Thursday, April 11, 2019

4-10-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

4-10-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so happy to once again be with you tonight. We feel your energies.  And we feel your enthusiasm and your faith for caring about your Mission to bring it to completion. Because, yes, you can feel that what you are going through, day to day, is part of the challenge with these high vibrations coming in, and you feeling these Ascension Symptoms. 

So we would like to offer to you, that a big part of this dynamic is enabling you to make different choices, you know. And a lot of it has to do with your thoughts, words, and actions; to allow them to rise on up into higher frequency, but also having to do with your choices about the nutrition that you put inside your body, and clearing out certain toxins, doing certain cleansings. 

But of course, the most potent of these cleansings are completely in alignment with what you’ve just done with Mother Sekhmet, with raising the level of the vibration and spiraling this LoveLight Energy. Because, yes, you can do it through your Energy Fields. And your Energy Field starts two feet above the top of your head, and two feet below the bottoms of your feet. And it is like a cocoon two feet around all of your body in every direction. So, you can spiral this counterclockwise, to remove polarities. And you can spin clockwise to bring in, to transmute the energies that you have just cleared into high vibrations. And this is the easiest way to do this. 

And we tell Eli to require that the movements of the spiral, become more effective and accurate by a thousand-fold. And that works wonderfully well. And it will allow you to let go of a lot of this density, that is in your environment from the pollutants there, from impure thoughts, and temptations, from gnarly things that do not support you in your quest for bringing in the 5th Dimension and the completion of your Beloved Mission at this time.

Oh, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we see what you’re going through. And we know that it only gets better and better, because you are at the end of your road, of your path toward Cosmic Liberation, you would say. And that’s what it felt like for me, when I ascended on your planet these thousands of years ago. And it was such a beautiful feeling.
And we know all of you are going to feel that too. And it’s going to make worthwhile all of the tests and challenges, all of the pain, that you had to go through, to really see what you have been programmed with by these very dark beings. Because fear and separation are not the true nature of who you really are.
And it’s only been by you playing out these polarities and letting go of them, and rising up into higher vibration that you understand just how powerful of a co-creator each and every one of you are. And it is so beautiful for us to have seen this whole process transpire, because of course, where we are, there is no time. There is no space. Everything is happening in circular time. And so it’s happening in the Now Moment.

And we know, we can see and experience all that you have gone through in your personal journeys to get to this point. And a big part of us wanting to celebrate, is for you, at what you’ve all done on your Beloved Planet, because your Time of Liberation is so close now.
So please take that to heart and understand how much you are loved and how much support, that you are getting all over your Beloved Cosmos from many different galaxies and star races, who will be affected by your Ascensions.

Beloveds, we love you more than we possibly can verbally express in this Now Moment. Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters.

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