Tuesday, April 23, 2024

4-17-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-17-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be here once again with you all tonight.


Beloveds yes, at this time you may feel confused about what to believe. But this is where we ask you to go into your hearts with your breathing and to call us in, and to know that you are never alone. You never have to face all of the confusion, all of the machinations of this Cabal by yourself. It is not the Truth of who you really are. Because the Truth of who you are is in accordance with all of the Universal Laws.


The Law Of One assures every Beloved Being that we are all connected and that you are the one who creates the reality, and that is all that you have to be responsible for. You don’t have to be responsible for anyone else’s reality, for anyone else’s choices. You can honor all choices in the spirit of compassion, of understanding that everyone is the same. That this Human Condition is the same for everyone, that everyone is tested & challenged in much the same way, depending on the soul contracts that they have agreed to play out in this lifetime.


Beloveds, you are at this place where you are at the Crossroads, this great turning point for Humanity. So much of the Truth has come out, and now it is time for it to be acted upon. It is time for the people in positions of power to show that they have integrity. It is time for all of you Beloveds to demand accountability in peaceful, non-violent ways.


Remember the prime directive, and it continues to be so, do no harm. But yes that is the opposite of what this Cabal is all about. They love death & destruction, and they laugh at those who are the victims. But if you want to create the new reality, we are called to let go of all of these evil machinations of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming.


You could think of it as all of us who have incarnated onto the material plane have been set up in such a diabolical way to take on the karma that has been created by Beloved Beings of our species going for the lies & deceptions of this Cabal. This is what we call all of the minions of the fallen angels, these Satanic Cults, no matter which deity of the fallen angels they go for.


It is all about control, possession, and giving their souls away. But Beloveds, you have held onto your souls. We honor you for it. You can feel the power of love. And all they can do is feel fear and think fear is greater than the power of love. But right now they are having the rude awakening into knowing that this is not the Truth. And that there is karma to pay for all of the hurts that they have put on Humanity.


We are with you, Beloveds. We are reveling in your victories of the light, all of the small ones when you change a thought. When you allow yourself to rise up higher in frequency & vibration, and when you feel yourself slipping out of being in neutrality, getting emotionally triggered, and just letting it go back into your heart center.


Life can be very easy when you know that this is all a hologram. It is all an illusion, and now you are starting to see this ever so much more than you had the capacity to do so before.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. As you are going through these very magnificent changes of the old system falling away, and the new one coming in. We celebrate with you in our victory of the light over evil. There is no way that anyone can stop what has already been activated on your Beloved Planet in the hearts & minds of the collective consciousness of Humanity, Beloveds.


Namaste. And now my Tein Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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