Friday, April 28, 2023

4-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena.


Beloveds, all of us on the ships are shining our love and light into your hearts. We are so very happy to be with you in this Now Moment.


Beloveds, yes there is much turmoil on your Beloved planet. There are the forces of these dark energies of the cabal that want to dominate humanity once again with a war, a war designed to distract humanity from their evil. But Beloveds, we see that humanity does not want any war, and they cannot be tricked with the lies of the false narratives, that the propaganda machine that this Cabal tries to indoctrinate them with. So that they will go full bore into another war.


They, you Beloveds, all of humanity has been tricked so many times, and those of you who have awakened know it’s a trick, and know that there is no reason to have war. And there certainly never has been a reason to use dirty nuclear devices.


Beloveds, you make such a big difference, that you cannot possibly fathom, in your meditations, in your intentional requirements. And just allow yourself in the course of the day to be in high vibration and frequency. Beloveds, you have so many opportunities. You have your family and friends. You have the ability to be in nature, and you have the ability to see movies, and listen to music, that are very high vibrational.


It is with the power and the choice, that you are the co-creator of your reality, and you being in these high frequencies of love and light transmit into the collective consciousness this power of love. It is the strongest force in all of creation, Beloveds, and this is not of your programming. This is the realization that you have had to reprogram yourself with. But Beloveds, every time that you gather something, that you resonate with, as the truth. We ask you to make it part of your own personal narrative, so that you empower yourself to hook up the dots. Because yes, that time is very rapidly coming, when you will be looked upon as the teachers. You have so much to share, and instead of feeling frightened, or out of your element.


Beloveds, for you to be the teachers, this is your element. You have done this so many times in past lifetimes, particularly in the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, and in the advanced civilizations of Egypt also. This is your time, Beloveds.


We shine our love and light into your hearts continuously. Call us in whenever you like. We are with you in each and every Now Moment. Beloveds, we honor you, and we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda is going to come in.

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