Friday, August 6, 2021

8-4-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 8-4-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again. You are in the movement of these high-vibrational energies, coming into your Beloved Planet. And tonight we see you still formed in your circles. And we are going to do this meditation, whereby we can bathe you in the high vibrations of crystalline energy. 


And first, we are sending the energy, around your circle, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around, and through. And raising ourselves up off the surface of your planet, up through the portal in the Solar Sun, up through the Central Sun, which is the Galactic Center. And rising up through this portal, into the Angelic Crystalline Waters Healing Pool. And the size and the shape of this pool accommodates the size of our circle.


And we set down in this crystalline water, with its many rainbow colors representing all of the higher dimensions of reality, that it has absorbed and imprinted, from all over the Cosmos, into the crystalline structure of these waters, that have been enabled by the pillars and the canopy, that changes the sunlight in frequency and vibration to ever-higher levels of consciousness. 


We are sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, sending it into your hearts, bathing you with this high-vibrational Love and Compassion.  And allowing the tools of Forgiveness and Gratitude, to help you stay in a state of neutrality, whereby you allow yourself to be conscious in the Here Now, and to receive more of these high-vibrational LoveLights coming in from your Photon Belt.


And allow yourself to resonate in these rhythms of waves of energy, of this photon energy coming in. And knowing, Beloveds, that everything in your Ascension Process, all of the Plans of the Alliance to implement NESARA, the Truth being made known, the removal of all evil on your planet, the end of all wars, all cheating, all corruption. All of that is transpiring in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


And it is with your Intentional Requirements, Beloveds, in doing this meditation, on this call with Mother Sekhmet, and Maria, and myself, that you are helping to raise the level of vibration, on your Beloved Planet. And radiate this conscious awareness into the Collective of all of the Beloved Beings, helping them to wake up, and to have the courage to make choices, that will empower them with the Truth. And give them the resolve to express from their hearts, and to create the reality in alignment with their True, Divine, Sovereign Nature, so that all of you Beloveds will take back, and liberate Beloved Mother Gaia, from any and all of these forces of evil, that have enslaved you. You are free in this Now Moment. 


We bless all of you with this Love, Unconditional and Universal, and Compassion, in the acceptance of Free Will of all of the Beloved Beings, in knowing that everyone is playing out their roles, as best they can. And it is enabling this shift into the 5th Dimension, and your Ascensions to come about, Beloveds.


My Mary’s come into the middle of the circle. And they are offering you the Kumara roses. Take them into your hearts. They represent the journey, that you have been on and all of the Love and Light, that you have multiplied all throughout Creation, by going through all of your tests and challenges, whereby Beloved Mother Gaia is now ready to receive ever-higher Encodements of Light, and to connect with all of the other star races, and the multiverses, as you complete your Ascension Processes.


Namaste, Beloveds. We love you ever-so much. And good night.

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