Thursday, July 7, 2022

7-6-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-6-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on your Conference Call tonight. 


Beloveds, if you could only understand how your commitment to raising the level of Love and Light, and bringing in the Truth onto your Beloved Planet at this time, and all through your lives, has affected the reality in a very positive way, that has culminated with you being in this First Wave of Ascension, and being on the precipice of bringing in this Event of the Truth, which will lead to this next Phase of Ascension.


You cannot truly cognize how you have been playing forth this, and bringing into completion your Soul Contracts, and how it has affected the whole of the consciousness of Humanity, to raise up in frequency and vibration. Because, Beloveds, you have had to come through very many stages of awareness, through many levels of teaching, of integration and activation of higher-Light Encodements, of doing the energy work for clearing, of activation of your DNA, and letting go of the fear, of the doubt, of the worry, all of these lower vibrations. And learning how to bless yourself in each and every Now Moment, to radiate this Love and Light forth. 


And in doing so, to radiate it into the Collective Consciousness, so that, yes, you are preparing for this Event of the Truth, whereby after it, you will be the teachers. You will be the ones who will be sought out, to help those who are just beginning their process to bring it all together, to form their regimens of going through all of the different stages of awareness, of empowerment, that you have been going through in these many years.


Beloveds, you in this First Wave of Ascension, you have been the tip of the spear. You have been the heavy lifters of the density of this duality, and dealing with very painful emotions at various times in this process. And many of you have had to let go of attachment to your family members, and truly learn how to stay in your own integrity of being heart centered, of radiating the Truth of your words out into the people, that you felt were receptive to these high frequencies of Love and Light.


But sometimes, you have just been put down, and people have said nasty things to you, and judged you, and laughed at you. Well, those times are getting less and less, aren’t they? Because now Humanity is truly experiencing a change that has never been seen before, whereby the Truth of the corruption, of the lies and deceptions, are all being exposed. And you Beloveds, who have been raising the level of the vibration, who know better than to go for the control systems of the Ego-mind, are truly feeling the Joy, Harmony, and Bliss of these higher-Light Encodements, of this Oneness with us, as we move through into this next stage of the empowerment, through this Event of the Truth.


Beloveds, we are here with you, all of us Mentors, shining our LoveLight into your hearts. And my Mary’s come into the middle of the circle, and once again offer to you the Kumara roses, in this ceremony of recognition of the Love and Light that you are, and all that you have done to empower yourself, and all of Humanity with this Love, and this Light, that are streaming in from all over the Cosmos. Because, yes, you are loved and supported. And you are playing an integral role in creation’s process of driving forth into these higher frequencies of self-awareness, and the utilization, and Divine Manifestation of the Power of Love.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night.

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