Maybe you can feel the energies quickening. Maybe you can see things coming up in your reality such as lack, relationships, issues with anger, abandonment, betrayal, addictions concerning yourself & others etc. Now is the time to heal these things. Now is the time for us to forgive the pain around any of these issues.
It is ever so true that the power of love is the highest vibrational healing tool in the universe. This is not romantic love, but universal, unconditional love. It is free and we can bring in as much as we want of it. You see, we can be the one who is calling the shots. The ego, up to this point has been our protector. It has been the mechanism that has addressed the fear that would keep us in line by directing us to do things to respond to the fear signals that our body and brain gave us. This process of the ego has limited us from nurturing ourselves and manifesting the gifts that we are all born with, because fear was the underpinning of how we responded to making our reality.
As we proceed in the process of rising the collective consciousness up into the 5th dimensions we no longer need the ego to run the show. The lower vibrations, that are all fear based, won’t exist in this place that those of us who have given our intent for will be evolving into. Now is the time to re-integrate with the love we all are, the love that is the driving force of all of creation. We call in our inner child and our ego into our heart center. It is here that we connect consciously with our breathing to creator-source. We bring in the energy of love and bathe the ego and inner child with it. We tell the ego that we love them, they have done their job well and led us to this place where love will take this game of duality we have been playing to completion.
We re-integrate the ego into this place of higher inter-dimensional perspective by allowing it to relax in the Now. The power of intent plays a major role in this process, as does our conscious awareness by being the observer and watching our breathing. It is simply enough for us to say what we want to the universe and it is given to us in this now moment. We give our assistants, the unseen beings of light gratitude for this love and guidance.
This simple meditation can help us rebuild the dynamics of how we use the energy that is made available to us. I find that this goes hand in hand with doing the clearings to take back our power. The negative programming has been in league with the dynamics of the ego for such a long time. The need for the ego to be dominant is now gone with the rising up in our levels of consciousness. For all intents and purposes we have graduated the school of duality.
When we take out the mechanisms that we have been imprinted and infected with, such as entities, implants, dogmas, vows, curses, devices, implants and negative programs along with their replicators we make a lot of energy available to ourselves to create the reality that we truly desire. Taking out this negative programming gets us back to the zero point. This is the place of power and it is the truth our being.
Muscle Response Testing (MRT) can play a very wonderful part in this scenario of healing the energies and programs that no longer serve us. We use MRT to validate the responses we get when we ask questions that deal with what needs to be cleared for us to take our power back. The language of the Spirited Clearings helps us to dismantle the web of fear based programming that all of us have been saddled with since birth. We ask what programs have to be taken out and what was their originating lifetime. This allows us to remove them at the starting point, so that they will effectively be transmuted into the higher frequencies. Then we can create with this new energy we have empowered ourselves with.
No matter how hopeless your situation may seem to be I can assist you in starting your ascension process and accelerating it. The days of living just to survive are over. Now we may find out what we are passionate about and pursue it. We make our lives a happy adventure in fulfilling our desires and being of service to others.
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