Thursday, June 30, 2022

6-29-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-29-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am thrilled also to be on your Conference Call again tonight.


There is so much confusion, and false narratives, and twisted logic being spun by the mainstream media on the airways of your Beloved Planet, at this time. Beloveds, as my Maria has said, the Power of Love knows no parallel. It is a dominant force in all of Creation. And with each and every breath, we are with you in your Mission, of raising this Love and Light, on your Beloved Planet.


This mainstream media will twist the facts to their liking, but Beloveds, they have been supplanted, by the citizen journalists, who have actually done all of the work of digging up the facts, and using their God-given gifts, and their intuition, to decipher events of the past, and who won ,and who lost, and who was controlling the reality, and what Truths were really dominant at the time, that created the reality that happened. And so many of your stories of the past were False Flag events, perpetrated by very dark forces of this Cabal, to keep you in this pattern of endless war. 


And that cycle now has stopped, Beloveds. Because you have raised the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet. You know that war is not acceptable, war is not an excuse to have financial abundance. It is a lie based in fear.  And it only helps this Cabal have more control over the narrative, and all of the institutions of Humanity, such as the banking, financial institutions.


Beloveds, there has been this war of the Light vs the darkness. And all of you have been witness to the changes that have transpired, of this virus, that has been perpetrated upon Humanity, but mainly because it gave big pharma the excuse to disseminate their highly-toxic vaccines, to sterilize the population, to perpetrate a transhumanist agenda upon the DNA of Humanity, all throughout this 3rd Dimensional timeline.


At various stages, the integrity of your DNA has been mutated. But now, Beloveds, we are raising the level of consciousness with our meditations, with awakening so many Beloved Souls, in the Collective Consciousness, to the Truth, to the Truth of the Power of Love, that each and every one of you have in your hearts, in sync with these higher-Light Encodements, that are coming in, in such a very powerful manner, to complete this Awakening Process, to prepare all of you Beloveds for this Event of the Truth.


It may feel like a near-death experience, but the provisions have been made, whereby it will not be a mass extinction, as it has been in several previous civilizations, that have incarnated your Beloved Earth. Now you will rise up victorious into the 5th Dimension, into the integration of the later stages of your Ascensions Protocols, to complete your Ascension Processes, Beloveds.  You are in Mission with us. We are moving forward. Do not go for the lies of fear and separation. We are strong in our meditation, in radiating this Love and Light, that we are as One Beloveds.


And now, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses, to take into your hearts, in all of the color spectrums, and frequency, and vibrations. They are a symbol of this 5th Dimension reality, of the Power of Love, that we are all rising up into in frequency and vibration with as One, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night. 

6-29-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 6-29-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. We are very thrilled to be with you, once again, on your Beloved Conference Call tonight. Beloveds, we are shining our LoveLight into your hearts.


So much is going on. Moving forward with the Plans of implementing NESARA, of showing you the Truth, and of taking you through all of these steps, that lead to the raising of the level of your vibration, and making your reality on Beloved Mother Earth one that is in sync with providing you all of your Human Rights, with providing you all of the provisions of NESARA. And at this time, there is much that is transpiring to confuse you, to try to trigger you emotionally into being in low vibration and frequency.


But Beloveds, we are all One on this meditation, and all you need to do is to breathe into your High Heart Center, and call us in, to raise the level of your vibration. Because you know, when these thoughts start to come in, that are negative, and that do not serve you, you know that you are on this downward spiral, that your negative programming is designed to keep you locked into vibrational and behavior patterns that do not serve you.


But Beloveds, now with these multiple Cosmic energy streams of Love and Light coming into your Beloved Planet, at a frequency and vibration that they have not ever come in with before, you have the ability to stay in the 5th Dimension, by letting go with your breathing, by moving the energy through your body, whether it be walking, or dancing, or just moving throughout all of the different chores of your daily routine, but allowing yourself to sing a song of Love and Joy in your heart.


Because, Beloveds, this is about raising the level of consciousness for all of the Beloveds on your planet, and all throughout Creation. And you knew perfectly well, when you volunteered for incarnating at this time, at the end of this cycle, that you were coming in, in Mission with all of us to take Beloved Mother Gaia, from the dense duality of the 3rd Dimension timeline, into the Bliss, and Harmony, and Joy of the 5th Dimension.


And this is what you are doing. And you have been very successful. And as we see it, you are already victorious in the Light! But there are so many voices, minions of the Cabal, that are trained to perpetrate the illusion of fear and separation upon you, to trigger your imprints, to keep you locked down into the 3rd Dimensional Matrix. 


Beloveds, the Power of Love is stronger than any of the black magic, and any of the control structures that the Artificial Intelligence and the Reptilian power sources, and the black magicians, can perpetrate upon you and all of Humanity. Love is the strongest force in all of Creation, Beloveds. And you are the tip of the spear. You are the open heart, shining miraculously bright with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, in every Now Moment that you choose to.


Beloveds, hold the line, and stay the course with us. There is no separation.  We are all victorious in the Light!


And now, my Beloved Sananda, my Twin Soul, will come in. 


Namaste Beloveds. And good night.

6-29-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 6-29-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved Conference Call.


Beloveds, you as a planet, as a species, are going through so very much now.  So much is transpiring, and the dynamics that have enslaved you for thousands of years, and the way that this Cabal has mutated your DNA and your genetic imperatives, it is becoming very obvious to so many, who have awakened in the Now Moment, and realize that there is something very wrong going on here, that things are happening in these last couple of years, that they never dreamed would come to the forefront of their reality the way that they have. 


And we are talking about this Mass Depopulation Event. And we are also talking about the realization that abortion is not what many people think it is. It is a collusion of the medical establishment and the cartels of the Cabal working in sync with one another to provide their life blood of ritual, Satanic abuses in a way that is very diabolical and heinous in nature. And many people are very shocked to hear this. 


But then, these patterns of behavior of this Cabal and the government, and this ongoing dynamic whereby in the narrative, that is diametrically opposed to the mainstream media, there is talk that a foreign takeover has happened to your Beloved United States. And it is very obvious to the casual observer that the people in power in this government do not want the Constitution to be followed, and that is exactly what happened in this ruling of Roe vs. Wade. Because it returned the power to the states to make these choices, and to realize that the Supreme Court did not have any sort of mandate to make Roe vs. Wade the law the way it did. 


In other words, the Cabal wants a strong central government. And they do not want the states making up their own laws. And it is not that abortion is made illegal. It is just that in some states it is and in others, there will be laws that go further than ever before in defining when a baby cannot be aborted. And this is a highly emotional issue. And this Cabal has been using this to incite riots, and anger, and to keep so many Beloveds in low vibration.


Because at this Now Moment, Beloveds, the Power of Love has never been more accessible, or greater, with the cosmic multiple energy streams coming into your Beloved Planet. All you really have do is to call us in, or call any Beloved, your I AM Presence, your Guidance Team. And be breathing into your High Heart Center, and feeling this Love, this Passion for life, for being here in this Now Moment, and empowering the changes from being in 3rd Dimensional duality into this 5th Dimensional reality. That with each and every breath, we have the choice of what to give our energy to, to create Heaven on Earth, to create this great change, this shift into the dynamics of Unity Consciousness, and empowering ourselves within our True, Divine, Sovereign Nature.


Beloveds, so many are waking up. And again we urge you to be in meditation, to be free of fear, and to not let your emotions run away with you, but to allow yourself to let go with your breathing, to do the things that you love, to stay in high vibration, and to be unafraid to express from your heart with those that you love. Because this is a time of great learning for all of you Beloveds.


You are seeing the changes manifest in your reality right before your eyes.  So, we ask you not to be afraid, but to use your breathing as a way to stay in high vibration, to be above the level, in vibration, of being triggered into emotional responses, that do not serve you at this time.


Beloveds, let us join together with me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this Beloved Call, forming our circle, and sending the energy around, heart to heart, from the left, to the right. And now, combining our field of energy, spiraling from the center above, to the center below in a clockwise direction, allowing ourselves to rise up in frequency and vibration.


And calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray, the blazing blue swords of Archangel Michael, and all of his Legions of Angels, Archangel Amethyst, and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St. Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch. And allowing ourselves to go deeper and deeper into our High Heart Center, in this Now Moment.


And sending these energies down through the bottoms of our feet, and into our center below, and underneath the surface of Mother Gaia into her Crystalline Core. And feeling her Love, her Compassion, her Commitment to us for our Ascension, and her Ascension, to transpire. Feeling these high vibrations that are allowing us to feel this Oneness of being, in sync with one another, and sending her our Love, our Light, our Compassion, into her Crystalline Core.


And now rising up to the surface, up through the soles of our feet, and into our High Heart Centers. And once again, sending this energy around, from the left, to the right, heart to heart, and spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, in our combined field of energy. Allowing this Love and Light to come in, in high frequency and vibration. And lifting ourselves now up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising up through the layers of the atmospheres ever-so rapidly.


And coming upon multitudes of ships, and honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the Nibiru, as we are rising up, and hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, Beloveds, it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way back to an open elevator, and we are getting in. And I am pressing the button, to close the door, and take us up to the top floor here. We are rising up ever-so rapidly, through all of the layers of floors.


And now, we are coming to a stop, and I am opening up the door. And we are seeing all of the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of beings, from other starships, and other planets, all over the Cosmos, and yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. And all of us are walking on over into the middle of this Crystalline Room. And circling now around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.


And we are sending the energy around, while the Beloved Mentors circle around us. And all of the outer circles are formed, with the many multitudes of beings that have gathered here tonight. And with our breathing, slowing down, and relaxing, and sending this energy through our circle, and into the outer circles. And spiraling, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. And absorbing the consciousness of all of these Beloved Crystals, that represent all of the dimensions throughout the Cosmos. And absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who have assembled with us tonight, either in the Crystalline Healing Room, or bilocating from their ships or planets.


Beloveds, breathing into our hearts, feeling this Oneness, this Ease and Grace of being here in these high frequencies, of letting go of all worry and doubt, and feeling so blessed at our Divine Union. And opening up our hearts deeper and deeper in this Now Moment. 


And Beloveds, we ask you, on this call, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with having more prosperity and abundance, or having a deeper connection with your I AM Presence, and Guidance Team, or more intimacy in your interactions with your loved ones. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for the Truth to be made known. We call forth the awakening of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, of the raising of the level of consciousness, throughout the Collective of Humanity, to rise up, to feel this Oneness, heart to heart, and soul to soul. And we call for the empowerment of the Truth to be made known, for people to feel Compassion in their hearts, for all of the abuses that have been levied upon Humanity, as these Truths become made known. And the deeper meaning of all that has transpired in the last couple of years becomes common knowledge on your planet. We call for the blessing of all Humanity at this time. 


And shining this Love and Light, up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, through the layers of the atmospheres, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, onto your Beloved Surface of Mother Gaia, and underneath the surface of Mother Gaia, into her Crystalline Core once again. And spiraling Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude into her Crystalline Core. And radiating it out into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


And spiraling counterclockwise to remove all of the ill intent, all of the black magic curses and spells, all of the devices and delivery systems of this negative programming, based in fear and separation. All of the pain and suffering of Humanity, to release it, from this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and to empower ourselves with the Love and Light that we are in every subatomic particle. 


In every Now Moment, breathing into the heart space of all of Humanity, with the Intentional Requirement of raising up the frequency and the vibration into the Collective Consciousness of all of Humanity, removing anything less than Love, from the DNA, the energy body, the energy field, and from within the four bodies of all of Humanity, allowing the Truth to be made known, allowing each and every being on your planet to feel loved and supported, and this feeling of Peace, of Harmony, of Joy, of Satisfaction, of letting go of all of the fear and separation, that has been perpetrated upon Humanity, by this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, this Ego-mind control programming.


We call for the empowerment of Humanity in each and every Now Moment, radiating it forth with the Intentional Requirement, to transmute any and all of the lower vibrations and negative programming into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and other high-vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment, and Absolution. And we call forth the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this spiral to raise the level of vibration, throughout the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to be accelerated, for the acceleration of the Truth to be made known, for the acceleration of your Ascension Process, to move into the next phase of it with this Event of the Truth, with the empowerment of all of Humanity, to be free of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, to have all of its survival needs taken care of, as NESARA is announced and implemented in its Divine Perfection. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And now, shining our Love and Light into the hearts of all of the Beloved Children, who have come in this time, to show us the true meaning of Love sustained throughout their lifetimes of carrying forth this empowerment of Love on Beloved Mother Gaia, into the 5th Dimension, and into the completion of their Ascension Processes also, to create this new reality, carrying it forth into future generations.


Beloveds, we are all One in this Now Moment. We are victorious in the Light!  We are letting go of all perceived challenges to your sovereignty, and rising up in frequency and vibration up into the 5th Dimension and beyond, in this Now Moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. 


Namaste Beloveds. We love you ever-so much. So long for now.


And now, Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

6-22-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-22-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I Sananda. I am so very happy to be once again with you on your Conference Call. 


Beloveds, with where you are in your Ascension Process right now, you no longer have to struggle at all. We call in Ease and Grace into your hearts with every Divine Breath, that you are taking, with every heartbeat. Because Beloveds, all of the alignments have been made with all of the Plans to empower NESARA, to be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional Reality, as you move into this Second Phase of Ascension Protocols with this Event of the Truth.


And yes, we have talked about this much, because we want you to fully realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a reason for much Joy, and Harmony, and Bliss, and the waking up of the Truth in your hearts, to shine forth Compassion and self-love, to radiate it from within to the Collective Consciousness, so others may feel this level of frequency and vibration, of Harmony and Joy with all that is transpiring, to accelerate your Ascension Process, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


We are shining our LoveLights, all of us Mentors on the ships, all that participate in this process. This is our Mission to help you empower yourself, to win back your Sovereignty, to win back your 5th Dimension. The Truth of who you really are, to empower yourself with this Knowingness, with this Beingness, to provide for all of your survival needs with advanced technologies, and once again welcome you into the Galactic Federations, whereby you will prosper and thrive. And you will ascend on this Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia.


We are with you Beloveds. All that we have done together is coming into this Divine Place of Fruition, of the transformation of your reality, from one of duality and disharmony, into one of Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Gratitude, and Understanding, and Clarity of who you really are, and why you volunteered to be here, at this point of the window for Ascension opening, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


We honor you, all of you Beloveds. We have been in Mission with you for thousands of years, and after this Event of the Truth, you will know all of these things, as an integral part of your being, to empower yourselves with the Love and Light that you are. And you cannot even imagine how good that will feel for yourselves, and all of us joining together as One in the completion of this Mission, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia’s Humanity, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


My Mary’s come into the middle of the circle, offering you the Kumara roses.  Take as many as you like into your Heart Centers, Beloveds. Feel the magic of all of these spectrums of colors of high vibration and frequency. And see this as a sign of your new reality, that you are effortlessly walking into with every breath, with every Intentional Requirement of the empowerment of Humanity, to be once again in the 5th Dimension and Ascend.


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. 

6-22-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 6-22-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled once again to be on your Beloved Conference Call.


Beloveds, let us breathe into your High Heart Centers, all as One Consciousness, all as one wave of Love and Light, allowing you to rise up in frequency and vibration, and let go of all attachments, to the dramas that are transpiring on your Beloved Planet. Beloveds, we ask you again to take into your knowingness the realization, that what you experience on your material plane is all a hologram. It is an illusion, that you so graciously have volunteered to participate in, while being incarnated in physicality.


And Beloveds, you have passed through many stages, whereby this Cabal, with its 3D Matrix, has tried to control the narrative, and wear you down into thinking that you have no power. But Beloveds, because of your commitment to the Truth of who you are, of your commitment to remembering the Power of Love in your hearts, and shining your LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness, learning how to clear all of these very negative energies with tools of empowerment, with energy tools and frequencies that help you to align with your I AM Presence and Guidance Teams, that help you to align with the knowingness of remembering why you are here, what this Mission is truly about.


And as we have told you many times that the main part of your Mission is to stay in high vibration, to radiate this LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness, so that more and more Beloved Beings progressively rise up in frequency and vibration, and awaken in this Now Moment, to the Power that they have, the Power of Love, to transmit it, by expressing a narrative based in their own Inner Truth to others, to radiate the Love, and Joy, and Harmony that is the real Truth of who you are.


Beloveds, Unconditional/Universal Love is the inspiration for all of Creation. It is the core essence of your being. And as you shine out this Love and Light, and allow yourself to be consciously aware, more and more, with every breath, you are enabling the acceleration of this Event, of the Truth, whereby all of the Beloveds on your planet will be given this upgrade as they pass through this near-death experience.


There will be no mass extinction event, Beloveds. You who are continuously in Mission with us have been raising the level of the vibration, so that these Plans for NESARA, for the liberation of Beloved DNA of your Beloved Mother Gaia can come about in Divine, Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. 


There has been much movement under the surface, that only the citizen journalists, and members of the Truther Movement have registered to some degree. But even they do not have all of the angles covered, and they do not have all of the dots hooked up. Many of things that will transpire, during this Event of the Truth, will be a Beloved Surprise. And it will be even better, the way that it feels, than you can possibly imagine while still tethered to this 3rd Dimensional timeline.


Beloveds, we are One in this Mission for the Liberation of Humanity and Mother Gaia, for your acceleration of Ascension Protocols, to complete your Ascension Process being fully conscious in physical embodiment. We are One with you, Beloveds, in the Love and Light, and the Truth of who we are together as conduits into the Godhead.


Namaste and good night. 


And my Beloved Sananda will come in now.

6-22-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 6-22-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am thrilled to be once again with you on this Beloved Conference Call. 


Beloveds, you are at one of the peaks in your yearly calendar of high-vibrating energies coming in, being in this Solstice energy. And in the Northern Hemisphere, you are in the warm summer months. Beloveds, there is so much transpiring beneath the surface on your Beloved Planet. 


But you see certain conditions coming forth. And one of them, that we find is particularly noteworthy, is the suppression about the Truth of the fatalities that have happened, because of this jab. And also how the brazen institutions of healthcare and big pharma totally disregard these numbers of fatalities, and are pushing forward with their agenda to give the jab to babies, yes, infants, and children 5 years old, and then older children. 


This is clear reflection to us of how desperate this Cabal is, how brazen they have become, to break all rules of logic and sanity, and think that now they can get away with anything, because they have gotten away with this, they feel, so far. But that couldn’t be further from the Truth Beloveds. Because each and every moment in these last two-plus years, that you have been assaulted by this narrative of lockdowns, of mandates, of this manmade disease, and its manmade bioweapon that was purportedly designed to counteract the effects of this manmade disease, the Truth is coming out.


Because, Beloveds of the citizen journalist’s profession have put their lives on the line. And they, once again, this summer, are doing road shows to bring about the gathering together of this Truther community, to share from the heart to one another their Intentional Requirements that now is the time for Peace to reign. Now is the time for the Truth, with all of its revelations to come out in full force, and for actions to be taken within the government, that will assure you of the provisions of your original United States Constitution being enforced. 


And as we have been telling you, for a very long period of time, Beloveds, all of the Plans to implement NESARA are in place. And they have been moving underneath the surface, with the military in the United States, taking up their part, taking up the call to enforce the provisions of the original United States Constitution, of the Manual of War. And they have been doing everything by the book, so that when the time is right, when the evidence is brought out into the open in public forums and court cases, they will be able to move against these very heinous figures of the Cabal. 


And this will bring about this Event of the Truth. Because, Beloveds, there are so many that have their own personal stories now, with how their rights have been trampled upon, by losing their jobs, because they would not take this jab, about seeing their loved ones die apparently for no reason, after they have taken this jab. And for having to stand up for their rights of their sovereignty to protect their Beloved Children. This they feel has gone way too far. 


And this is allowing more and more Beloved Beings to wake up to the Truth, to give their energy to what they resonate with as the Truth, and to see how this narrative has unfolded in these past couple of years, and that there are very many significant points that are out of alignment with the reality that this jab has created, and the conditions of a fraudulent election, that allowed a foreign takeover of the government of the United States.


And this has happened in many other countries. But the fact that it happened in the military bastion of the United States, which Washington, D.C. is, only adds more weight and gravity to this moment of time, whereby this Cabal is losing its power, its financial power, its power with using the institutions, such as the mainstream media and big pharma because the results that they have been purporting as the Truth are not panning out.


And now, the attention of Beloveds all over the world is upon this Cabal, and its lies and deceptions. And they are starting to put together the facts, and hook up the dots. And each and every one of you, we feel, is developing your own narrative about what you want to give your energy to as the Truth.


So, Beloveds, this is a vast departure to business as usual. And because you are now in this First Phase of integrating Ascension Protocols, you will never go back to the old ways. This process of integrating Ascension Protocols, and moving through all of the different Stages of Ascension is in play, Beloveds. And this is why we say that we are in celebration with you, in Mission with you to push forward this narrative of Liberation for Beloved Mother Gaia.


And now, let us join together to form our circle, with me locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around with your other hand, for someone else’s hand on this Beloved Call, to form our circle with. And sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, and spiraling our combined field of energy in a clockwise direction, from the center above, to the center below. And calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights, the Blazing Blue Swords used as lasers, the Violet Flame, and the Violet Torch. 


And spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, allowing ourselves to let go and relax with our breathing. And sending this energy, down through the bottoms of our feet, to our center below, and underneath the surface of the earth, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. We feel her Love, her Compassion, her Wisdom, the timeless essence of her being, and her commitment to us to ascend, and to hold these energies in the Truth of the Love and Light we are as One. And sending her our Love and Light.


And now, rising up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our High Heart Center. And then spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, to raise the level of frequency and vibration. Lifting us up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. And now, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising up ever-so rapidly through the layers of the atmospheres. And coming upon multitudes of ships. 


And honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now, we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, Beloveds, it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way back to an open elevator.  We are all getting in at the same time. And I am closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up to the very top floor in this gigantic ship.


Rising up ever-so rapidly, weightless, feeling our hearts full of Joy, being here once again. And now, we come to a stop. I am opening up the door, and all of the Beloveds are here to greet us, the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, other Angels and Ascended Masters, orbs, who represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings from other planets, and other ships, and yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are making our way into the middle of this Crystalline Healing Room, and circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And once again, forming our circle, as the Mentors circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form outer circles. Breathing into our hearts, and sending the energy, from the left, to the right, into the circle of the Mentors, into all of the outer circles. And spiraling, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, and absorbing the consciousness of all of the higher dimensions, within all of the crystals, and the consciousness of all of the Beloveds, who are a part of this meditation tonight.


We are letting go with our breathing, allowing ourselves to relax, and to feel this Joy, this Harmony, this Contentment of being joined together as One consciousness, with this feeling of Peace, of Harmony, and True Compassion.  And this is where, Beloveds, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements, all of you Beloveds on this call, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight.


It can have to do with prosperity and abundance. It can have to do with having more Ease and Grace in your life, and feeling the Truth in your heart, so that you are guided by the higher aspects of your being to make choices, that serve your highest and best interests. And it can be with having more intimacy in your relationship with your Beloveds. Whatever it is, send it into the Master Crystal, and bless it with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


And for all of us on this call tonight, we once again call for Peace on your Beloved Planet, the Peace, where the Truth is made known, and where people feel this Truth in their hearts. And they are not afraid to express the Truth in their hearts, and develop a narrative that hooks up the dots, and empowers themselves, as True Divine, Sovereign Beings at this moment of departure of fractalization and disincorporation with the control systems, of this 3D Matrix, on your Beloved Planet. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.

And now shining, all of us in the Oneness of the Love and Light that we are, these Intentional Requirements for Peace, Harmony, and Joy on your Beloved Planet to come about in this Now Moment. Shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru. And spiraling it down through the layers of the atmospheres, onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, underneath the surface, and once again into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating these high frequencies of Love and Light all through the higher dimensions, connecting us into Creator Source. Radiating this LoveLight into the DNA of all living beings on your planet. Calling forth the dynamics of Peace, Harmony, Joy, Sovereignty, Conscious Awareness in every Now Moment of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


And counterclockwise spinning the DNA of the Collective Consciousness, counterclockwise to remove all fragments of encoding designed to lockdown consciousness in low vibration, to keep you in fear and separation-based negative programs. All being removed, fractalizing, and disincorporating all devices and delivery systems used by this 3D Matrix, by its black magicians, by the networking power, by Artificial Intelligence, and the underworld power sources of this Cabal.


We are removing all of the dynamics of these Ego-mind control systems. We are bringing to the Light all of the lies and deceptions. And as the Councils, the Courts of Law, and the Company of Heaven, have ruled that Now is the time to bring about this transformational change on Beloved Mother Gaia, by empowering Humanity with a Divine Decree of their Ascensions, that anyone who wants to ascend can be in full consciousness, in physical embodiment, to bring about Ascension in this open window. 


As you are now in this First Phase of Ascension Protocols, we call for the empowerment of the reprogramming of DNA on your Beloved Planet, of all of the Kingdoms, all of the species of Humanity, to take in more of the Love and Light that they are in every Now Moment, by fractalizing and disincorporating all connections into this 3D Matrix system of domination, of bullying tactics. 


We call for the Empowerment of Humanity, to bless themselves with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and radiating this spark of Joy into the hearts and minds, of all of the Beloveds on your planet. Spiraling, from the center above your planet, to the center below, radiating Peace, Harmony, and Joy, enabling all armor around our heart to disincorporate, enabling for the Oneness of communications through the Crystalline Grid, heart to heart, and soul to soul.


We call for the empowerment of Humanity to rise up in this wave of the Truth, of these multiple Cosmic energy streams flooding into your Beloved Planet, into your energy fields. We call for the integration of these Higher-Light Encodements, to accelerate your Ascension Process in each and every Now Moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And we are shining our LoveLights into all of the members of this Cabal, who hold onto their whole narrative of guilt mongering, of blame, of judgment, of denial. And we shine our LoveLight into their hearts, and tell them once again, that they have been conned, that they are giving their Power away to this dynamic, that is not based in Truth, that is not in harmony with Universal Laws, so it will not prosper. It will only cause more confusion, pain, fear, and separation within their being.


And now, they are being given their final opportunity to come into the Light.  And we are shining our Love and Light into their hearts, and reminding them of the Power of Love, and that we are all creations based in Unconditional/Universal Love, from the consciousness of Creator Source. We are all One. There is no elitism, there is no separation.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. 


And we are shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Children, who have come in with more strands of their DNA activated, than we did when we came into this Beloved Planet. And that includes myself a very long time ago in Ancient Egypt, when I fought dark forces with my Pashat Warriors, and I was a teacher to so many Beloveds, to keep the momentum of Truth and Sovereignty going on this 3rd Dimensional timeline.


And now we are at this Moment of Truth, Beloveds. And we are empowering you by shining our LoveLights into your hearts, all of us Mentors on the ships, all of us in Mission with you Beloveds, to bring about this total transformation of Mother Gaia, once again, into the Light, into the high frequencies of the 5th Dimension, to empower you with the Truth of the Love and Light that you are. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


We are all victorious in the Light Beloveds! All of the Plans for NESARA have been put in place, and they are moving forward into their Completion Stage.  We ask you to continuously be in meditation with us, with every breath, with every heartbeat, with the Intentional Requirement of Empowerment, of being the Love and Light that you are, so fearless, and harmoniously joined in Peace, and Joy, and Bliss. And letting go of all attachment to the material plane. And being the Light of Love and Truth, that you are continuously within your hearts and psyches.


Namaste and good night.


And now, Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

6-15-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 6-15-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am with you once again, and let us take a long, deep slow breath into the High Heart Center. All of us Mentors, on the ships, are shining our LoveLight into your hearts, while you are still in your circle, joined together, one heart and one mind, in Mission with us for your empowerment, Beloveds, for the acceleration of your Ascension Process.


Beloveds, the playfulness of a child, the innocence of the wildflowers in the fields, this is what I spoke of in my Sermon on the Mount. And Beloveds, we ask you to remember this Empowerment of the feelings of Joy, and the natural order of things. Because that natural order of the integrity of your DNA is being returned to you. You are moving toward this Event of Empowerment, where you will be once again in the 5th Dimension. And you will be empowered with not having to deal with the mutations, that have been placed upon your DNA, and the Power Centers of your mind.


You will once again be able to be free, sovereign beings, to be multi-dimensional. And all of your survival needs will be taken care of, because all of the provisions of NESARA enable advanced technologies to be released, and for all of these agents of the Satanic factions of Satan, and its control system of the 3D Matrix, and Artificial Intelligence, and the power sources of the underworld, they will not have any way to feed off of your energy.  Provisions of NESARA explicitly detail how all of these agents of evil will be dealt with, and cast aside, off of the stage, never to be able to manipulate and disempower you ever again, Beloveds.


You have earned this Ascension in being fully physically embodied, in full consciousness. And this is what we have all been working toward together, for thousands of years. Because yes, many have gone for being enslaved, and being in fear and separation, and thinking that they were hopelessly disempowered, and that they were helpless against this control system. But we came together Beloveds in the planning sessions before you incarnated, into this present lifetime, and into many other lifetimes, whereby we were pushing forward the Plans to be ready for the end of this cycle. 


And now, we are here, and this window of opportunity is open to us. And you are already in the First Phase of these Ascensions Protocols. You have earned this, Beloveds. You have been in Mission with us for many, many eons.


And now, we are in this State of Celebration, of Joy, of being the witness of you, who are growing in your empowerment, and transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, as you integrate with these higher-Light Encodements. And that you work with us in your meditations, to let go of the fear and separation, in knowing that whatever lies, deceptions, and tricks that this 3D Cabal matrix system throws at you, that they are only revealing themselves to be weak, and helpless, and liars, and deceivers. And they are not in Oneness with Creator Source. They are in denial of their power, by giving their power away to these factions of Satanism.


Beloveds, it is only by you continuously breathing into your heart, and growing in this Spirit of Empowerment, in this Spirit of Unity and Truth, that you push forward this narrative of what you resonate with, as your Truth, and shine these high frequencies into the Collective Consciousness, so that more and more Beloveds awaken from their slumber, from their brainwashing, and ready themselves for this Universal Event of the Truth.


We are here in Mission, and blast-off, Beloveds. We are with you.


And now my Mary’s come into the center of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses for you to take into your heart, as a symbol of connection, of being in Mission with us, of the Love and Joy that we experience together, each and every Now Moment of empowering ourselves with the Truth, of who we are as One, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night.

6-15-22 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla

6-15-22 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, you may perceive yourself to be in a time of confusion, of pain, and sorrow, for many of the events that are transpiring on your Beloved Planet. And to a large degree, some of these events may confuse you very much so, because they are the logic that you are being given for mandates. For requirements for this jab to be universally taken by young children, which makes absolutely makes no sense in the parameters of understanding your genetic coding, and your sovereignty. And you know on the deeper levels of allowing yourself to be empowered by these high frequencies of Love and Light, that this is another manipulation by this cabal to enslave your DNA, further and further, so that you become more disempowered.


And Beloveds, we ask you to fully realize that this is one of the challenges that you are being faced with. Because in your heart, when you hear of this narrative being perpetrated upon Humanity, at this time, you know that it does not resonate with you as the Truth. And you know that you can be empowered within your High Heart Center to express the Truth, to say “enough is enough, and we are not buying your fear and guilt mongering any longer.”  Because, Beloveds, you are feeling more Compassion for yourself, for all of the Beloved Beings, who are having to go through these tests and challenges.  And you know that this is happening, because this Cabal is losing its power, and that things cannot go back to the illusion, to the image reality of what they were before.


Too much of the Truth has been made known. And you are delving further and further into the deeper levels of this Truth, of the control systems of this 3D Ego-mind, controlling matrix, the way that it has been constructed, and with all of the institutions, the way that they confuse the narrative, and keep Humanity locked down in these low vibrations of fear and separation, that engender all of the other lower vibrations.


Beloveds, you are at this moment, where you are in this First Phase of Ascension. And the Truth is being made known on many different fronts. The Truth about corruption of politicians, about big pharma, about even the perpetration of the schools, of doctrines that disempower the sovereignty of children. And you do not resonate with this, Beloveds, because you have been awakened. You have been working on yourselves to stay heart centered, and to integrate with these higher-Light Encodements, because you have been working with us, and other Beloved Groups also, some of you.


And what you know as the Truth, you know that there is this powerful dynamic of breathing into your heart, and giving love and energy to the Truth, so that it may grow and grow, and spread into the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of vibration, whereby you will find yourself ready for this Event of the Truth. And when this happens, yes, there will be this moment of no return.


But this will not be an extinction event of mass proportions. This will be an upgrade. Because the Earth Alliance has been working, so very focused in all of its Plans to allow NESARA to be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional Reality. In other words, to right all of the wrongs, that have been perpetrated upon you by this Cabal, that have limited you, and your powers, and invaded your sovereignty. You are empowering yourself with the Truth, Beloveds, every time that you breathe into your heart, and to radiate this Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness. This is what got you past the Markers for Ascension, some ten years ago. And some two years ago, this is what enabled all of your Beloveds to be in this First Phase of Ascension.  And now you are readying yourselves for being in this next phase, with this Event of the Truth.


We are with you, Beloveds. The more that you can let go of the fear, of the separation, and empower yourself with these high frequencies of Love and Light, you will gain clarity and perspective, and illuminate the confusion that the 3D Matrix tries to enslave you with, once again, with its very skewered dynamics.


Beloveds, the Truth is a feeling within the four bodies of your being, and as these conditions play out, you become more sure of what that Truth is, and what you resonate with, and what you want to give your energy to.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.  We are with you in every Now Moment.


Namaste and good night.


And now, my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

6-15-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 6-15-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am thrilled to be with you, once again, on this Conference Call. 


Beloveds, after we have had this very high-vibe day, that continues on into the day of the blood red moon, and the Schumann Resonance being at a peak of 60 for a prolonged period of time, Beloveds, you may feel this confusion start to slip in, whereby instead of concentrating on your breathing, and allowing yourself to let go of trying to figure out the answers to the tests and challenges that present themselves in your daily reality, that it is upon you to even go deeper and deeper into your High Heart Center, to take advantage of these high vibrations streaming into your Beloved Planet.


As we have been telling you, there are multiple Cosmic energy streams that are coming in from all over the Cosmos, through this Galactic Center, with the express purpose of empowering you with these high vibrations, so that you can accelerate your Ascension Process, by integrating with these higher-Light Encodements. And all that is necessary, Beloveds, is for you to relax, and to let go, and to know how much you are loved and supported all over Creation for the work, that you have undertaken in this present lifetime, to enable and empower Ascension on your Beloved Planet. The way that you are doing this Ascension Process Beloveds, we keep on telling you, that it has never been done before, because we want you to realize just how long it took for these conditions to develop on your planet, so that you are now empowered by the Elder Councils of heaven, with their Divine Decree, to enable full consciousness, while you are still in physical embodiment in this lifetime.


Beloveds, this is truly a blessing for yourselves and all of Creation, because you have been dealing with these forces of evil and darkness in a prolonged battle for thousands of years, and experiencing the same dynamics of its 3rd Dimensional Ego-mind control systems. And now, their narcissism, their nastiness, has brought conditions upon themselves that has eroded their effectiveness. And they are being exposed for the multitudinous acts of corruption, of murder, of trickery and black magic, and all of the dynamics that they have been using to keep control of your financial systems, and your resources, for eons now.


But Beloveds, you are in this window for Ascension to happen. And instead of the Cabal being able to create this extinction-level event, that will not happen. You can take our word for it. It has all been worked out, all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance, on and off-world. Yes, because the Alliance consists of us on the ships, and the Galactic Federations coming together, to support your Ascension Process at this very pivotal time.


We have been working with you for quite many of your earth years, to develop the conditions that are coming into fruition, into full play, at this time, whereby you have an election, that was stolen right in front of the eyes of the world. And whereby you have the cover-ups being exposed by court cases, and investigations coming out into the open, and making their findings known, and the hard evidence being there of child trafficking, of collusion to spy on a sitting President of the United States, and many other heinous acts, such as False Flag Events, to distract the public from what the real issues are, so that this Cabal could keep on corrupting the narrative, by using the mainstream media, the other institutions to keep this illusion of their power in full sway. And that is no longer happening. 


So instead of going for their narratives, and instead of feeling confused, because you, all of a sudden, are in this condition, whereby everything is changing on your planet. This Cabal is no longer in control, and the new Plans that will power NESARA are being made manifest slowly but surely, because, yes, all along the Councils of Heaven did not want mass murders in the form of civil war to happen. That is so unnecessary, and it is so counterproductive to where you need to be in high vibration, in order to anchor in the 5th Dimension onto your Beloved Planet, so that you can accelerate your Ascension Process, by being in this next stage of Ascension Protocols, which this Event of the Truth will enable you to do so.


And yes, we are all One, Beloveds. We are on the same Mission and there is no reason for you to disempower yourself with fear and separation. And now is the time to allow yourself to go deeper and deeper into your High Heart Centers, and to let go of the illusion of you being one dimensional, stuck in the 3rd Dimension of duality. It is not your Truth. And you are here to take hold of your Power with integrating these higher-Light Encodements, and allowing yourself to pass through this Event of the Truth.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around, with your other hand, for someone else’s hand on this Beloved Call. Forming our circle, and sending the energy around, heart to heart, from the left, to the right. And now, spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. And calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights, the Blazing Blue Swords of Archangel Michael, used as lasers, with all of his Legions of Angels, Archangel Amethyst, and the Violet Flame Angels, and St. Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch. 


And with our breathing, allowing ourselves to let go deeper and deeper, into this Now Moment. Letting go of all stress, and tension, and all low vibration, expanding our energy fields, rising up into frequency and vibration of the 5th Dimension and beyond. And now, sending these energies, down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. This is her Heart Center, Beloveds.


We feel her Love, her Compassion, her Wisdom, her Commitment to all of us, to all living beings, and Kingdoms of her planet, to complete this Ascension Process.  We feel the Oneness of the Love and Light that we are in communion, heart to heart, and soul to soul. Sending her our Love, and our Light, and blessing her for all she is, and all she does. And now rising up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our High Heart Centers.  And spiraling this energy, from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction.


And now, rising up off of the surface of the planet, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, empowering ourselves in these high frequencies of Love and Light. Rising up through the layers of the atmospheres, and honing in on my Beloved Ship, through the multitudes of ships we are coming in contact with, while I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now, we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way to an open elevator, and we are all getting in at the same time. And I am pressing the button, to close the doors. And we are rising ever-so rapidly now, up to the top floor, letting go deeper and deeper with our breathing. Feeling Joy and Wonderment at being here on this magnificent ship.


And now, we come to a stop and I’m opening up the door. And so many Beloveds are here to greet us, all of the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, other Angels and Ascended Masters, and orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings, from other planets and other ships, and your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


And we are joined with them, making our way into the middle of this Crystal Healing Room. Forming a circle around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do this, we form our circle, and the Mentors form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds form their circles. And with our breathing, letting go, feeling Love and Joy of being in this Oneness with all of the Beloved Beings here.


And now, sending the energy through the circles, and spiraling from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. And integrating with these higher levels of consciousness, represented in the crystals, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are sync with all of the higher dimensions of Creation. And allowing ourselves to let go and to integrate with these high frequencies of Love and Light. Feeling this Joy, this Passion of being in this Now Moment, all joined together as One, in Mission with each other.


And Beloveds, we ask all of you on this call tonight to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you require to create, in your own personal journeys, with the high frequencies of the energies of this Meditation tonight. It can have to do with having a deeper connection with your I AM Presence and Guidance Team, with having more Peace and Joy to allow yourself to be deeper and deeper into your High Heart Center, to manifest prosperity and abundance on the material plane, to have more intimacy in your personal relationships, and to express from your High Heart Center with Ease and Grace. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shining it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for the Empowerment of Humanity, to wake up on deeper and deeper higher levels of Unconditional/Universal Love, for each and every one that is still sleeping to awaken from their slumber, and to know that this is the Now Moment, that they have been waiting for. And that with shining their LoveLights, from their hearts, they may empower themselves to know and be the Truth of who they really are. And to let go of all fear in giving their energy to what they resonate with, as the Truth, to develop their narrative, which will enable them to move forward in this Ascension Process. 


Beloveds we are all in Mission together. We call for the Truth to be made known, to facilitate this Event of the Truth on your Beloved Planet, for you to be anchored into the 5th Dimension, as you pass through into this next stage of Ascension Protocols. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, for Peace, for Enlightenment of your Beloved Species in the Collective Consciousness. And shooting it up through the tip of this Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru. And spiraling it down in a clockwise direction, through the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, underneath the surface, and into Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating this Love and Light, in all of its glory and magnificence, into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on this planet. And intentionally requiring all of us with the rays of energy, and the Legions of Angels of these rays, to go down into the subatomic particles of your DNA. Spinning counterclockwise to remove all the negative programs, and negative programming, disqualified, and discredited energies, polarities and traumas, layer by layer, releasing all of the ill intent, all of the black magic, all of the control systems, delivery systems, that have tethered Humanity to this 3D Matrix, and the control systems of its institutions. We are removing these dynamics of its enslavement, by recognizing the Power of Love, as the most Powerful Force in all of Creation. And opening up our hearts to accept these higher frequencies of Love and Light, through the higher-Light Encodements, streaming in, in these multiple energy streams, and breathing into the Now Moment, allowing ourselves to be at Peace, to be at Zero Point, and to achieve this clarity of vision, this Moment of Truth. Feeling the depth of our Love and Compassion for being here, and for all of Humanity on this Beloved Planet.


And shining our LoveLights through the Collective Consciousness, to raise all of the Beloved Beings out of the slumber of being brainwashed, by fear-and-separation dynamics of the Ego-mind controlling process, that has tethered Humanity to this 3D Matrix System. We call forth fractalization of all of these control systems, and to disincorporate the illusion of its power, by revealing the Truth of all of the minions of the Cabal, and the weakness that they have for going for the lies of the factions of Satanism, of being the trickster, and the fool. 


We call upon all of the Councils of Heaven to further empower us, to resonate with these high frequencies of Love and Light, to accelerate this Ascension Process, for us to integrate these higher-Light Encodements, for the implementation of all of the provisions of NESARA as the activation of this Event of the Truth changes the dynamics of energy on this Beloved Planet and allows us to anchor in the 5th Dimension and to accelerate our Ascension Process.


And we are shining our Love and Light into the hearts of all of the children.  They have come here to carry out the next phase of empowerment, of the Love and Light that we are, releasing the full potential of Unconditional/Universal Love. They are the teachers, and we are here to help them, to show them Love and Support, and to change this dynamic, that this Cabal has perpetrated upon the DNA, by mutating the genetic imperatives. We are restoring the integrity of our genetic imperatives of Humanity, empowering the Love and Light, the Truth of who we really are as conduits into the Godhead.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. 


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We thank you for all you do, shining your LoveLight. And we ask you to be aware of your breathing, and to feel the Power of Love and Light in your heart, in each and every Now Moment.


Namaste and good night. And now, Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.