Sunday, August 18, 2024

8-14-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-14-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with you all once again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, you are feeling these energies coming in, bombarding your Planet with these Solar Flares and higher light endowments, and in each & every day, you still find the resolve to go through all the different steps of ensuring your survival in this game of being controlled by this Cabal. They run your money systems. They run your supply chain of food and products that you find indispensable.


Beloveds, Now the Truth is coming out more & more each & every day about the level of this corruption, preparing Humanity for this Event of the Truth. This is your stepping stone onto the 5th Dimensional Timeline, Beloveds, because it will level the playing field once & for all, for all of Humanity because it will enable members of the Cabal, these criminals, to be held accountable for their crimes against Humanity, for their treason, and all of the related charges that they would be faced with for betraying Humanity, for saying that they were human too.


The ones that are at the higher echelons are not. They are hybrid reptilian races, not just one, but a few. They have conspired against Humanity to control you with lies, tricks, and deceptions over & over again. Now you have a changing of the guard, as they say, because you have the Truth and the power of love and light becoming dominant on your Beloved Planet.


You could see it in the investigations held in Congress and in the courts, and the Supreme Court, more & more of the Truth continues to come out. Yes, these miscreants of the Cabal. They are continuing to be rounded up into the military tribunals. 

They are very afraid that the consequences of what they have been perpetrating upon Humanity, for thousands upon thousands of years, will come right back at them. They don’t like it. They would do anything to stay in power. But as we have been telling you Victory of the Light is assured because once you know the Truth you cannot go back into being ignorant. 

This is where the liberation of Humanity is at right now. As Sekhmet has been saying all you need to do is to fulfill your mission of being in high frequency & vibration and radiating your love & light to raise the level of the collective consciousness because all of these brothers & sisters are now in this space of being unsure of what is going on.


This Event of the Truth will enable all of Humanity to see in such graphic proportions what they have been manipulated with, and by this Cabal that this reckoning will transpire, and that more & more of Humanity will wake up and commit to accelerating their Ascension process by going through all of these different phases of Ascension of integrating the Ascension protocols.


All we have to do is to choose the light. Everyone who chooses the light will be able to Ascend by integrating the different phases of Ascension Protocols. Yes, it really takes your being heart-centered to open up your hearts to the Truth and to this love & light, which is the core essence of your being, Beloveds.


Love is the Truth and fear & separation are lies, Beloveds. We honor you for all you are and all you do. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in. 

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