9-14-22 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved
Brothers & Sisters, it is I Sananda. I too, am very happy to be with you
once again. Beloveds, when you breathe into your heart, allow your self to feel
the energies moving through you to allow you to be in this Now moment.
Whereby you
empty yourself of the polarities of the chatter of your ego mind, and you
recognize that this ego mind does not have the best interests of your being at
heart. That it is part of the Matrix, and that you are not your thoughts and your
emotions. You are the chooser, you are the co-creator of your reality, and the
more that you allow yourself to slow down, and relax, and to obtain these
feelings of Peace, and being grounded & centered into Beloved Mother Gaia,
by breathing into your heart center.
yourself to let go, and move the energies through you. Blessing all of the polarities
with Unconditional/ Universal Love. Then exhaling through your mouth and
sending them down through the bottoms of your feet, into Gaia’s Crystalline
Core, to strengthen this connection, this feeling of Oneness, throughout all of
the Planet, with all of Beloved Beings in the Collective Consciousness.
Calling forth
with your intentional requirement, for the consciousness of the Collective to
raise itself to this place of readiness & preparation, for this Event of
the Truth, for the consciousness of Humanity to become self-aware, And for this
process of Ascension to be expedited with each & every breath.
Beloveds, it
is you, who are choosing the Power of Love with each & every breath, and
what transpires on your material plane, cannot threaten that, cannot alter the
Power of Love. We want you to know that you are already Victorious in the Light,
and to truly understand what this means.
Because it
is under the Divine Decree of the Counsels Of Heaven, that Mother Gaia will Ascend,
and all of the plans for the liberation of your Planet, for the Empowerment of
the Constitution, the original one. And for these higher light encodements to
be integrated have already taken root on your Planet.
You are in
this first phase of integrating Ascension Protocols, and this movie is scripted,
and it is playing out. Beloveds, for you to trust in the momentum that you have
built up, in all of your incarnations, through this 26,000 year cycle.
You are
radiating this love & light that you are at the Core Essence of your being,
this knowingness, remembering who you truly are, and why you volunteered to be
here for this mission. It’s because of this moment, when everything turns on a
dime, and the light that empowers all of the Beloved Beings on the Planet, to
totally disincorporate the control systems of evil to never have any more input
in your reality.
this is why we are in Mission altogether. We honor you for everything that you
are doing, that you will continue to do, because you understand, that all time
is happening in the Now moment, the past, present, and future. And that with
each & every breath you have the opportunity to awaken the Truth throughout
all of Humanity, the Collective Consciousness, and to raise the frequency &
vibration, more & more, so that you are finding yourself back in this place
in the 5th Dimension.
your Sovereignty and free will to accelerate Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and once again they offer you
the Kumara Roses. They represent high frequencies, color spectrums all
throughout Creation. They are an emblem of us working with you, to liberate
Humanity, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia, and rid the Universe of these control
systems of evil, of darkness, Beloveds. Take as many as you like into your
heart, to feel this Oneness with you.
Call us in,
whenever you like, Beloveds. We are with you continuously. Namaste &
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