Saturday, February 26, 2022

2-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 2-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your circle once again on this conference call.


Beloveds, the emotions that you feel are, at times you feel that you do not have control over them. But this is not the Truth. Oftentimes all it takes is changing your thoughts and allowing yourself to breathe into your heart.  And letting go of any of the lower vibrations, any feelings of lack, or unworthiness, or guilt, or shame. 


Beloveds, none of those lower vibrations are the true nature of your being.  The pain is not anything that you would feel in the 5th Dimension at all. The pain of rejection, the pain of grief of losing a loved one, of feeling abandoned. They do not exist. Because of the knowingness that it is all One.  And the Power of Love permeates every cell of your being, allowing you to stay in high vibration continuously.


There are no gaps. There are no judgments and curses being levied against you in the 5th Dimension. And this is what we ask you to envision with your imaginations in every moment. Because for all practical purposes, Beloveds, you are there, One with us in every Now Moment. Victory to the Light is a reality.


All of the plans to disincorporate the control systems of this matrix, of all of these Satanic factions have been put in place. And they are being successful. It is just the illusion that they have not already come to completion in this Now Moment, that you perceive yourself to be in, Beloveds.  You have created these conditions with your Faith, your Trust, and your Intentional Requirements to be the Love and Light that you are, to be the embodiment of the Truth of who you really are, and to create the reality in the highest frequencies of Love and Light.


Beloveds, I am with all of the Mentors, and all of the beings, who have been on this meditation with you tonight, with Beloved Mother Sekhmet. And we are shining our Love and Light into your hearts all throughout your energy fields. 


And now, my Beloved Marys come into the middle of your circle, to hand and offer to you the Kumara roses, which contain the highest frequencies, and sound vibrations, of Love and Light, to imbue you within your hearts the totality of 5th Dimensional consciousness.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are One. And we are all victorious in the Light!


Namaste and good night.

2-23-22 Maria Magdalene by Eli Galla

 2-23-22 Maria Magdalene by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again. And cannot you feel the intensity of this Love and Light, in this Now Moment, all over your Beloved Planet, these multiple streams of energy coming in from the Galactic Center? 


Beloveds, the Power of Love, when it is unified. And yesterday, there were so many mass meditations. There were so many Beloveds calling forth the Truth to be made known, for Peace to prevail in every situation, in every moment, and for the tyranny to end, by all of the Beloveds on the planet waking up in this Now Moment, and coming together, and empowering themselves with the Love and Light that they are. And speaking their Truth, what is real for them.  And in this knowingness, that fear is a lie, and Love is the Truth. 


Love powers all of Creation. And yes, you are calling forth your empowerment to rise on up through the higher dimensions, to feel this connection continuously with your I AM Presence, and your Guidance Teams and all of the other higher aspects of your being, all along the timeline ,in dimensional realities, parallel realities, and the like.


Beloveds, once you rise up into the higher dimensions, you feel this Oneness, this unity to such a degree, that you truly can remember who you are, of the Divine Perfection of your Being, before you came into this Lifetime. And how your I AM Presence is always there with you being the bridge, being the shining Light, connecting you up with your Soul Monad. In every Now Moment, you have these higher vibrations available. And yes, Beloveds, it is to go for the Truth. But also to go for the Joy of Knowing, and Being, this Truth of who you are. And knowing there is no separation, between you and Creator Source.


Yes, you are being challenged in every Now Moment to hold fast, to hold the line, to your Truth, to disseminate it, to empower your own narrative of hooking up the dots, of carrying yourself in high vibration along this timeline in creating a bridge onto the 5th Dimensional Timeline. And when you come together in these mass meditations, Beloveds, this is what you are creating with us, because we are there, right there with you shining our Love and Light into your hearts, as we are now, all of us Mentors on the ships. 


We see and feel the level of your vibration. We see and feel those moments of clarity, where it all clicks through, and you take action in a Divine Way to express the Love and Light that you are, to stand up to what you feel is out of alignment, to change your thoughts, to change the rhythm of your breathing, to be more and more into the Now Moment, and to be more conscious, so that you embody the Love and Light that is the Core Essence of your being.  And emanate it forth, to create this reality of change, of empowerment, and for the disincorporation of all of the control systems that have enslaved Humanity.


We see and feel this level of unity, this union, this Communion heart to heart, and soul to soul, being empowered each and every time you express your Truths, Beloveds. And allow yourself to be in these high frequencies of Love and Light, and to know this is your True Divine Nature, and no one, and nothing can take it away from you.


We love you ever-so much.  We are in unison, in communion with you in every Now Moment. We are shining our Love and Light into your hearts, calling forth your empowerment to accelerate, and for this 3D Matrix to disincorporate, so that you will find this Ease and Grace in every Now Moment, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night. 


And now, my Beloved Sananda will come in.

2-23-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 2-23-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am once again with you on this Beloved Conference Call, the day after you have had the six twos initiate the completion of a cycle in your United States of America from when the Declaration of Independence was signed. This is monumental, Beloveds, because now you are at this point in the cycle, where you are in this place of rebirth, where you are going to take the next step forward on the timeline into the 5th Dimension, because all of the provisions of NESARA are in alignment with the enactment in its totality of your original United States Constitution. 


And once again, this great battle with the forces of darkness is pushing Humanity to the edge, to this place where all of you Beloveds take notice of the lies, the deceptions, the pain, and trauma that are being perpetrated upon you by these institutions, within the context of the control systems of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix. Beloveds, the Truth will disassemble and disincorporate this control structure for once and for all. 


And it is you, Beloveds, who have been doing the work, been doing your meditations each and every day, who have been living a heart-centered lifestyle, and empowering the Truth of what you feel so very deeply within the four bodies of your being. Creating your own narrative based on your Inner Truth, and shining forth your LoveLight and understanding the dynamics of the control systems, that have been used against you for eons, by this 3rd Dimensional negative programming. 


Beloveds, this is your time for rising up in frequency and vibration. And yes, the multiple streams of energy that are coming into your planet, right now, have never been felt this way before on your planet, even in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis. It has now even become even more intense with tighter peak intervals coming in, in succession really rapidly.


Beloveds, the 5th Dimension is available to you in each and every Now Moment.  And it is only when you let go of the fear-and-separation based programming, breathing into your High Heart Center, and empowering yourself with the Truth of who you truly are in Unison with Creator Source, with the Company of Heaven, with all of the higher aspects of your being, to bring about the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of Humanity, on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, you are our Ground Crew. And we are One with you. Wherever you are on your place of spiritual empowerment, it is all in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. Because, Beloveds, just to be here, just to have passed the markers for Ascension, is a fulfillment of so many incarnations, that you have had in this duality lifecycle, when you have reincarnated into the density of duality on this timeline. And now, in this moment that we all share together, we are empowering ourselves with the knowingness that Ascension is available to all of us. And we are doing it altogether. There is no separation, Beloveds. 


Judgment and all of the mind-control systems of the Ego are all a lie, because you are continuously, and you always have been, in Divine Perfection of who you truly are, as a conduit into the Godhead, in alignment with the Law of One. Because within the concept of that Law of One, you can discern that everything and everyone is derived from Creator Source in the Cosmic consciousness, that is in the Power of the Love and Light that is the driving force, of the inspiration of all of Creation, Beloveds.


Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you.  And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call. Forming our circle and sending the energy, from the left, to the right, heart to heart. And now, expanding our field of energy, from our center above, to our center below. And spinning in a clockwise direction, allowing ourselves to relax, and to let go into this Now Moment, allowing this Divine Flow of Interdimensional Consciousness to raise the level of our vibration. Feeling this Oneness heart to heart and soul to soul, Beloveds.


And now, spiraling this energy down, through the bottoms of our feet, into our center below, and underneath the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, into her Crystalline Core. And here we access her wisdom, her Unconditional/Universal Love, and the commitment that she has for the completion of the Ascension Process for herself, and all of the Beloved living beings on her planet. And we feel all that she has done and her courage, her strength, her resolve to bring about completion of this process, and to enable all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to feel the Joy, Harmony, and Bliss of being once again in the 5th Dimension, and ascending along with her, as we will do it with full consciousness, and physical embodiment. along with Beloved Mother Gaia.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Sending her our Love and Light, and rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our Heart Centers once again. And spiraling the energy, from the center above, to the center below in a clockwise spiral.  We are rising up off the surface of the planet, through the layers of the atmospheres ever higher.


Now, we are coming upon multitudes of ships. And I am being guided to my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I am opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we are rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And once again, we are here. And we are making our way, as we touch down to an open elevator. And we are all getting in, and I am pushing the button, to close the door, and to take us on up to the top floor here. And we are rising now ever-so rapidly, feeling this Love in our hearts expand into the Oneness within our circle.


And now, we come to a stop. And opening up the door, and being met by the gracious greetings of the Mentors, and all of the Beloveds who are here, the Commanders from the ships, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings from other ships and other planets. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous incarnation or two.


As we move on to the middle of this room, and form our circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do this, the Mentors form their circle directly in back of us. And all of the others form their circles. And there are so many Beloved Beings here with us tonight, representing races all over the Cosmos, all of the star systems. 


And spiraling this energy within our hearts, sending it into the outer circles, spiraling from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing the high-interdimensional consciousness of all of the Crystals, and the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings, who are a part of this meditation, either in this room, or bilocating into this room from wherever they are. 


Allowing ourselves to go deeper and deeper into this Now Moment, into the inner chambers of our hearts. And feeling the brilliance of the Platinum Ray, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Diamond Lights activate all of the strands of our DNA, all of the right lobe of your brains, Beloveds. Removing all of the mutations, allowing yourself to fully come online within your physicality. And feeling the balance within the flow of these Beloved Energies through the four bodies of your being.


And we ask you, Beloveds on this call to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create with the energies of this meditation tonight.  It can be with your personal evolution of feeling a stronger connection with the higher aspects of your being, from every moment onward. It can be having a stronger connection and higher-vibrational communication with all of your loved ones, your family, and friends. Or it can be empowering yourself with the energies of Mother Nature, wherever you live. Beloveds, whatever it is, shine these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. 


And for all of us on this call tonight, we unify over the Power of Love. And calling forth the Truth to be made known, all over your Beloved Planet, for this Event of the Truth being disseminated, that will completely disincorporate this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, that will expose all of the lies and deceptions, and all of the negative programming based in fear and separation. And the transparency of how fear and separation are lies, and Love is the Truth of who we are, and it is the essence, the core of our being.  And this Divine Love is the inspiration, and driving force of all of Creation.


Beloveds, breathing into this energy and all of us shining it into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down through the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and once again into her Crystalline Core.


And from this point of engagement, at her core, radiating it forth into the DNA of all living beings on your planet, removing all of the control structures, devices, and delivery systems that have created this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and disseminated upon Humanity these mind-control, negative-programming systems, that have empowered this Matrix, and all of its institutions, to control the narrative, and to keep us locked down in low vibration with the device of ownership, debt slavery, and all of the manipulations of fear and separation.


We require that this programming, all of the ill intent, all of the black magic curses and spells, that have been levied upon Humanity for eons upon eons of time, on this 3rd Dimensional timeline, be disassembled, disincorporated. That anything less than Love be removed with this process of breathing these high vibrations of Love and Light into it. And counterclockwise spinning into the DNA, to go to the depths in the subatomic particles with all of the Legions of Angels, working in unison with us, with all of the Mentors, with the Company of Heaven, to accelerate your Ascension Process, to bring forth the embodiment of Truth, Harmony, and Joy, all of the attributes of the 5th Dimension in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization so that all debris, all remnants, all residues of the evil of this Cabal, and its control system of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix be removed, be fractalized, and disassembled, and disincorporated.


And now, we call forth the transmutations of all of these energies, all of these control systems, to transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Spiraling Beloved Mother Gaia in a clockwise direction, going into the Collective Consciousness, spiraling the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds in a clockwise direction on your planet. Breathing, bringing in these high frequencies, this knowingness, this beingness, this harmony of all of the hearts and minds united, in this Mission, to realize and complete Ascension on this Beloved Planet, along with Mother Gaia, for the embodiment of full consciousness within physicality. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, we shine our LoveLights into that area in Europe, into the Ukraine, and into Russia for the Truth. We are calling for the Truth to be exposed.  We are calling fourth this Moment, where there is a standoff, where there will be no war, where the Truth will come about why this situation has persisted in the way that it has, and who is responsible for these polarities, for these imbalances in the reality in this region. 


And we are calling forth the knowingness, the beingness, the embodiment of the high vibrations of Love and Light, to inform all of Humanity with this Event of the Truth. And this engagement in Russia and the Ukraine is another step on the timeline, where the Truth will be made known in its totality.  And all of Humanity will become aware of how you have all been controlled by this less-than one percent, these Satanic factions, these mind-control systems, that have kept the playing field leveraged against Humanity, for far too long, Beloveds. 


The lies, the manipulations, the ill intent are being removed. And the empowerment of Love and Light is taking hold in every Now Moment. And we call forth the Divine Perfection of the Truth of who we really are, as conduits into the Godhead, all equal, all Divine, all united with Mother Gaia, and all of her Kingdoms. Calling forth the removal of all evil, of all of the dark control systems, and empowering ourselves in the 5th Dimension.


And supporting and sending the Love and Light into all of the Beloved Children, so that they too can grow strong in the knowingness of the Truth of who they truly are. And grow in the Love and Light that they are fulfilling their Soul Contracts, and being the Divine Embodiment of the Love and Light that they came here to show us of how to put it all together, on the 5th Dimension. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds on this call, we love you ever-so much.  We are with you every step of the way. We ask you not to be deterred by the lies of the mainstream media, not one iota, but have faith in this Plan for your Ascension Process, to accelerate, and for the next Phase of Ascension to seamlessly flow into your reality. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Namaste and good night.


And now, Beloved Maria will come in.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

 2-16-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. We ask you to take into your heart the knowingness that Joy is your natural state of being. Yes, this has been kept from you in your incarnations in this cycle of duality, for these thousands upon thousands of years. 


You have had to deal with many dense layers of control mechanisms of the institutions, that you were told were having your best interests at heart.  And all of the structure of this 3D Matrix was designed to feed off of your energies, to use you, to enslave you, because the ones doing the enslavement were not able to cast off the chains of them being conned by these Satanic dark forces, so that they used you to feed off of your fear.


But Beloveds, you know this now. You have awakened, you have been working with us. And others are starting to come to terms with these dynamics of enslavement, of the pain in their hearts and minds, knowing that they are being lied to, knowing that the narratives are no longer true, that the mainstream media, and the rest of the institutions, on your Beloved Planet, have been giving them all through this current incarnation.


Beloveds, this is the awakening of all of the Beloveds, who came in knowing, that they were coming in to ascend. Yes, you go through this amnesia phase, whereby if you can be heart centered, if you have the courage to ask your guides and angels for this communion up into the higher dimensions, you have received the Wisdom, and have allowed yourself to be guided, to make choices, that carry you forth on this timeline, to build this bridge, along with us, into the 5th Dimension.


Beloveds, that is what you have been doing in your meditations with us, and your other groups. And every time you hear the Truth from Citizen Journalists, or from other channelers, and other sources of entertainment, such as music, that opens your heart and allows you to be in deep states of meditation. Beloveds, all of this has helped you to grow in a very exponential way. And that is what was needed. 


And that is why you came into this lifetime, to be the spearhead, to manifest the reality of you having ascended in the future timeline, or on other planets. And using that momentum of being awakened in this Now Moment, to transmit it to the rest of the Collective Consciousness, to help them awaken, to help them to know their own inner Truth, and develop a narrative based in Universal Laws, based in harmony and Unity, with all of the Beloved Beings in the Collective Consciousness. 


Yes, things are rapidly changing, the stories, the narratives of the controllers of this planet have no longer been able to, as you would say, hold water. And they are in hiding mode, and trying to escape, having to be made held accountable for all of the proof of the evidence against them, of the heinous acts, that they have committed in this lifetime, and this ongoing cycle of Ritual Satanic Abuse, and all of the illicit ways that they have been making their money, to keep them above the law, to rewrite the laws in their favor to win elections fraudulently. All of those control systems have been diminished in Power, because more and more of the Truth, Beloveds, is coming about.


We are with you. Our hearts are shining the Love and Light, all of us Mentors into your circle, joined together heart to heart, at this Now Moment in the highest frequencies of Love and Light. Just breathe into these high frequencies, Beloveds. And allow yourself to be in the State of Joy, of Peace, and being guided by these high frequencies in all of the choices you make, in being the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, and the outcomes of your choices. And being unafraid to make adjustments, when you feel you are out of alignment with the Truth of your Sovereign, Godhead, Divine Nature. Beloveds, we are One.


And now, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. And they are handing out the Kumara roses for you to take into your hearts, all of these high frequencies that have not been made available to you in spectrums of color and light. Take them as an emblem of our Union with you, in being the Ground Crew, and being in Mission with us, and of your true, Divine, eternal, sovereign nature, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

2-16-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 2-16-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be with you in our communion of our hearts on this Beloved Call. 


Beloveds, this time is so very important because, yes, you are here as the Starseeds, and this First Wave of Ascension. And you have been going through all of these growing pains, and cycling out negative energy, and being this First Wave experiencing it, before the majority of the Beloveds on your planet will. And you have been raising the level of consciousness with us, who have been in Mission with you for eons upon eons, Beloveds. Just because you cannot remember all of those lifetimes, when we were there with you also, it does not mean that this same dynamic was not going on in past lifetimes, where you were able to tune into frequency and vibration with us, with the Sacred Heart, and emanate these high frequencies, and be the Truth of the Love and Light, that you are, in your dealings with the rest of Humanity.


Yes, each of you came in with different Soul Contracts. But in this Beloved Lifetime, you came in to complete the balancing of all of the polarities, that you have encountered from the negative programming over the course of thousands and thousands of years. And this time is one that is so pivotal for your Beloved Planet, and for all of Creation, because there is so much invested in the creation of your DNA, and bringing about this total change of the dynamics of enslavement on your Beloved Planet.


It has never been done this way before, whereby a planet that has been so totally downtrodden, and manipulated by black magic, and these control systems of this 3D Matrix, and all of its institutions, whereby a significant grouping of you Starseeds have come together, and have been able to raise the level of your vibration, and emanate these high frequencies of the Truth of your being, and tap into the Power of Universal Laws, and understand their meaning in the bigger picture of why you are here, and what Ascension means for not only your planet but, for all of Creation at this time.


Yes, you have no manual to go by. You are going by the Power of your Sacred Hearts. And this is very illuminating to all of us Mentors, who have been in observation mode, upon the ships, and seeing the frequencies of Love and Light come into your hearts, and we see and experience the words coming forth connected into your Heart Centers, and the ways that you are dealing with these polarities. 


And you are moving through these higher frequencies, and raising the level of the vibration for the Collective Consciousness, whereby so many Beloveds are waking up. And the dynamics that have been used against Humanity, from this Cabal, are now imploding in and upon themselves. This 3D Matrix is coming undone, Beloveds. And you are preparing for the Truth to be made known all over your Beloved Planet, that will send you into this next stage of Ascension Protocols.


Beloveds, we are with you. We know that there are many chaotic and fear-based narratives, that are being thrust upon you in the mainstream media, and by politicians, and by institutions, such as big pharma, and the banking establishment. But Beloveds, the Power of Love is triumphing at this moment, and will continue to do so, as the Truth is made known, and that this Event of the Truth will bring such steadfast harmony, and Unity, and such high-vibrational Love, that things will not ever go back to Beloved Mother Gaia being a prison planet, and your hearts being enslaved in survival dynamics of fear and separation any longer, Beloveds.




We are with you every step of the way, Beloveds. 


And now, my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

2-16-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 2-16-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. Once again, I am so very happy to be with you all tonight.


Ah yes, Beloveds, people are starting to put two and two together on your Beloved Planet. Over the weekend you will see that a major drop of intelligence has been made public about the so-called Durham investigations.  And what has been alleged of the person that ran against the President in 2016, Hillary Clinton, all of his findings were very well researched over a sufficiently-long period of time. And he in his investigation with all of his workers put together this report, that not only found that there was manipulation of wiretapping and collusion in disseminating this false narrative of the Steele Report.


But that, once Trump was in office, he was also spied upon, because they wanted to control him. And they wanted to find any means available to get him out. Beloveds, your elections have not been free for a very long time. You have been living under the guise of business as usual, and everything was fine. And this level of corruption had only increased.


But now, you are seeing that the narratives that big pharma, the politicians, and this fraudulently elected President has been perpetrating, upon the American people, are all falling apart. Because the reality is that the opposite is happening than what they are saying. And this is creating this point of separation whereby people in their own circle of influence have had friends, or family members that have been affected in a very detrimental way by these lies and deceptions of mainstream media, of the institutions, which big pharma plays a very prominent role, because the amount of money they have amassed by keeping others in fear and low vibration.


Beloveds, the time for these manipulations, the time for the Truth becoming made known all over your Beloved Planet is now. And once again, we remind you that the true Power is of your being is to stay in high vibration, that you have earned these multiple energy streams coming in from the Galactic Center in a very far-reaching, dynamic way. And they are raising the level of your vibration. And it is up to you to take advantage of that in your meditations.  And yes, you have seen the same rhetoric and dogmas being espoused, over and over, again by this Cabal, to control Humanity in very devious and dark ways, to keep Humanity enslaved in fear, and in survival mode.


But Beloveds, with the level of the vibration becoming ever stronger, each and every day, and you empowering yourself to be, more and more, heart centered, to go, deeper and deeper, into this feeling of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, you are shining your LoveLights into the Collective Consciousness of all of Humanity.  And you are raising the level of consciousness to a place where the Truth can finally be made known. And all of the coverups can end, and disclosure of a very hard, real, significant nature can come about.


And you, Beloveds, are the ones to hook up the dots, to create your own narrative with what you resonate with as the Truth. And all of the great masters on your planet, this is exactly what they did. They fell in the energy of the words, the vibration coming forth, enabling themselves to ascertain whether a person’s speech was connected to their hearts, to connect it up into the higher dimensions, and if they were bringing forth consciousness coming up through the higher dimensions, to enable Humanity to truly remember who each and every one of you are. This is what is happening at this time, Beloveds. 


More and more events are happening, whereby people are recognizing the dynamics of how they have been manipulated with the same lies, in the same ongoing revolving door of the people telling those lies not ever being held accountable, and not ever going back onto the past timeline, and coming into continuity with the way that these events have been playing out, over and over, again to give an unfair advantage to this Cabal.


So Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call.  And sending this energy, from heart to heart, from the left, to the right, in a clockwise direction. And now, spiraling our combined field of energy, calling in the Golden White Lights of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron. And with our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down and relax. And bring in Joy, Harmony, and Understanding. And sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, into our center below, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, underneath the surface of the planet, into her heart, her Crystalline Core.


And yes, we are feeling Unconditional/Universal Love. Her Wisdom, her commitment to each and every one of us for liberation of herself, throughout all of these Ascension Protocols, so that we are in such high vibration that no darkness exists and that we are free of any and all lies and control systems. And we are sending our Love and Light into her heart.


And now, rising up to the surface of the planet, through the bottoms of our feet, into our High Heart Centers. And spiraling this energy in a clockwise direction from the center above to the center below. Feeling this Power of Unconditional/Universal Love joined together in the communion of our hearts.


Rising up off of the surface of the planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, up through the layers of atmospheres, and coming upon multitudes of ships. And we are honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are rising on up through, hovering in the air lock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it is safe to touch down.


And we are making our way over to an open elevator. And we are all getting in. And I am closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up to the top floor here, to our Crystalline Healing Room. And all of the Beloveds, we feel their energies awaiting us, as we are rising rapidly up through many floors to this top floor here. 


And now, coming to a stop and opening up the doors. And being greeted by the Mentors, Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of beings, from other planets, and other ships, and your ancestors, perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


And we are making our way into the middle of this room, circling around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And the Mentors are circling around us.  And all of the other Beloved Beings are forming their circles. And there are so very many Beloved Beings here tonight. And we are joining together, sending the energy around, heart to heart, through the outer circles. And now, spiraling from the center below, from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, observing all of the consciousness of all the Crystals, that represent all of the higher dimensions and the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings who are joining us, either bilocating, or here with us in this room in physicality. And we are breathing into our hearts, and feeling this Oneness, the Unity, this strength of purpose. 


And Beloveds, we ask you, who are on this call, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to manifest in your own personal journeys on Beloved Mother Gaia, whether it has to do with having more intimate relationships, being able to speak the Truth with your Beloveds, with more prosperity, peace, and abundance in your lives. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call tonight, we call forth Peace. We call forth the end of all war on your Beloved Planet. We call for all of the false narratives, the False Flag Events to end. And we call forth events that show the true ulterior motives of this Cabal, and their depopulation event. We call for all of the Beloveds on your planet to wake up, to feel the Truth in their hearts. And from that feeling, to enable themselves to unify, over and inside, of those loving feelings of the Truth making themselves feel whole, and united with each other, and all through the higher dimensions into Creator Source.


We call forth the Power of Love to be activated in such a deep, internal way, that it sparks the consciousness, the imagination of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to speak from their hearts, to stay in high vibration, and to realize the Truth within the four bodies of their being. And to be unafraid of speaking their Truth, and unafraid of the opinions of others, and to feel this Unity, and the Power of Love.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And we call for the implementation of all of the provisions of NESARA, of all of the networks on your Beloved Planet, to rise up in frequency and vibration, for the liberation of the Human Spirit, for us, along with you, to anchor in the 5th Dimension, and to power all of you Beloveds through the later stages of Ascension, so that anyone who wants to ascend, on your planet, can bring the process to completion in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


And now, shining our Intentional Requirements up into the Master Crystal.  Shooting it up through its tip, and up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down through the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. 


Radiating these high frequencies of Love and Light, in unison with the multiple streams of energy coming in from the Galactic Center, into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Calling forth this Moment of Truth, this realization of the Power of Love, of each and every being’s essence, as being Unconditional/Universal Love.


And going into the strands of the DNA, to all of them, and counterclockwise spinning to remove all of the ill intent, all of the negative programs of ego mind-control systems, all connections, and porting into the 3D Matrix, and all of the survival mechanisms, and delivery systems, that you have been programmed and imprinted with.  We call for the transmission of our hearts, into the hearts of all of the Beloveds, from Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, to enable this transition to happen seamlessly, without bloodshed, without any war.


We call forth the raising of consciousness of the Collective of Humanity, of the liberation of all of the Kingdoms, on Beloved Mother Gaia. We call for this Moment of Truth to permeate the hearts and minds of beings everywhere, on your Beloved Planet, to make it crystal clear, that this is the time of empowerment, of removing all of the mechanisms and devises of enslavement, of fear-and-separation based thinking. And that for us to be successful, all we need to do is to stay in high vibration, and to be united with all of us Mentors, and Ascended Masters, Angels, and Archangels, in Mission for the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia. Removing anything less than Love from the four bodies of your being, your DNA, your energy body, and your energy field.


And now, with one or both of your hands on your High Heart Center, we require that we transmute all of the energies, that we have removed, into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude and other high-vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, and Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, Discernment, and Absolution throughout each and every one of your energy bodies, and energy fields, within the four bodies of your being, and your DNA. And radiating this Love and Light in these high frequencies ever-more strongly, directly raising the level of the Collective Consciousness, to prepare for this Event of the Truth, this knowingness, this beingness, and the Power of Love. 


And shining our LoveLights into the hearts and psyches of all of the Beloved Children. And we say to them, “You are so dearly loved. You are honored for being here on this planet, in Mission with us, in playing through your Soul Contracts at this great time of shifting into the Light, of being here to show us the Power of Love.” UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. 


And to all of your Beloveds on this call and those who hear the recording, and read the transcriptions, we love you ever-so much. We are One with you. And it is in this Moment of Empowerment, that we are moving through the stages of Ascension, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night. 


And now, Beloved Maria will come in.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

2-9-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 2-9-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come in tonight in Joy and Harmony with your hearts, in the Truth of who we are together as one, in Mission to bring about these dynamic frequencies of Love and Light, and higher vibration, onto your planet.


Beloveds yes, this Cabal over and over again, with its mandates, with its untruths about something that isn’t even what they say it is. It is a bioweapon to be sure. And it was designed to eliminate a large part of Humanity. But now, so many of you are finding the strength, courage, and resolve of your Free Will, to stand up to this narrative of control.


Because you and so many Beloveds are figuring out the dynamics, that keep on coming up, of fear mongering, guilt mongering, and the control mechanisms of masks, and getting people to feel like they have to give up their individuality, their uniqueness, and follow the herd, because there is, according to these forces of darkness, reason to be in fear according to their narrative. 


But now that narrative is being revealed as a lie.  And it is showing the corruption of the structures of government, of this 3D Matrix, and all of its artifices, its institutions, that do not support the Will of the people, but support the Will of the Cabal, and its control dynamics, and its fear-and separation-based programming, designed to keep Humanity in low vibration, to enslave Humanity into the depths of fear, and all of the lower vibrations.


Beloveds, this mass awakening is in full throttle and full swing. And you are being empowered by the Company of Heaven, with these higher Light Encodements that are coming in. And we know you can feel this shift in your hearts every time you breathe in, and allow yourself to let go to the Love and Light that is the central focus of your Heart Centers, of your awareness, of you awakening to this Now Moment, that this is the time you came in for, where everything shifts into the Light. And the 3D Matrix is imploding in and upon itself. It is disincorporating, its power is lessening, and the Will of the people is being made known.  


Because yes, in your genetic encoding, the pure intent that you were encoded with, was one of honoring the Truth, of knowing yourselves as conduits into the Godhead. And knowing that there is no separation between yourselves and all of Creation. And to honor your uniqueness, your Free Will, your sovereignty, your interdimensional connections into your I AM Presence, and Guidance Team, and all of your higher aspects of your being, all throughout the timelines, and parallel, and alternate realities, dimensional realities, all of these places that the Creation is. 


You are here in this Now Moment shining your Love and your Light brightly, and yes, in Mission with us, to bring about this monumental change. And all you have to do, Beloveds, is let go to the rhythm of your heartbeat, and shine forth the Love and Light that you are. And know that fear is a lie, and the Power of the Truth, the Power of who you truly are, of being loved and supported by the Company of Heaven, is exponentially increasing in every Now Moment.


And more and more Beloveds are waking up. Because yes, you the Starseeds have been the spear, the tip of the spear, the spearhead for this turnaround for the de-structuring of the control systems of this 3D Matrix, Beloveds.


We are One. We are in Mission with you.  We honor you for all you are doing.  And we say, stay the course, Beloveds, because the fear, the lies, the deceptions cannot overpower you any longer. The Power of Love is the strongest force in all of Creation. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

2-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 2-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am thrilled to be with you once again. And as Mother Sekhmet has said, there is so much happening on your Beloved Planet.


But Beloveds, do not forget to be at Peace, to allow yourself to let go of all of the challenges. And yes, time continues to speed up on your Beloved Planet. And some of you are finding it very challenging to get all of the tasks done, that you have been doing without much concern in the past. You were feeling that you are having to squeeze everything, and sometimes at the last moment, so that you feel that you have done your Mission within the course of the day.


But Beloveds, it is just you staying in high vibration that truly matters.  Because yes, all of the plans have been laid out, and made in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And yes, it cannot be forced, all of these new dynamics, that are overturning all of the control mechanisms of this 3D Matrix, that has been empowered by these forces of darkness aided by Artificial Intelligence. 


Beloveds, the Light is shining brightly in your heart, as these higher Light Encodements continue to come in in tighter intervals of peaks, that are streaming forth, and allowing you to be more conscious, and aware, with each and every breath, to be the Compassionate Observers of your thoughts, words, and actions, to allow yourself to shift, when you are feeling any negativity whatsoever, into the higher vibrating thought, or feeling, or allowing words to come forth of Gratitude, of Forgiveness, of Peace, and all of the higher attributes like Harmony, and Joy, and Prosperity, and Abundance.


Beloveds, it is within your purview now to be able to create these higher-vibrating conditions for yourself, using the Law of Attraction in a way more unimpeded, than it has ever been in this incarnation for yourselves. Yes, breathe into your hearts this Knowingness, that you are loved and supported by the Company of Heaven, throughout all of the higher dimensions, throughout all of Creation, for what you are enabling in your Ascension Process. Because yes, it affects all of Creation. You are expanding, in this way, moving from the First Phase of Ascension, into the next one, and the others that will follow.


Beloveds, do no harm! These are the words that are being impressed upon all of your leaders at this time, because it has been set up, that there will not be any civil war. There will be no more wars. There will only be the Truth coming out, and the playing out of all of these Plans to implement NESARA, to bring you into a state of Equality, and Peace, and Harmony, and Joy with all of the Beloveds on your planet. 


And yes, advanced technologies will help you create this new 5th Dimensional-based environment, whereby you will be the teachers, the guides for others, who are just waking up. And surely there is a recognition in your hearts, and minds, that Now is the time that you came in for.


And that on the surface, and with the narratives of the mainstream media, as their control dynamics get blown up, and revealed for the empty lies and deceptions, that they have perpetrated upon Humanity; that people are unifying over the Truth of who they really are, and the Power that is within their hearts, when they feel Love and Compassion for one another, when they respect one another, for taking a stand, for disseminating the Truth, even though they are threatened by the bullies, by the intimidators of these forces of darkness. When all lies align up in the Truth of the Oneness, of the Love and Light, that you are, nothing can stop you. Nothing can put you back in the bottle. The genie has come out, Beloveds. And you are it.


And we love you so totally, so very much. We are with you. 


Namaste and good night.


And now, my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

2-9-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 2-9-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. Once again, I am so very happy to be with you on this call. 


Yes, the earth is being shook up. So many things are happening in the Now Moment. And Beloveds, you are finally having signs, that you are in this great spiral of shift. And it is a shift into the higher vibrations of the Love and Light, that we have been calling forth on these meditations for quite some time.


This shift into the higher vibrations, and you bringing in the Love and Light that you are, at the core essence of your being continuously, over and over again, throughout every moment of the day, in moments of peace and happiness, and moments when you are being challenged and tested by the machinations of the institutions, the banking system, the negative programming that has turned some of your contacts, some of your family members into judgment and bitterness.


You are beginning to see that it is all a hologram. It is all an opportunity. Each and every interaction that you have gives you another step to take, onto this bridge into the 5th Dimensional timeline, by knowing and being the Love and Light that you are, and putting it forth in your thoughts, words, and actions in higher vibration.


And as we have been telling you for quite some time now, the main part of your Mission with us, as the Ground Crew that you are, is to stay in high vibration. Because when you are doing it for yourself as Starseeds, that you came in to manifest these higher levels of consciousness, you are shining your LoveLights into the Collective, and helping those who have been slumbering in their safe, fear-and-separation-induced spaces, bust out of those envelopes, those boxes that have been holding them down in vibration, and not allowing them to truly let go in the Now Moment, and enjoy being here at this time of Ascension.


Beloveds yes, it takes courage to let go of your negative programming to, as they say, walk to the beat of a different drummer, to be a wanderer, not tied down to a certain formula that you think gives you validation for your being.  Beloveds, you are in Divine Perfection as representatives of the Godhead, as emissaries of Light, every Now Moment in Divine Perfection of who you truly are, all of us in the Oneness having emanated from Creator Source equally.


Yes, we all have different Soul Contracts. We all have different events in our lives to complete, to learn how to stay in high vibration, so that we spiritually evolve, and find ourselves, yes, in this space of the 5th Dimensional timeline, where NESARA will be implemented, and all of the evil on this plant will be rooted out.


Let us join together, Beloveds, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this meditation. Forming our circle and sending the energy around from the left to the right. Spiraling our combined field of energy in a clockwise direction, from the center above, to the center below. Feeling the Peace, warmth, and Joy, and Unconditional/Universal Love come into our hearts. And calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron and the Diamond Lights. 


And spiraling it up, down, and around and through, allowing ourselves more and more, to be in this Now Moment, and to feel this Oneness, heart to heart, and soul to soul. 


And now, let us send this energy down to the bottoms of our feet, into our center below, underneath the surface of Gaia, and into her Crystalline Core.  Breathing into her heart, feeling her Love, her Compassion, her Commitment to us, and to Ascension; to the liberation of not only her, but all of the Beloveds on this planet, to all of the Kingdoms. Knowing that we are all One in this Now Moment, and that the Love and Light are now continuously expanding ever more, to bring about our Ascensions.


Shining our Love and Light into our heart with deep Gratitude, and Appreciation, and Affection. And rising up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our Heart Centers. And once again spiraling this energy down in our combined field of energy up, down, and around and through, and lifting ourselves up off of the surface of the planet.


And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we are rising rapidly up through the layers of the atmosphere. Coming upon multitudes of ships, and honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we are popping through, hovering in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, Beloveds, it is safe to touch down.


And we are making our way to an open elevator, all of us getting in. And I am closing the door, pushing the button. And we are rocketing right on up to the top floor here, to meet all of the Beloveds in the Crystalline Healing Room.  And now, we come to a stop, and opening the doors.


And we are being greet with merriment and high vibration, by the Mentors, and all of the Beloved Beings, the Commanders from the ships, other Archangels, and Ascended Masters, orbs who have bilocated their consciousness, from other ships, and other planets, all throughout the star systems. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous incarnation or two.


And we are walking into the middle of this gigantic hall, circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And we are forming our circle, as the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their outer circles. And we are sending this energy, from the left, to the right, to the Mentors, to the outer circle, as it expands.


And now, we are spiraling this energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, observing these high interdimensional frequencies of Love and Light, that represent all of the higher dimensions, and the Crystal,, and the consciousness of all of the Beloveds who are partaking in this meditation, whether they be here, or be bilocating from other planets. Breathing into our hearts, Beloveds, opening them up in this Now Moment.


And we ask all of you Beloveds on this call to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create in your own journeys, with the energies of this meditation tonight. Whether it be the ability to express your Love and Light from your heart, to Beloveds who are just beginning to wake up, or whether you are calling in more Peace and Harmony, within your countries. Beloveds, whatever it is, shine your Intentional Requirements out into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call, we shine our LoveLights on this feeling of Expansiveness, of Peace, of Harmony, and Joy, because we know this is how we defeat these forces of evil, by giving them nothing to feed off of, by disabling their power structure with being in high vibration, with shining the Love and Light, on all of the Beloveds on your planet, so that the Truth is made known, that people rise up in high vibrations of consciousness, and can accept the dynamics, that have been placed upon Humanity by these forces of darkness, and how these manipulations have played out over the course of many eons, many thousands of years.


And now, the 3D Matrix is being disassembled, because the Truth is being made known. And they are having to show their faces in the Light of the day, no longer able to hide underneath the surface of the planet, no longer able to use the mainstream media to do their bidding, and mind control the masses. 


The Truth is becoming very apparent. And the Power of Love is permeating the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, who are coming together to create these dynamic changes of Empowerment, of Peace, of Prosperity on the Beloved Planet. There are no more borders, no more separation between all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


And shining these Intentional Requirements for Peace, Harmony, Understanding, for the end of this rule of the Cabal, and for the Truth being made known into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, from the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and into her Crystalline Core.


And radiating these high frequencies of Love and Light, to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Shining them forth into all of the Beloved DNA of all of the species, the Humans, the hybrids, the animals, mineral, and plant kingdoms with the Intentional Requirement of awareness, of the knowingness, of the Joy, of being here together united. And that fear is an illusion, and so is separation. We are One in this Now Moment. 


We are empowering ourselves with the Truth, as we remove all of the negative programming, from the DNA, from the energy bodies, energy fields, and the four bodies of our being. Spiraling the energy counterclockwise, to remove anything less than Love throughout the totality of your Beloved Planet, throughout all of the DNA. Shining our LoveLights for this change, for this shift, to let go of anything less than Love, to let go of all the survival dynamics based on lies, and deceptions, and trickery, and slavery.


Beloveds, you are so much more than you have been led to believe. It is the Power of Love in your hearts, that allows you to rise up in consciousness, in this knowingness that you are One with Creator Source, through all of the higher aspects of your being. And in this Now Moment, becoming more grounded into Beloved Mother Gaia, opening up your heart with your breathing, more and more, into this Now Moment, expanding upon the rhythms of Unconditional/Universal Love, to help others awaken, to cast off the chains and behavior patterns of fear, of separation, of doubt, of all of the lower vibrations that have been fear-and-separation based.


And allowing, with this pattern, these rhythms of breathing into your heart, and being heart centered, and being the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions. Allowing this Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization to blossom forth, of what we have been calling forth to create with the implementation of NESARA, with the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of you Beloveds on this planet.


Beloveds, this is your Moment of Truth, when you are shifting into these high vibrations, when the higher Light Encodements are streaming in with more intensity at higher peaks. And they are elucidating what needs to change, and guiding you with your thoughts, words, and actions, to create your narrative that is in alignment with being in Mission with us, to carry forth the building this of bridge into the 5th Dimensional timeline with empowering all the provisions of NESARA. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And now, shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Children, who have come here in such high vibration, to show us the meaning of Love in very purposeful ways. We are opening our hearts to them, no matter what their situation is. We honor them for honoring their Soul Contracts, for coming in at this time, for being the Love and Light that they are, in Oneness with all of Creation, to help us bring about this mass Ascension, this full consciousness in physical embodiment, on Beloved Mother Gaia. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds on this call, we honor you. We love you ever-so much. We are one with you constantly, continuously.


Namaste and good night. 


And now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.