Saturday, February 26, 2022

2-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 2-23-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your circle once again on this conference call.


Beloveds, the emotions that you feel are, at times you feel that you do not have control over them. But this is not the Truth. Oftentimes all it takes is changing your thoughts and allowing yourself to breathe into your heart.  And letting go of any of the lower vibrations, any feelings of lack, or unworthiness, or guilt, or shame. 


Beloveds, none of those lower vibrations are the true nature of your being.  The pain is not anything that you would feel in the 5th Dimension at all. The pain of rejection, the pain of grief of losing a loved one, of feeling abandoned. They do not exist. Because of the knowingness that it is all One.  And the Power of Love permeates every cell of your being, allowing you to stay in high vibration continuously.


There are no gaps. There are no judgments and curses being levied against you in the 5th Dimension. And this is what we ask you to envision with your imaginations in every moment. Because for all practical purposes, Beloveds, you are there, One with us in every Now Moment. Victory to the Light is a reality.


All of the plans to disincorporate the control systems of this matrix, of all of these Satanic factions have been put in place. And they are being successful. It is just the illusion that they have not already come to completion in this Now Moment, that you perceive yourself to be in, Beloveds.  You have created these conditions with your Faith, your Trust, and your Intentional Requirements to be the Love and Light that you are, to be the embodiment of the Truth of who you really are, and to create the reality in the highest frequencies of Love and Light.


Beloveds, I am with all of the Mentors, and all of the beings, who have been on this meditation with you tonight, with Beloved Mother Sekhmet. And we are shining our Love and Light into your hearts all throughout your energy fields. 


And now, my Beloved Marys come into the middle of your circle, to hand and offer to you the Kumara roses, which contain the highest frequencies, and sound vibrations, of Love and Light, to imbue you within your hearts the totality of 5th Dimensional consciousness.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are One. And we are all victorious in the Light!


Namaste and good night.

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