My Dear Beloved Brothers &
Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you
once again, tonight.
Beloveds, let us shine our love &
light together. Let us shine it out to all of Humanity, to all of the kingdoms
of Beloved Mother Gaia, to all of the trouble spots on your Beloved Planet,
whether they are underground tunnels, where there are bioweapons labs, where
the children are enslaved in these bases and cages, and what have you?
Beloveds, the light of love will
penetrate all those edifices of darkness in the coming days. The plans to
implement NESARA are now becoming fully activated. Yes, the military has to
step in. They have to make a public showing of taking out all the bad actors
that have sold their souls and become these instruments of darkness, of evil on
your Beloved Planet as they have been conned into thinking that they are elite,
and these deities of Satanism are their god. They are living in an inverted
reality and it was not the Truth. Now is the time for the Truth to be made
You Beloveds, are ever bravely
stepping into this Now moment, letting go of all you thought you knew, letting
go of your attachments to the way you think and have been programmed to expect
things to be. It has all been based on lies. Beloveds because this Cabal has
not let you know the Truth about who you are. They have taken away your
history. They have showered you with all of these lies that make them the only
game in town.
They have done their best in this 3-D
Matrix negative mind control programming to keep you small, to keep you feeling
unworthy, unholy. There is no such thing as original sin. That was made up to
control you. You are the love & light of all of Creation. There is no
separation between you and Creator-Source, and us, and all of Creation.
You are on this miraculous, marvelous
journey where you are finding this out in no uncertain terms as the old systems
crumble into dust and the new ones like the Phoenix rise up from those ashes.
You will fly into these high frequencies and vibrations of the 5th
Dimension and beyond as One consciousness, Beloveds.
My Marys come into the middle of your
circle. They offer you the Kumara Roses. Take as many as you like Beloveds.
They are a symbol of the love & light that we share in mission together.
They are of the highest frequencies of color, sound, and light. They are a
symbol of your empowerment to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved
Planet in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization, Beloveds.
We love you ever so much. Namaste and
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