Saturday, October 14, 2023

10-11-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

10-11-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am truly privileged to be with you once again on this conference call.


Beloveds, yes, the pace of what is transpiring on the material plane now, is accelerating to this point of there being absolutely no turning back from the changes, that are transpiring. Because Beloveds, so much of the Truth is coming out. And the more of the Truth that comes out the more that you have this idea of the strategies that have been consistently used against Humanity for these thousands of years.


You start to understand the dynamics of this 3-D Matrix negative programming, & you see the narratives of the main stream media, that keep on repeating as these same acts that result in scandals, and in wars, and in politicians being caught with their lies, that have been playing out for many years, and how the narrative keeps on changing. And how their finger of blame keeps on getting pointed on anyone except themselves.


These dynamics are making it oh so transparent to understand that the fear & guilt mongering is all based on lies, tricks, & deceptions of this black magic programming of the Cabal. And more and more in the coming days people are going to put all of these elements that have been coming up in these last, almost three years now, since you have been in the first wave of integrating Ascension Protocols, and seeing how all of these components of the 3-D Matrix of the Cabal have been working against Humanity.


And that you, the people, have been paying for much of what this Cabal has been doing to enslave Humanity, to keep you in that loop of being in low vibration & frequency, because you are struggling just to make ends meet, just to survive, just to fulfill paying your rent, & having food on the table.


Now with the level of inflation, not just in the United States, but in many countries all over the world, really taking on another aspect, because the Central Banks all over the Planet are bankrupt. There will be no coming back to this old system. And despite the endeavors of the Central Banking system to go onto a newer system with more control, and giving themselves more leverage over Humanity with these Central Bank Crypto currencies.

Well we have to chuckle over on the other side, because the first wave of crypto currencies was designed to be noncentralized, so that you would be able to be responsible for your own funds, and no one else would be able to have access to them.


That is what St Germain has outlined in his plans for this Quantum Financial System, which is already waiting in the wings to be put into place. But this Cabal thinks that they could strike fear into your hearts of a gigantic proportion once again. So that you will give your power away to them, and let them do exactly what they want, to finish their depopulation event, & to control the purse strings even tighter than they ever have before.


But Beloveds, this is not happening, and a great reason why it won’t happen is because you have been raising the level of the frequency & vibration continuously for all of these years, and articulating your intentional requirements in such an all encompassing manner, that you have been raising the level of the frequency & vibration of the collective consciousness, so that more & more have awakened, and now is the time for all of the Truth to come out.


And for us to shift once again into being on the 5th Dimensional Timeline with this kickstart of the implementation of NESARA. Let us join together Beloveds. Me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, and I ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else’s hand on this call.


And we are sending the energy, from heart to heart, from the left, to the right forming our circle. And we are combining our fields of energy into One. Spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. Allowing ourselves to slow down & relax into this Now moment. Feeling the power of love pulsate in our hearts.


We are calling in the rays of energy. Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael & his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


And now sending this energy, that is spiraling clockwise, from your center above, to your center below, down through the soles of your feet, out through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet. And into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


Here we feel her heart. We feel her wisdom, her understanding, her compassion. And we feel her commitment to all living beings on her Planet, to bring about this mass Ascension, so that her Planet, and all living beings on her Planet can be once again in the 5th Dimension. We honor her for all she is, and all she does. We love her, and we have come back time & time again to share our journeys with her over & over again. Now we are bringing about in One consciousness with her this Victory of the Light over evil.


And we are raising up onto the surface of the Planet, up through our center below, up through the soles of our feet, and into our high heart center. And once again we are spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. All of us as One consciousness, rising on up off of the surface of the Planet with the power & the speed of our thoughts rapidly moving, up through these many layers of atmospheres.


Now coming upon the periphery of your Solar System, where there are multitudes of ships gathered. And I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. And I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are rising right on up through, & hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.


Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown. And we are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am pushing the button to close the door, and pushing another to take us rapidly right on up to the top floor. It is through many floors that we are rapidly rising. We are feeling this Oneness of being joined together with the energies of the Nibiru.


We are feeling the power of love pulsate all throughout our being. And now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are making our way through the crowd into the middle of this room, & circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds form their circles. We are breathing into our heart centers and sending the energy from heart to heart, around our circle, into the Mentor’s circle, & into the outer circles. We are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, absorbing the consciousness of all of the Crystals, that contain all of the dimensions of reality, & absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on this meditation tonight, either bilocating to us or onsite, feeling the power of love, as we let go with our breathing, into this feeling of Oneness, being in mission together, to bring about Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.


And Beloveds, this is where we ask all of you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling more & more joy, & satisfaction, and bliss, & understanding, & clarity each & every moment of the day. And allowing yourself to feel this love, to stay in a state of neutrality, so that this 3-D Matrix cannot feed off of your energies ever again. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight. We call for the Truth to be made known in such a way that it cannot be refuted. We call forth those dynamic strategies of the Cabal that have been used against us, to keep us afraid and in separation, compartmentalizing our experiences of pain, & trauma, & hurt, & suffering.


We require that we empower each other in our high heart centers, to radiate this love & light to each other and into the collective consciousness, to raise the level and the frequencies of the vibration of Humanity, to enable Ascension to be expedited in each & every Now moment. UASA, UASA: Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Now we are shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Spiraling clockwise, descending down through the many layers of atmospheres, & coming upon the surface of your Beloved Planet.


Encircling Mother Gaia with these high frequencies of love & light, rep-representing all of the Dimensions of reality. We are shining from our heart centers into the heart centers of all of Humanity with Unconditional/ Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude.


We are calling forth all of the Beloveds of Humanity to awaken in this Now moment, to bring about the Truth of the Power of Love, and that each & every being of Humanity has this power within them. It is a matter of finding the courage, to be heart centered, to be in the Now moment, to radiate this love & light as One consciousness, being in mission to bring about this Ascension, to bring about the implementation of all of the components of NESARA, to enable our 5th Dimensional Timeline, and to remain in integrity with it, over & over again, and to identify anything less than love, anything less than a balanced pH of 7.2 that may pop up and to utilize the advanced technology of the quantum computer to create this quantum voting system, whereby each Beloved Being of Humanity will have a vote. And you will be on the original United States Constitution. You will be creating, & enacting, & enforcing  laws on the local, state, national, & international levels. Also you will have the power to identify anything out of alignment with being in integrity of the 5th Dimension, and be able to cast it out of the reality whenever & wherever it pops up.


You will have the ability to utilize this transition into the 5th Dimension with the advanced technology of med beds, celestial chambers, replicators, free energy, and free energy transportation devices. And you will enable yourself to bilocate, and to be omnipresent, all over the Planet, for Beloveds who seek to work with you for help in clearing all of their polarities, and for helping them to assimilate & integrate the higher light encodements & Ascension protocols, to bring about this mass Ascension Event on Beloved Mother Gaia.


With each & every thought you are creating this new 5th Dimensional reality, which will be quite different from the 5th Dimensional Societies that you had in Atlantis & Lemuria. All of these loose ends of those 2 civilizations are now being cleared with us coming together to create this new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


We are shining our light into all of the polarities of all of the bloodlines of Humanity, that have not yet been cleared. We are calling forth the coalescing of the past, present, & future into this Now moment, to bring about Ascension en masse, flawlessly, perfectly, in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization, so that there are no loose ends.


And that this Cabal can be revealed in their totality. And they can be held accountable for all of their crimes against Humanity, and be taken off the Planet, after they have been sentenced, & those sentences are carried out. So that on another planet they can make the choices to spiritually evolve in this next 26,000 year timeline.


We honor, praise, and give great love to Beloved Mother Gaia for being our support system on the material plane, for participating in all of the memories of her beauty, her resilience, and her loving support, as we have played through all of these scenarios, to bring us to this moment of the revelations, of the power of love, bringing about this mass Ascension Event on your Beloved Planet.


Now we are calling in all of the children, and blessing them with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude. We are honoring them for coming forth at this time, to carry on the procreation of the species. With returning Humanity to their original Adam Kadmon blueprinting. And for showing us the power of love, how it is playing out at this time of massive shift on your Beloved Planet. UASA, UASA: Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA: Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA: Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And for all of you Beloveds on this call tonight, we love you ever so much. We honor you for all that you are, and all that you do, to bring about this mass Ascension, to fulfill all of he parameters of being in mission with us, as the ground crew, to bring about this total transformation into the light of Beloved Mother Gaia.


Namaste Beloveds, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.

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