Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rising On Up, The Path to Ascension

Where are we now on the path to ascension? I’ve asked myself this question and it comes back to how I interact with the hologram every day. How much am I am able to raise the level of light and love in every moment of every day? This is the question I keep on coming back to. I know that raising the level of consciousness on the planet is the main reason why any of us light workers are here.

Love is the most potent and all pervading tool we have to make sure that we and Mother Gaia evolve back into the 5th dimension. We are in crunch time, as I like to call it. But instead of it being something stressful I am finding it be very reassuring that we have come this far and that if anything it is getting easier, because we are entraining more and more everyday with these very potent higher frequencies of love & light. Everytime we go through a portal, such as the Venus Transit we strengthen the bond between all hearts on this planet. When we do this the darkness looses more of its power to magnetize us with fear and any of the other lower vibrations.

We are rising up and although we still see the manifestations of the Dark Cabal’s control we can also feel that a major shift is occurring right now. How the effects of this shift will manifest in our physical third dimenion in the very near future is anybody’s guess. We can read various reports saying the green light has been given and that the hauling off to jail of the crooks it will happen by this coming Wednesday, which is the 4th of July. But if it doesn’t almost all of the channels and whistle blowers say the outing of the dark cabal and the end of the old fiat financial system is a done deal. Indeed the galactics are scheduled to come in before the end of the year and help us to clean up the earth & anchor the frequencies we are aspiring to for Mother Gaia’s and our ascension.

Think of how many lifetimes and how many sacrifices we have made. Think of how many times we have been murdered or tortured for our beliefs. Now is payoff time. There really is no logical way for us to comprehend just how grand ascension is. It will be as if we are already home, already gone to heaven, while still in our bodies. Just imagine the potency and sheer grace and wonder of the love that we are all of the time on the other side of this veil. Well we are taking the veil down. Then we will have the open and fully conscious connection with who we are and why we are here.

I celebrate you and all of us for being here at this time of rising up and bringing the game of duality to completion. It has been a long and very enlightening journey. You can be assured that the best is yet to come and that it will exceed any expectations of what you think it will be like.

Love & Light-

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