Monday, September 5, 2011

The Fractional Banking System is Bankrupt

This is Labor Day Weekend of 2011.  It is quite clear to a lot of people who have been following the financial disaster that the 13 banking families have perpetrated for almost the last 100 years, that the bottom has dropped out no matter how many times the pretty newscasters say it isn't so. Indictments are finally happening. This bit of fraud and deceit & partying with the people's money goes all the way to the top. It's time for the players who have been perpetuating the old system to come clean.

So who Am I? I do clearings of the negative programming that all of us have. The powers that were could never have kept us in line for so long if they didn't have a bag of tricks: negative programs, replicators, negative entities, implants, devices, curses, vows, dogmas etc. I go to the lifetime where they originated and root them out. There are overlay after overlay of programming, so what I do isn't a quick fix. My book about this is coming out most probably before the end of the year.

I work with angels, ascended masters & the I Am presence of each person. What I do is to get people connected to their heart center and be in the Now. It is a simple process, but it requires that you open up and feel and don't get caught in your mind.

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