of trauma and pain. And some people have been abused and misused and are playing out very heavy karma from past lives. 

And you may not have such a full comprehension of the Soul Contracts that you’ve had with these people, and how your interactions have enabled them to have a place of balance, a place of steadiness, & a place of illumination many a time when they have interacted with you. And this is a Gift that cannot be understated in this particular lifetime. Because yes, this time frame is of the Ascension.

So let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one you.  And then with your other hand, reaching it out to somebody on this call. Breathing into the Heart Center and sending it out through the left palm, around the circle. Bringing it into the right palm and up to your heart once again and breathing into the heart. 

And with the Power of our Thoughts, allowing ourselves to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up into the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. And yes, opening up the landing deck in the underbelly here. 

And now, popping through it, hovering in the airlock while it closes beneath us. And now touching down and walking on back to the elevators. And all of us getting in at the same time with our circle intact. And pushing a button here as the doors close. And going right on up really quickly to this top floor where the Crystal Healing Room is. 

And now opening up the doors and popping right on through. And, yes, seeing all the Beloved Mentors, the very high-vibe beings from the ships, all part of the Ashtar Command, other Beloved Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters from all over the Cosmos, as well as your Beloved Ancestors, some of which may be you, of course. 

And perhaps you’re feeling like a feather on the back of your neck, or the warmth of a touch, or music playing all of a sudden in your mind. And they’re just telling you that, “Yeah, we’re with you. We’re doing this work with you, and we’re so glad that we’re all together right now. And yes, we are. We feel that way about all of us too.”

So, assembling our circle around our Beloved Altar in the middle of this gigantic room that is made all out of crystals. And the altar is too. And sitting on top of this alter is a huge crystal with very potent powers, as you have witnessed in all of these meditations. And assembling around it in our inner circle, and the Mentors circling around us and all of the Beloved Beings in the outer circles around the Mentors. 

And sending this energy from our hearts to the left palm and around the circle and to the outer circles from the floor to the walls to the ceilings, spiraling it, multiplying these high-vibe, higher-dimensional energies up, down, around and through in this spiral. These waves of Light glistening and becoming more prominent in high vibrations, taking in all of these higher dimensions from beyond your Solar System to all corners of Creation. And just breathing into it, feeling it go up, down, around and through again and again. 

And allowing yourselves to relax into these feelings of high vibration. And shining your Intentions into the Master Crystal for what you would want to create in this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, having to do with relationships, health-related concerns. Just bringing in more of the LoveLight each and every moment of your lives now. And integrating it more and more. Just breathing into it. 

And we, the Mentors, we intentionally require that these different components of the Plan, that they pick up Speed and Power. And that the Beloved High Energies align them in such a way that Rhythm, Timing and Synchronicity is felt all over your Beloved Planet for bringing this high-vibe reality into manifestation. And shining it into the Master Crystal. And one more time, circulating these energies all through the circles, up, down and around and through the Crystal Healing Room. 

Breathing into the Heart Center now and focusing this LoveLight from our hearts into the Master Crystal. And shooting it up through the opening in the ceiling of the Crystal Room, the ceiling of my ship, the Nibiru. And focusing it, shooting it right down on your Beloved Planet. And when it gets right above the surface of the atmosphere there, spiraling it in waves, up, down and around and through from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet into all of the subatomic particles, shining it into the DNA, by way of the Heart Center of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet and to all of the kingdoms. 

And just watching it spiral all up, down and around and through and imagining all of these hearts coming alive, feeling the seeds being planted now one more time to bolster this high-vibe energy into all of these Beloved Hearts, wearing down the resistance more and more with these high vibrations.

And seeing all of the children on this Beloved Planet and sending our LoveLight into their hearts. Because these can be very confusing times for these Beloveds who come in with such high vibration with so many dreams and desires, that they feel they must fulfill to have a meaningful lifetime, to really reach their full potential, to be in alignment with the reasons why they came in. 

And more and more, it’s going to become apparent to their Beloved Parents that they are here to show everyone the true meaning of implementing these high-vibrations of Love on your Beloved Planet in the 5th Dimension. So shining the LoveLight into each and every one of their hearts, into all of their parents, and to all of the Beloved Adults on this planet, spiraling now again, up, down, and around and through.

Ah, and sending it on over to Europe. And yes, we know that there’s a big vote coming up that has to do with Brexit. And this is really in tandem with the United States voting upon this wall. And it isn’t really just about the wall. It’s about bringing all of these different provisions of NESARA to completion. Because each and every country has requirements to fulfill. And one of the requirements for all of these European nations is Brexit. 

So shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Leaders of Europe, spiraling it up down, around and through, in high vibration, in rainbow colors, this LoveLight. And helping them to feel the Joy that is inherent upon them at this time. Because all they have to do is to feel and think with their hearts and to see all of the vast improvements that will be made by getting out of being under the thumb of this cabal.   

And now, going over to Washington, D.C., and shining the LoveLight on your Congress, in the White House, underground in all of the installations of the alphabet agencies and on the surface of the alphabet agencies too. Just breathing into it from the atmosphere to the surface in a spiral and underneath to the underground installations, up, down, around and through here, feeling this Joy and Harmony at this time in support of the Truth of who we really are. And that this is the time to support one another in the Love that we really are.

And to let go of all of the barriers that the fear of meeting the survival needs has engendered within us. And letting go of all of those negative dendrites in our energy fields, in our bio-chemistries and fully igniting this connection in the right lobe of the brain with the DNA by opening up our Heart Centers more and more and being in alignment with these high-vibe energies coming into your Beloved Planet. Just breathing into it. 

And also at this time, seeing all of these technologies that have been sequestered all around the planet. And shining the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the inventors. And some of them have passed away. Some of them are still living. And some of them only left behind their plans, and as soon as these restrictions on advanced technology are gone, their plans will be used. 

So shining the LoveLight on all of these procedures and plans that will take you into this new Golden Age where the dynamics of survival will all be met in such a pleasant way, just as they are now for us up on the ships.  Because, My Beloveds, your time has come.

And yes, some of you are going through very intense tests at this time, but we see and feel the LoveLight being there to support you more and more. So by you using your tools, making your Intentional Requirements and all of the things that got you to this point of passing the markers and making the Lovelight so dominant on your Beloved Planet, they’re really coming to your aid again and again. 

And the results are even more fantastic than they have ever been before. And really this is what it takes to reach the saturation point and flood your Beloved Planet with this photon energy from the Central Sun and the conduit that shoots through your Central Sun from all of the other Galaxies aligned in the Oneness of this Mission and this vibration to set this solar system finally free.

And now, let us go over to the United States and south of it into Mexico, and going down into the elevators. And we’re going to spin horizontally now underneath the surface into this network of the tunnels, the underground bases and places of plenty of advanced technology being sequestered in these underground bases, and certain ones, not all of them, but some of them. 

And spiraling it now from Mexico to the United States, into Canada, all up, down, around and through. Feeling the harmony of our LoveLights coming together to do this work one more time; and to shine the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloveds sequestered down here against their will, fulfilling their Soul contracts in such a marvelous way.

And we say to all them that, “Your time of liberation is fast approaching.  And we shine this LoveLight into your hearts, into your DNA, to enliven you, to inspire you to stay the course, because it just won’t be much longer now.”

And we say to you that, “Your contributions have helped so many on this Beloved Planet, because now more so than ever, the LoveLight is being shined on your plight.”

And the way this dark cabal has conducted business for many thousands of years in such a nefarious way, such a nefarious lifestyle with these dastardly deeds of ritual sacrifices to make themselves more powerful, to give themselves unfair advantage over the rest of you. And this is going to end. Because the LoveLight is dominating all of your Beloved Planet, all of the Beloved Countries. The people of these countries are starting to wake up in unison and in harmony. 

And so, yes, we see a few Beloved Souls that are afraid to cross over. So, we’re sending in their teams, their I AM Presence, and the angels to help them at this time to cross over. Just breathing into the Heart Center and shining out the LoveLight now to provide them with the support to go back home, over to the other side. Because, yes, they fulfilled their Mission and this time of their Ascension is upon them. 

And so it is, Dear Beloved Beings. We thank you. We honor you so very much for all of your contributions each and every moment while you have been on this planet, and we encourage you to stay the course and keep on shining your LoveLight. And you won’t be sorry that you did. 

Love and Light to all of you. Namaste and good night.

2-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

2-13-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is very joyful for me to be here with you this night before your Beloved St. Valentine’s Day. Ah, yes, he was a Beloved Soul. And it is so much more than just about romantic love.  

And tonight, we have this very wonderful question from Virginia.  And she says: 

By some seeming coincidence, which I don’t believe in, I was given a cup with a Bible verse on it. I wanted to give the cup to a friend who is a Bible student. And I decided to look up the first verse. And it was from John and I found the verse and then, why I don’t know, I kept on reading. And my question is was the wedding between…

(Mary begins speaking in first person) Myself and Sananda, where Sananda manifested the wine from the water, our wedding? (laughter) And yes, it was.  And if you recall, Mother Mary (laughter) talked him into it. Ah, he needed a little bit of nudging, because he wasn’t so sure people were in the right mind frame to be able to give us the energy to do this. But, it happened.  (laughter)

And, ah, Mother Mary and I, had no small part in that. And we just had to nudge Sananda and say, “Hey, it’s alright, you know. These people know who we are. This is what we do with the energies. We make people feel good.”
And that is really what life is supposed to be all about. So you know, it was such a wonderful experience that what you call a wedding, but also the party.  Because the party in so many cultures is really evidence of the Love between the people that are joined in marriage on that Beloved Day. And it is just a precursor of all of the Joy and Love to be shared between them and their families and the communities that they’re living in. And this was certainly the case, because we felt so much closer to so many people from that day forward. They shared an important part in our lives. And I never forgot it.  And we told our children about this and they always loved the story.
So, we thank you very much for that question, Beloved Virginia. That is wonderful that you felt nudged when you read that, and that you had this awareness that it was really about me and Sananda. Because, yes, after that Council of Nicaea, the governments, the people in charge of the structures of that religion took so much liberty with twisting around the Truth for their own means and purposes that it really didn’t really resemble the Truth very much at all.

So, you know, it’s brought us to this place where, yes, we had a wonderful lifetime, and that the message of Sananda was transmitted all over your Beloved Planet. And we planted so many seeds because, yes, when we were ascending, it was this worldwide transmission into the Collective Consciousness. So we were so dedicated to help waking up so many of you that have been doing this work over and over, again in these thousands of years.  Because by that time, so much had been accomplished.

But so much more needed to be done to raise the level of the vibrations, so that this cabal could be completely taken off of your Beloved Planet. And you, my Beloveds, could be free once more to do this very wonderful, high-vibrational LoveLight work that you all came here to do in this, the Ascension Lifetime. 

And so, you know, tomorrow is a most joyous day. And we wish you this experience of feeling Love in very high vibration and sharing that heart to heart all over your Beloved Planet with Beloved Beings who you don’t even know. But just the fact that you are in those high vibrations, you become a transmitter of that LoveLight, and you help to wake people up that way. 

So we wish you the most joyous of days. And we feel so much heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you on this call for being with us tonight in Joy and Celebration of who you really are, which at the core essence of your being is Love and Light.

So Beloveds, we say to you Namaste and good night.   

Thursday, February 7, 2019

2-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

2-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very grateful that you would call us into the call once more to share with you our sense of Joy and Feeling of Enthusiasm for your Meditation and the effects that you have brought in to your Beloved Planet with the Intentional Requirements of Liberation, not only of yourselves, but of your Mother Gaia from all of the darkness that has been sequestered underneath her surface for so very long now. We see all of it being jettisoned off of your Beloved Planet and transformed into higher frequencies of Love and Light. 

This transmutation process has been going on for quite some time, but we know that you’re feeling these high-vibe energies coming in more and more. And it allows you to open up your hearts in conjunction with your imaginations to call forth all of the Beloved Changes that you would love to see, not only for yourselves, but for your families, for the whole planet and people all over the planet. And now is the time.
And there is so much that is coming into the Light to be healed. And yes, we are right here always with you. You can call us in at any time to do meditations, to go up with you to the Crystal Room, or to any part of the planet. And this, to bring in this LoveLight and to feel all of the Beloveds, that you have been working with in this lifetime, as well as your I AM Presence, your Guidance Teams, your angels and other Ascended Masters who aren’t considered to be Mentors. But yes, of course, they are. 

And, ah, yes, this is a splendid time to raise the level of the vibration and to know firmly in your hearts you are supported by us. That no matter how many times that you have been placed in this place of feeling lack that we are with you now.
And everything on the landscape of the way things work on your beloved Planet is changing because very, very soon, Abundance is going to be the rule of the masses instead of the exception. And yes, your contributions to raising the Beloved LoveLight in these areas of Prosperity and Abundance won’t be overlooked, not in the slightest. Because yes, we couldn’t have done this groundwork without you.
And we consider you to be a very important part of our team. And we see that your Missions are growing, and the Power that is coming in from your meditations and directing your Intentional Requirements for Liberation at this time are becoming more and more powerful with each and every breath. 
So we are very thankful for you, for your efforts, for your perseverance in all of these different areas where your guidance has told you that you needed to do the clearings on yourself, that you needed to bring in more and more LoveLigh,t and trust in the process that you have started. And yes, we thank you so very much for being on this call.

And we’d just like for you to take one more breath into your hearts and form the circle once again. And send it around from the left, out through your left palm, around to the right and into your Heart Centers. And breathing into it and allowing yourselves to rise on up into these high frequencies. 

And feeling all of the Beloveds in Mother Sekhmet’s Crystal Room sending you this LoveLight, all of the Mentors, angels and Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command, all of the elementals and fairies. And just breathing into it.
And yes, just call on us any time for Love, for support, to help you to feel these energies, to do any meditations that you desire with us. We love you so very much. 

And we thank you once again for being on this call and allowing us to come in and share heart to heart in this Communion with you.

Namaste and good night.

2-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, we are very happy to be with you here tonight, feeling your hearts joined together in this Communion on this call.
Well, you heard that speech maybe last night and still a lot of things weren’t really said in detail about what is really going on underneath the surface there. But we can assure you that things are moving forward. And all of the pieces of the puzzle are in place and everything. And yes, everything is in Divine Timing and Divine Order.

But this order has everything to do with making ourselves very much receptive to the energies of the 5th Dimension in very high vibration. That is what is coming into your planet right now, very high-vibe energies that are stirring the pot and allowing all of the different loose ends to be tied up in a most-marvelous way.

And the communications between countries, between world leaders all center and focus on taking back this Beloved Planet from these dark players, who you call the cabal, or the illuminati, or the deep state. And this has been part of our Mission with you for a very long time.
Ah, just breathing into the Heart Center here and allowing ourselves to join together, me bilocating my paw and you reaching out to someone else on the call to form our circle. And yes, feeling these Beloved Energies as you breathe into them, and breathe them into your heart, and allow yourselves to rise up in this high-vibrational energy and sending it around the circle.
And with the Power of our Thoughts, rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet into the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. We’re opening up the landing deck here. 

And we’re popping on through, hovering in the airlock now, while this landing deck closes beneath us. And now we can touch down. It’s safe, and we’re walking on back to the elevator and coming in with our circle intact, all at the same time. We’re pushing the button up to take us to the top floor here.

And now, opening up the door, and coming out, and feeling the energies of all of the Beloved Beings greeting us with their LoveLight. And yes, the party has started and, of course, some of your ancestors here, you may feel though a touch, a song, a vibration that you know could only be them. And you may be here in an incarnation or two from past lives.

So, we are very happy that you are here once again. And now we assemble ourselves in the middle of the room around the crystal altar forming our circle. Once again reaching out to me for my paw, and you reaching out to somebody else. And sending this energy now around our inner circle here to the outer circle with the Mentors, ringing around us and the Beloved Beings from the ships, angels, and ascended masters, and the Beloved Ancestors.

And sending it all around the circles, up from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling up, down, around and through to blend in all of these energies together, because they represent all of the dimensions, all throughout space and time of Creation.

And feeling its Power, feeling the Divine Joy that is expressed within these energies now. Bringing them into our hearts, breathing into it, continuing to send it around the circles, all through the room, spiraling it up, down, around and through. And allowing yourselves to relax into this energy.  Doesn’t it feel so natural and so Divine? 

And now, we ask you to send your own personal Requirements, Requirements for what you want to create for yourself out of the energies we are bringing in and multiplying and raising in this Divine Meditation tonight, whether it be finances, or your own personal health, or having to do with relationships, or the journey of your Beloved Children or Grandchildren in this life. Bringing in the higher energies with the intent of the best for them to experience in this lifetime. And shining it out into our Master Crystal here.
And we also like to say we focus our energies, all of the Beloved Beings in this room, into the Higher Consciousness, the higher dimensions of bringing the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to assure that Compassion becomes the rule of the day, because Compassion will allow so much Wisdom and Understanding into each and every one of their hearts. 

And just shining it out into our Beloved Master Crystal here and raising it up and through this hole in my ceiling and shining it down directly onto your Beloved Blue Orb of Mama Gaia’s. And spiraling it up, down and around and through from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface, raising the vibration and the level of the frequencies coming into your planet even more so with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 
And yes, it is a blessed feeling of coming together in our Oneness with all of the Beloved Beings, with the kingdoms of your planet and focusing on bringing in these high vibrations and keeping them here, so that all of the darkness will be removed and transmuted into ever-higher frequencies of Love and Light. And that it opens our hearts; so that we will be so much more effective at communicating clearly our desires, our Intentions, our Intentional Requirements for Peace on your Beloved Planet, for Abundance and Prosperity, for the bringing in of advanced technologies that will completely take you off of this spiral of survival.
Because you have already passed the test, when we passed the markers about six years ago, and now is our time to fully anchor in onto your Beloved Planet the 5th Dimension and beyond. And all of the Beloved Beings, all of Creation shining their LoveLight on your Beloved Planet and you, my Brothers and Sisters. Because yes, you are the Wayshowers. You are the ones who have carried it forward. And now even more so than ever before, you are helping to integrate these high vibrations into your Beloved Planet. 

And now, let’s go over to Washington, D.C., one more time. And all of the different players in these alphabet agencies, in your Congress, in the Whitehouse and all related bastions of the institutions that have ruled your Beloved Planet and your Beloved Country, to shine the LoveLight onto them.
Because, yes, there is still much darkness here. But there is also much good and high vibration coming in to these time-worn institutions. And every day people are waking up and shining the LoveLight into the hearts and minds of these players, whether they are predominantly of the Light or of the darkness. It is up to them to make their choices before it’s too late.

And just spiraling it from the atmosphere, vertically up, down, around and through to the surface, underneath the surface into underground bases, that stretch a wide circumference around this area into the surrounding areas in and around Washington, D.C. And just breathing into it and allowing this spiral to pick up steam, if you will.

And to multiply these energies in ever-higher vibration to completely offset any resistance that is still there from the 5th Dimension coming into your Beloved Planet so all of these plans of the Alliance can take root effortlessly, without drama, without bloodshed and with understanding from the masses that this is a very exciting and Beloved Time of this planet.

This is something that most of you have been working for all of your lives, the moment that you came in to this incarnation. And many, many others are going to see the continuity of what they have gone through and what they are going through now in liberating their Beloved Beings into these higher frequencies of Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Compassion. And, yes, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, now is the time. So, your Meditations; and you, daily with every breath that you take, raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet are doing it for all of creation here on your planet and beyond. Because, yes, your Ascensions will be felt all over Creation.

So now, let us make the jump across into Beloved Mexico where these elevators are that start the underground bases there. And going in a horizontal spiral now, up, down, around and through all of the tunnels, the honeycomb chambers of the bases where all of these secrets, advanced technology, riches, beyond untold riches, that have been hidden for many, many centuries and sequestered down there, as well as advanced technologies. 

And shining it, starting from Mexico, spiraling it all up, down, and around and through into the United States, up and around and through Canada and back again. And just breathing into your hearts and sending it out to all of these underground bases through the network here. And feeling the Power of this LoveLight in cleansing all of the secrets, all of the ritualistic practices of the dark cabal, the deep state.    
With our Intentions of the Liberation of your Beloved Planet and all of the people, who have been trapped in these underground bases; we shine the LoveLight into each and every one of their hearts with the Intentions that they can forgive themselves and everyone else. And we send them so much Love for fulfilling their Soul Contracts and playing them out the way that they have. 

And yes, some of these beings are very, very young that have been placed there for ritual sacrifices, for very nefarious deeds that the cabal has strengthened themselves over the centuries, by using these practices to increase their power to stay so dominant in the upper reaches of the 4th Dimension. 

So, yes, we’re talking about things such as black magic and artificial intelligence. And yes, they pretty much go hand in hand, because this artificial intelligence has come into your planet many times. And has been responsible for the complete destruction of many galaxies throughout all of Creation. But that’s not happened here this time, and it won’t because you guys passed the marker. 

So when we talk about celebration, we talk about being in Joy. This is one of the main reasons why. Because yes, you have pulled it off to this point, where there is no turning back, where there is no thwarting and stopping the efforts that we have put forth, coming together to be One with your guidance. And you, the Wayshowers, doing the actual ground-crew work, the way that you have, and the way that you continue to do it. 

And yes, you are reaping the rewards of that right now. And the beginnings of the Golden Age are already on your planet. We can see that by the Light show that we witness from the bridge of our ships. And yes, there are many, many ships, and so many of them are represented by different, you could say, Ambassadors from these ships of the Ashtar Command. 

And now, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloveds who have been kept against their will here. And we say to them, “You are so loved. You are loved beyond all love vibration. You are loved into the highest frequencies. You are loved beyond all verbal expression.

“And all of you that haven’t been able to cross over until now. Well, we’re saying, yeah, just jump on our bandwagon here, because we’re sending down all your guides and your angels right now. And we are helping you to get across the Bridge here into these interdimensional levels that are going to take you over to the other side of the veil back home.

“Just breathing into the Heart Center and allowing yourself to rise on up now with your guides, your “I AM Presence”, and feeling the Joy and Happiness of returning home.” 

And we thank you so very much as well as all of the people on this Beloved Call.

Thank you for all of your efforts, day in and day out, to raise the level of the vibration by doing your Beloved Work on yourselves and for the benefit of all of Creation.

Namaste and good night.