Friday, June 16, 2023

6-14-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-14-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be here once again.


Beloveds, we shine our love and light into your hearts. Continuously, we see you go through all of the tests and challenges of being here at this time with so much shifting into the light on your Beloved planet, and of course, this means that more of the darkness is being revealed. And yes, you are the ones, who bless that darkness, and allow it to disincorporate, and to be transmuted into the highest frequencies of love and light.


This is an integral part of your mission of being the ground crew on Beloved Mother Gaia and working with us. Beloveds, each of you has your own story, your own narrative, but that story does not serve you, if you are mired in behavior patterns of the past.


Each Now Moment is where we ask you to be, and yes, you do this by breathing into your high heart center, and letting go with your breathing, and allowing yourself to feel these higher attributes that we have called in, of being in the Fifth Dimension of ease, and grace, and harmony and joy, bliss, etc.


This is your true divine sovereign nature, Beloveds. We ask you to let it come in more and more, by being consciously aware of the Now Moment, and being this compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, your choices and the outcomes of your choices.


When you are heart centered you can allow yourself to feel into the energies, and you can empower yourself to say yes or no. If it’s a no, then you can bring in another thought, that empowers a higher vibrational feeling. You are all beings of the love and light. That is the core essence of your being, and you have done fabulously well as starseeds, as the ground crew on your Beloved planet, to bring about the passing of the markers of ascension, and being in this First Wave of integrating ascension protocols, and now time is speeding up, and these higher vibrational energies flooding into your Beloved planet are waking up more and more of humanity, and showing the truth to so many of you who have awakened, who have studied the narratives of this cabal, and how they manipulate the truth.


You are realizing when those same low vibrational triggers come up within your being, within your experience of being in the Now Moment, and it is only when are heart-centered, in the Now Moment, that you can be consciously aware of when you are out of alignment.


This is how you have been learning how to empower yourself and the more proficient that you get at this dynamic, Beloveds, the quicker that this shift into the Fifth Dimension will transpire. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are with you continuously. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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