Sunday, January 5, 2025

1-1-25 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-1-25 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you tonight.


Beloveds, yes, breathe into your hearts, feel this love & light that you are at the core essence of your being, Beloveds. Radiantly shine this love & light out. This is the time you have waited for. You are beginning to see the power of love made manifest with more & more of the Truth coming out.


We ask that you remember who you truly are. Yes, you have had to deal with amnesia, but in your Akashic Records, in the realm of the Truth of who you are as divine, cosmic, sovereign beings you know everything, Beloveds. You will see this in this coming year because you are giving permission to open your hearts ever wider to breathe in and activate this power of love, fully consciously aware, and to be fearless in pursuing it down the rabbit hole once again.


Only this time, Beloveds, the light is becoming ever so dominant with more & more of the Truth coming out on your Beloved Planet, and the revelations of who has been on the take, who has been a part of the cartels, who has been backed by the 13 Royal Banking Families and all of these members of the Satanic Cults. These revelations will be hard for some of Humanity to accept and hook up the dots to see how you will change, and continuously be in a state of celebration now that the changing of the guard is finally happening on your Beloved Planet.


Yes, you have called forth the Truth. You have called forth accountability, and now you will see arrests transpire in a very real way. We ask you not to be afraid, but to trust in this process because all of the plans to implement NESARA are moving forward. NESARA has always been designed to be the bridge from taking you from the 3rd Dimension and from the original intent of having all of your Human Rights empowered through the Declaration of Independence and the original United States Constitution by creating new societies on the new 5th Dimensional Timeline.


At one time you were afraid because of the manipulations of this Cabal. You gave your power away so your DNA was mutated and kept you down in this density of the 3rd Dimensional Duality. But now you have worked impressively, for so many years, to empower Humanity once again with the love & light that you are and to transmit the higher vibrations of love & light into the collective consciousness because you realized that was the main part of your mission in being here to accelerate and bring Ascension to completion for all of Humanity.


Every time you choose the light you are choosing it for all your Brothers & Sisters in the collective consciousness. Now you are at that point of Cosmic self-awareness and empowering the love & light to take you high up in frequency & vibration, to shine this love & light into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds of Humanity.


My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds, into your hearts. They are of the highest frequencies of color, sound, and light. They symbolize our Oneness of being in mission together. They symbolize our love for each other. We are bringing forth this feeling of compassion, and understanding, of being in mission with one another to bring about this transformation on your Beloved Planet, to empower Humanity into this 5th Dimensional Timeline, into the completion of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.

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