When you love, really love from the heart, from the soul. Then you know who you are, then you know love is all that matters. Love is the essence. Love is the root, love is the sunshine, love is the kiss of fertility that flowers deep within and sprouts the seeds of compassion which flow on the light of the words you speak. A simple: you are my friend, you are my sister, we are One.
Love is the plan, no matter what challenges and role you have been given. No matter how many times you meet the freight train of hate coming to run you over. It doesn’t matter. You will remember that you are all forgiving. You will know that you are eternal in the light of the One. You will listen to the voice of truth connected in your heart center. I AM THAT I AM.
Radiate the crystalline love of Mother Gaia blooming into the higher realms. We have come into this life to rise up in the light of the love we are. We are One. We are all Glorious in the knowing that we are an indivisible part, an integral part of the Godhead.
Fear has been used to enslave us in patterns that locked us into denying the truth of our being. At some point we allowed those who we thought had more power than us to be the masters, the overlords of our Garden. We let ourselves be conned into thinking that rising up into the realms of higher consciousness was dangerous. We allowed ourselves to be manipulated & deceived. We used to be in the 5th dimension, and it was a joyful, playful place of knowing who we are. We allowed ourselves to be genetically engineered from 12 strands of DNA to 2. We allowed the portals and gateways of Mother Gaia to be sealed off. We allowed ourselves to put filters on our heart center. Now it has changed. The chains have come off. The light is dominant.
We have learned our lessons. We have played out the duality to its most extreme levels of density. Now all it takes is our intent to rise up. No matter where you have been and what you have done in this life; ascension is available to you now. Yes, we all have negative programming. Our minds have been controlled to think that we needed to be a certain way & live by certain rules to survive. Why? We are All That Is. Each one of us sprang from the light of love: the divine conscious, the knowing that each one of us is of the essence of love, we witness the love we are in each other and everything.
Be brave dear heart, most beloved brother and sister. Now is the time to cast off the chains of the lies that don’t resonate with the light of love that you are. Every time we take out a negative program we take back a chunk of the love we are. We are all divine creators. When we allow ourselves to own our creations we also own that we have created the solution to any challenges or problems that we have created for ourselves.
When we allow ourselves to rise through the portal that connects us to the central sun, we are One at the center of creation in our galaxy, we step into the light and love of Christ Consciousness. Here is our place of communion, our place of being, of knowing that we collectively created the hologram of the material plane of planet earth. Let us forgive ourselves for going for the illusion of separation from creator-source and all of the pain, misery, & suffering it has caused us.
It is time for us to come together and rise up by going to this place of communion together. Bless Mother Gaia, bless each and every one of us for engaging our ascension process. In the light of love we are One, victorious and glorious for all eternity.
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