3-27-24 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear
Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sananda. I too, am very happy to be
here once again on this call with all of you tonight.
Beloveds, we
are the Master Technicians of this miracle that is enfolding your Beloved
Planet. Because Beloveds, this is something that has never been done before. We
have been telling you this for a very long time. Now you are seeing it unfold.
What you are
seeing is the dissolution, the complete removal of one system as it fractalizes
& disincorporates. This is your 3-D Matrix negative mind-controlling
programming system that this Cabal took from their databases of Artificial
Intelligence, to perpetrate and invade your energy bodies and energy fields, &
mutate your DNA, and drive you down in frequency & vibration, so you will
be easier to manage and to enslave, now that your DNA had been mutated in a
very extreme way of only connecting up 2 out of 12 strands of your DNA. And
almost completely shutting down the right lobe of your brain, so you wouldn’t
rise up in frequency once again by enabling all of your gifts and talents in
the right lobe of your brain such as time travel and your intuition. Allowing
yourself this knowingness & beingness of who you really are.
They did
their darndest to cut off this life flow of energy to your hearts & minds,
Beloveds. But now it is working against them because as each morsel of the
Truth is being made known. It is becoming clearer to focus on all of the
different dynamics that this Cabal has used upon you throughout all of its
institutions on Beloved Mother Gaia, to keep you locked in a never-ending cycle
of fear & separation.
And now
Beloveds you are blowing the doors off of all those control mechanisms because
the power of love is shining so brightly within. Yes, you are integrating these
higher light encodements. You are letting go of this old dynamic of thinking only
in certain terms of you being a one-dimensional race. Beloveds, you are all
inter-dimensional beings. You are all conduits into the godhead. You are all
emanations of the brilliance, the perfection of Creator-Source. Now you are
feeling that, so on these meditations for quite some time we have been mainly
focusing on you empowering yourself in these feelings of joy, harmony, bliss,
and satisfaction in this confident knowing of you trusting all of the plans to
put into place and to activate NESARA, which will be the foundation of your new
5th Dimensional reality. This is all happening in each & every
Now moment, Beloveds. So the more that you can let go to these dynamics of
unconditional/universal love the stronger you become, the stronger all of
Humanity becomes, as you go through the releasing of this 3rd
Dimensional Matrix and all of its control systems. All of its lies are based in
fear and separation.
You are
without limits, Beloveds. You are going to start seeing this very, very soon.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. We are honoring you with these
Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts because Beloveds we are
One in mission with one another to accelerate Ascension en masse on your
Beloved Planet. We could not have done any of this without you, without your
bravery, your boldness, and your courage, to bring about Ascension in this way
while going through all of these tests & challenges and fulfilling a
lifetime’s worth of soul contracts with one another, to clear out all of the
polarities that have been used against Humanity to manipulate you with.
Beloveds, in
this Now moment you are taking in the color, the sound, and high frequencies of
these Kumara roses. This is a symbol of your empowerment of us in working in
mission together. We love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and so long for
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