Sunday, November 10, 2024

11-6-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-6-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you once again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, this power of love. Feel it. It is all around you, Beloveds. Something has shifted onto the material plane, from the higher frequencies & vibrations. The will of people on your planet was made known yesterday, on this election day in the United States. People from all over the world were praying for Donald J Trump to be the President once again, to expose this evil, to free Humanity from the bondage of slavery of their minds, of their financial systems, of all of the institutions of this Cabal.


The fight is not over Beloveds. You know this, but you know the power of love is alive & well in each & every one of your hearts. There is no separation between you and us. Up on the ships, we are White Hats, just as you are White Hats. You transmit the perfection of your true divine, sovereign angelic nature Beloveds.


You have it available to you by breathing into your high heart center every moment of the day to remember who you really are, to remember why you are here and what your mission is, which is basically being a vessel of this love & light radiantly shining forth to raise the level of the collective consciousness of Humanity ever higher each & every moment of the day Beloveds.


This is transmitting to the hearts & minds of all of Humanity now in their consciously awakened states. Yes, when you transmit into the collective consciousness you are transmitting into the sub and unconsciousness of Humanity. Now the frequencies & vibration are rising up. What happened yesterday was a wearing away of the resistance that this Cabal, with their 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming, has invaded your minds & hearts with for thousands upon thousands of years.


This resistance, & this veil that separates you from the higher aspects of your being, from your I AM Presence & Guidance Teams is rapidly disintegrating Beloveds. We honor all of you for all you are doing in these times. We remind you just as Maria and Sekhmet have, for you to be conscious in each & every now moment, & radiate this power of love. To have a plan each & every day, to get through the day, to radiantly shine this love & light. You are doing it not only for yourselves but for all of Humanity Beloveds.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara Roses. Take as many as you like into your high-heart center. They symbolize the high frequencies & vibrations of color, sound, and light, throughout the Cosmos Beloveds. They symbolize our Oneness of being together in the mission of ridding this Beloved Planet of all evil and liberating Humanity to once again be in their true, divine sovereign nature in this new 5th Dimensional Timeline Beloveds. Namaste & Goodnite.


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