Thursday, January 23, 2020

1-22-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am coming to you tonight, a couple of days after many of you have celebrated this day of Martin Luther King. And we saw that, that day, a lot of energy was unleashed, and multiplied, and expanded on your Beloved Planet in the hearts and minds of so many Beloved Beings, not just in the United States, but all over your planet, resonated with the Spirit of this, you would call him a moral authority perhaps. A sign of what Unity felt like, of what a Beloved Being who put his life on the line to express the Truth of Oneness, the Truth of Unity.

And speaking his heart and mind, to say what was really important, and not going for the lies perpetrated upon your species, in order for you to be controlled, and you to be in fear. But he gave such tremendous Hope. And this ball of Hope has blossomed, and expanded all over your Beloved Planet. The Spirit of Equality, of Understanding, of Tolerance has been blossoming ever since he put forth his speeches, and showed the world, that he wasn’t afraid of anything, not even his death.

So, Beloveds, your energies with what is coming into your Beloved Planet, with people doing mass meditations, to expand the energies, when portals open, and bringing in more energy around astrological alignments is taking on such a profound, flawless meaning. Because these energies are becoming so very strong, and they are helping you all to accelerate your Ascensions. 

And ah yes, the first step is bringing in this 5th Dimension. And by our meditations, we have been removing these power structures, these matrixes, that the AI has perpetrated upon your Beloved Planet. And now the Love, the Christ Consciousness Energy, is washing your Beloved Planet clean, taking away the elements of harm, of war, of deceptions. And spreading this feeling of Hope, of Bliss, of Joy, of Harmony, of working with one another in cooperation over the Truth, that we are all part of God. No hate, no distrust can survive in the high vibrations of the 5th Dimension, Beloveds.

The Truth is transparent in the 5th Dimension. And this is what you have been working for. And the Truth needs to come undone and be told, before you can once again climb into the 5th Dimension totally on your Beloved Planet. The plans are in place, Beloveds. And it is happening.

We ask you to open your hearts, and shine the LoveLights on all of the Beloved Beings, all over your planet, in your meditations with the Intentional Requirements for this Love to manifest within the Truth, to create this Harmony, and this Spirit of Acceptance, of working together to accelerate Ascension on your Beloved Planet.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We ask you to call us into your energy fields any time, that you want to feel our loving support, and/or to work with us to raise the level of the vibration. We are so very honored to be with you, and to express our Love once again on this Beloved Call.

Namaste. And Sananda will come in. Good night.

1-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight with this message of expanding your Love and your Light, by using your bodies as a magnet for all of the crystalline energy, that has been activated on your Beloved Planet from these waves of the photon energy coming in, through the Galactic Center. You have been rewired over so many years now, since the Harmonic Convergence, to bring your systems into a crystalline-based system, from carbon-based. And right now, these energies coming into your planet are peaking as well, as the raising of your Collective Consciousness. And this crystalline structure becomes stronger and more powerful. 

This crystalline grid, that is plasma energy, basically, that circles your Beloved Planet in the atmospheres. And all it takes is for you to breathe into your Heart Center, and activate your energy templates, by spinning your chakras, and being aware of the Divine Geometry within your energy body, and radiating it out to your energy fields, in this two-foot area, that envelopes your body. And it is basically a couple of octahedrons that start from your crown and go from your shoulders to your heart, your High Heart. And the second one starts from your High Heart, expands to your hips and comes to a point between your knees. 

And it has these four points, one for the front, which is your future, one for the back, which is your past, and one for your masculine energy. And one lattice represents your feminine energy. And breathing into it and activating it, you can spiral your energy field with the Intentional Requirement to remove anything less than Love. So, let us do this together now.

Breathing into the Heart Center with the Intentional Requirement of activating this template. Feeling the crown, the third eye, the throat, the Heart Center, expanding this LoveLight all throughout your energy field. And then, from your heart, to your solar plexus, you sacral, and your root chakra. And grounding this energy into your knees, spinning your ankles and the soles of your feet to anchor yourself in, and center yourself, onto Beloved Mother Gaia.

And then spiraling in a vertical spiral, two feet above your head, to two feet below your feet, spinning counterclockwise, to remove any areas of weakness, any places in your body where you are susceptible to Ascension Symptoms, whether it be headaches, pains in your shoulder, or your neck that represent cords of attachment, feelings of guilt or shame, or any of the lies of your imprint, that you hold onto such beliefs as unworthiness or lack. 
Shining this spiral, we require that the speed and efficiency of this spiral be increased 10,000-fold. Shining it up, down, and around and through. Feeling all of these polarities shrink and disappear, spinning counterclockwise. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

We ask you to use this form of clearing your energy field, and your energy body any time you are feeling unease, unrest. Maybe having a problem of going to sleep, because of some pain, or unresolved issues in your life. But with Ease and Grace, just breathing, and activating these energy templates, and spiraling your energy field, to remove any places and forms of resistance within your DNA, your energy body, your energy field, within the four bodies of your being, the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical parts of your being.

And now we require, that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and all of the higher vibrations, that you would choose to come in to fill up your energy field, by now spiraling it in a clockwise direction, up, down, and around and through, filling yourself up with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And increasing the Speed, Efficiency and Accuracy of this spiral 10,000-fold, Beloveds. Intentionally, we require it to be so.

With our breathing finding our rhythm, letting go to it, up, down, and around and through. UASA, UASA. Already happened. It’s already done. UASA, UASA;  Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

And activating this Spirit, this dynamic of being connected to Creator Source, of empowering ourselves with the Love and Light, that we are all as One Manifestation of Consciousness from Creator Source, throughout all of Creation.

We love you so very much, Beloveds. And we say to you, we are always here for you to do these meditations, to shine the LoveLight into your hearts. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

Beloveds it’s as easy as that. Your times of mass manifestation for the reality that you want to create, in total Alliance and Oneness, with the Love and Light that you are, are upon you. And we are here to help you with that. 

Namaste and good night.

1-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our profound pleasure to be with you here again tonight, on this Beloved Conference Call. Ah yes, Beloveds, the times, that you are going through, are so very completely marvelous, and filled with hope and promise.  Ah, but the gifts you are receiving are making you more adept into creating the reality, that you truly desire in this Now Moment. Yes, we’re talking about manifestation, and the Power of breathing into your hearts, and allowing yourself to go up into the higher dimensions, with all of the meditations and the tools, that you have learned in the many years, that you have been doing this work. 

Well, there’s less resistance to bringing in this Love and Light, than there has ever been before, for the express purposes of creating the reality, that you truly desire. And in the coming days, there may be, in the mainstream media, instances, where they are only showing you protests and unrest and things, that it is their intention to trigger you into lower vibrations. But, Beloveds, you have this Divine Gift of using your meditations to spread out this conscious knowingness while being anchored in Unconditional/Universal Love, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness and radiating it out to the mass of humanity, which affects this Collective Consciousness.

And this is an ongoing phenomenon, because every time you raise the level of your individual consciousness, by bringing in this Love and Light, and rising on up into the higher dimensions, you affect the whole, or what we call the Collective Consciousness. And truly, one of our main purposes, in doing these meditations, is to raise that level of consciousness of the Collective to a place, where the mass of humanity, and all of the kingdoms on your Beloved Planet will be so very receptive to anchoring in the 5th Dimension once more.

Well, the time is upon you, when your meditations take on more energy and more meaning, we would say, in what you choose for your Intentional Requirements, and what you allow yourself to envision, the words perhaps you hear, that are coming in to give you new insights, and more new ah-ha moments, to let you expand your Love and Light and your Knowingness and becoming more adept at using your discernment. So, these days are really, for you, about empowerment, and using that empowerment for the highest and best interest of the whole of the Collective Consciousness.

Let us join together in our circle, by me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else on this call, to form our circle with. Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves once more to slow down and relax. And with our breathing, finding this grove, effortless Ease and Grace, the warmth of the Love and Light, and the feeling of Joy permeating our hearts. Sending it around out to the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand.

Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing yourself to let go, and to relax, so we can use the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, and our breathing as a conduit now into rising on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, into the layers of the atmospheres, higher and higher, up into the layers of ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship here.

And now we’re popping right on through, now hovering in the airlock all joined together. And now it’s safe for us to touch down, because the landing deck has closed. And we’re walking on back to an open elevator here. And now we’re all getting in at the same time. The interior of this elevator is enlarging itself to support all of us. 

And here we go, closing the door, pressing the button to zoom on up into the top room here. And here we go, opening the door, walking on through, our circle still connected, all of the Beloved Beings greeting us with their Divine Energies. The Mentors are here, Ascended Masters and Angels, Commanders on the ships, your ancestors, and, ah yes, perhaps you from a lifetime or two in the past. Walking on over into the middle of the room, forming our circle around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And feeling this Spirit of Warmth, of Joy, of Oneness permeate each and every one of us, as we form our circle. And the Mentors, forming their circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings, forming their circles around them.
And sending this LoveLight through the combined energies of our field of energy, from the floor, to walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it vertically up, down, and around and through, taking in all of these high vibrations, emanating from the consciousness of all of these Beloved Beings, and all of the crystals that represent all of the higher dimensions of realty, from all of Creation.

Bringing it in, allowing ourselves to merge with this Golden White Light, and this feeling in Spirit of Immutable Strength and Perfection, the Perfection of the connection with Creator Source, and the remembrance of who we truly are as part of the Godhead, each and every one of us, an integral part, playing out our roles continuously in the Now Moment. 

Again, spiraling this energy through our circles, up, down and around and through this Beloved Crystal Healing Room, our combined energy field, expanding the Love and Light, that we are, feeling great Joy and Harmony in this Spirit of Oneness. 

And now we ask you to intentionally require what you would like to create for yourself with the Power, the beauty, and high vibes of this Beloved Meditation, that we are embarking on. Oh yes, it could be financial, it could be bringing in more health and wellbeing, or just making better choices to create a higher quality of life for yourself and your Beloveds, of your family, or even your friends. And now, shining your LoveLights into the Master Crystal with these Intentional Requirements, Beloveds. 

And our Intentional Requirements for this meditation, in the Spirit of Oneness, is for NESARA to be announced, and all of the components of NESARA, as they say, to come online and create this, umm, field of energy, which can’t help but bring in the 5th Dimension. And all along NESARA, the implementation of all of these different components, was to ready the Beloved Beings on your planet for being in the 5th Dimension. But as the scenario unfolded, we are right up against unfolding this reality in the Now Moment, to take us home to the 5th Dimension, and embark upon your Beloved Ascension Processes, and the shift from the old earth to this New Earth. 

And ah yes, this element of the Solar Flash is in there to some level and degree, but it is emblematic of the shifting process, of readying all of your Beloved Beings, on your planet, into being able to hold the energies of the 5th Dimension effortlessly with Ease and Grace.

So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, shooting it out through the tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts.  And feeling the sparkle and the shine of this LoveLight, permeating your Beloved Planet, and all of its energy, from the atmosphere, to the surface, and beneath the surface, penetrating every subatomic particle, every photon, the cellular structure of all of life on your planet, and all of the kingdoms, not just humans or hybrids, but everyone and everything. Because, Beloveds, we are all imprints of the Beloved Creator-Source, which is the Seat of Consciousness, that created this reality. 

And spiraling it, feeling the energy and the Power of our Thoughts and our Intentional Requirements, as they say, gathering steam, and expanding this energy field, on your Beloved Planet, outward, shining it out to all of Creation, to let all of the Beloved Beings, that are pulling for you, and sending you Love and Light, to show their support of you, and you realizing your Ascensions. 

Because, yes, as we keep on telling you, this is a universal phenomenon, that is being felt all over Creation, you rising on up into higher vibrations to reach your Ascensions and bring them to completion. And it will affect most dramatically the level of vibration, that all of the other Beloveds feel, all over Creation, to rise on up in their Ascensions, to higher levels of conscious awareness and manifestation of that Oneness with Creator Source, that we all contain. 

Breathing it into our hearts, this message of Love for all of Creation, and shining the Power of it, going on over into this jail, in the United Kingdom, where our Brother Julian still sits awaiting his trial. And yes, picturing his energy field, and shining the LoveLight into his Heart Center, activating his energy templates, from the crown, out to the shoulders, to his heart, and from the High Heart to his hips and tapering to a point right between his knees. And these, you could think of them as two octahedrons.

And breathing into this energy with Beloved Julian to activate his energy body and energy field, which has been most ruthlessly depleted, we would say, over his long months of incarceration. Breathing into it with the Intentional Requirement for health and wellbeing for Julian. Seeing the sparkle of his LoveLight return its sheen, return to form, taking in the Power, and the Grace, and the Joy, and the Willingness to expand his energy field, and be the Love and Light that he is.

And jettisoning all guilt, lies of the ego, fears, all false dialogues, that have been perpetrated upon him. Even though he knows that they are not true, they are still-- try to grab onto his energy field. We’re jettisoning them, casting them out, removing them, by spiraling in a counterclockwise direction, from two feet above his head, to two feet below his feet counterclockwise, two feet all around his energy body, going up, down, and around and through. And we require that the Speed and Efficiency and Accuracy of this spiral unfolding throughout his energy field be increased 10,000-fold.

And that all of the Beloved Beings that are helping us here now on the ships, and all over Creation, will bring their tasks to completion with us in this Now Moment. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA;  Anything less than love being removed, It’s already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

And transmuting all of these energies into the high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And shining it from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction, to bring in these high vibrations to his DNA, his energy body, his energy field, and all within the four bodies of his being.  UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. 

And Julian, we say to you,
“We love you so very much. We shine our LoveLight into your heart, into your energy field. And we say, that your time of revealing the Truth is upon you.  And you are loved and supported from all over the Universe, all over the Multiverse, our dear Beloved Brother. Namaste, Julian.”

And now let us move our energies over into these underground terminals, these bases. And tonight, let’s go for doing it all over the planet. And if you could envision all of these different underground networks in all of the continents, and even to some degree in Antarctica, that hold negative energy, that hold secrets that are waiting to be unearthed, that hold Reptilian power sources, that hold enslaved beings, that have been victims of human trafficking and ritual sacrifices. We’re shining our spiral, our energy spiral into these networks, all over the planet in unison with one another.

And tonight, we could go for shining it underneath the surface of the planet vertically, up, down, and around and through, penetrating all of the different layers, etherically and physically, of the underworld, of all of the secrets, that are being waited upon, to reveal themselves in the Spirit, in the Light of Love, to bring into the Now Moment the totality of the Truth of what we have been doing, and what these forces of the darkness have perpetrated upon us.

The time for Truth, we are calling it in to manifestation, in this Beloved Meditation here now. Shining this LoveLight up, down, and around and through, Beloveds. All of the sequestered wealth, all of the armaments, the advanced technologies; the Truth shall reveal them, and jettison them up onto the surface of the planet, where they will be used for the betterment, for the freedom of all of humanity, and not the enslavement. Those days are done, Beloveds. Calling in the Truth.

And we say to all on the Beloved Beings, that have been kept in these installations, in these underground bases, against their will,

“We love you so very much. We honor you, and your time of liberation is upon you. Your time of completion of your Soul Contracts is coming to its fruition, Beloveds. We honor you.”

And we say to everyone on this call, or who will listen to the recording, or read the transcripts, we love and honor you also in the Spirit of the Love and Light, of the Oneness of who we all are together, as integral parts of the Godhead.

Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. We are always here for you.  Just call us in. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

1-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda.  I come to you with such happiness, such Joy in my heart. 

I ask you tonight to concentrate and focus on the big picture here.  Beloveds, your Cabal who are overseen by the apparatus of the Artificial Intelligence, they do not want you to expand your consciousness, to open up your hearts to the majesty of these energies and high vibration coming in to inform each and every one of your choices in every Now Moment, now that this process is becoming so all-encompassing on your Beloved Planet, and bringing in these higher energies to wake you all up. They want you to stay in these lower vibrations of fear.

And yes, the fires, earthquakes, that have been perpetrated, the changes that your Beloved Planet is undergoing, through so many years of torment, by these false doctrines, that have been perpetrated upon it. They are being brought to the Light, Beloveds, and there is no reason for fear. We, as they say, we have got your back.

We on the ships, the Ashtar Command, it has been our Mission for many, many millennia here to support you, as you’ve undergone this Divine Process of bringing your Beloved Planet into the Light. Because yes, ancestors from neighboring planets, blew up their planets in playing out their games of domination and survival. 

But your Beloved Planet had a different destiny. And we have come together to ensure your Spiritual Evolution, because Beloved Mother Gaia is in the 5th Dimension, and she is being set free. And you, as Beloved Ascended Masters, will take over in this Mission eventually.

Ah yes, Beloveds, we shine our LoveLights into each and every one of your beautiful, receptive hearts on this call, and all who will hear the recording, and read the transcriptions. And ah yes, we marvel at the cooperation we see, between so many Beloved Lightworkers on your planet, and all of you Beings, who witness the transmission of these conference calls. 

We have set up this network of being able to bring our messages forth all over your Beloved Planet. And these messages will be held in perpetuity for all of the Beloved Beings, who will wake up and undergo their processes as you have been, since the Harmonic Convergence happened, Beloveds. You are the ones who have just been a little bit more receptive, and in knowingness of what you felt you needed to do, to fulfill your Soul Contracts. We are so very happy for you.

And once again forming our circle, and shining this LoveLight around your circle into your hearts, in our spiral of the combined energy field, up, down and around and through, from the left, to the right in a clockwise direction.  Breathing into your hearts, Beloveds, feeling this Love, that we are sending you from all over Creation.

In the higher dimensions there is only Oneness. There is only the One Knowingness, that we are all part of the Godhead, and there is no separation.  There are no reasons for fear, for running from being at Zero Point in this Now Moment. And feeling this Bliss, this Harmony, this Joy, that we all are, and especially, when we have the Divine Opportunity of coming together heart to heart and soul to soul.

Yes, Beloveds, we are here for you all of the time. Just call us in at any moment of the night and day, or before you have your sleep, and go into your dream states. We will work with you, Beloveds, to make your process more harmonious, more glowing, and allowing you the confidence to share your perceptions, and your heart-centered energies with your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, to help them to awaken and ascend.

Namaste, Beloveds. We love you so very much. And good night.

1-15-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, or Mary Magdalene. I feel this Golden White Light, permeate each and every one of our hearts. Ah yes, your planet even more so, each and every moment, is waking up.

And yes, there is confusion happening with the resistance against this process, by your institutions, such as your mainstream media, your political institutions, your financial institutions, all over your Beloved Planet. They are set in their ways.

But there are certain factions on your planet, that are enabling the Truth to come out. And there has been recognitions of advanced technologies made in your United States, recognizing that interactions with off-world beings need to be revealed. And also, that there are technologies, that have been patented that need to come forth. And this is just a microcosm of the changes going on, on your Beloved Planet.

What we find most beautiful, and in high vibration are these energies, that are coming in, that are allowing you to express from your hearts in more of an even-minded and harmonious manner with one another. Because the Truth, like Sekhmet says, is becoming more transparent all over the width and breadth of your Beloved Planet each and every day.

And you will see things in this coming earth year, Beloveds, that will warm your hearts, and cause you to rejoice. Yes, no dates, but the process, we would say, has been jump started. And it is taking off into the direction, that each and every one of our meditations guide it to come to fruition, whereby it will lead us to that place of anchoring in your 5th Dimension.  Beloveds, we are well on our way. 

And when you have Peace on your planet, and advanced technologies, and no more struggle and confusion over mere survival, we are all the winners throughout all of Creation, because you will be able to anchor in the 5th Dimension, and that will be such a push toward the ongoing process of all of you Beloved Beings in the right rhythm, timing, and synchronization undergoing your Ascensions. 

And we are so happy for each and every one of you Beloveds, because all of the Beloved Beings, who are on this call, and will interact with these transmissions of ours tonight, have chosen Ascension. And yes, we are here with you all of the time to help this ride, this journey become even more flawless and harmonious, with supporting you with our Love and Light, Beloveds.

We say to you Namaste and good night. And now my Twin, Sananda, is coming in.

1-15-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-15-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Can you feel the Love permeating our planet here? This planet of yours, of mine too, when I was incarnated on it, is going through such fundamental advancement in the frequency of the Love and Light, that is coming in. And yes, it is an ongoing, continual process that is not slacking off. But it is leading up to a Divine Harmonization with the Intentional Requirements, that we have been putting forth in all of our clearings, in all of our mass meditations, in all of the Power Sources of the Light and the Love on your planet being reactivated. 

There are so many Master Crystals, and lei lines, and power centers on your earth, that have activated in the last thirty-something years. And they are reaching peak activation in the Now Moment. And yes, raising the level of the vibration of our Conscious Awareness, throughout the Collective Consciousness, plays a major role in accelerating this process, and radiating its messages, its Light Codes, out to all of the Beloved Beings who have yet to wake up.

Well, we have their dream states, and we do so much work with you. And when I say we, I’m talking about all of the Mentors, because each of us are in mission, just as you are in mission, and a big part of our Mission is to help you accelerate your Ascension Process, and to help you feel the Love and Light that you are. 

Because, Beloveds, there can be no mistaking, that we are all equal parts of the Godhead. And we all have our parts to play. And no one is better than anyone else. Everyone is a part of the Divine Manifestation of this Consciousness that is Divine and Supreme in its All Knowingness. And you have that spark within you, that is this part of the Godhead. 

So, you’ve been clearing duality all of these thousands of years, allowing yourselves to reach these conscious realizations, while being embodied in this density of material physicality. And yes, duality has been helping you do that. But now we are all ready for you to rise up into the 5th Dimension, so all of the other Beloved Beings throughout all of Creation can rise up in the next phase of their Ascensions also.

Yes Beloveds, let us form our circle, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And you reaching out for someone else’s hand on this call. Breathing into the Heart Center, sending this energy out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of your right hand, allowing yourselves to bring in this Love and Light, that you are, Beloveds, and to feel the Joy that accompanies it.

And letting go with our breathing, letting go and rising up at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts up through the layers of the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships, coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. And yes, we’re opening up the landing deck, rising on up, hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us, Beloveds. And now it’s safe to touch down.

And we are walking on back to this elevator that has opened for us. Now we’re getting all in at the same time, closing the door, pushing the button, and accelerating right on up to the top floor here. And now we’ve come to a stop. We’re pushing a button to open the door. And we feel the merriment and the high vibrations, that await us, and the smiles of all the Beloved Beings here. 

Some of them, yes, are some of your ancestors, perhaps you in and incarnation or two, and the rest of the Mentors, other angels and Ascended Masters, and Beloved Commanders, from all over the Cosmos, who wouldn’t miss this, because they consider this to be such a Blessed Event, an opportunity, if you will, for them to help bring their Mission to completion, because Beloveds, we’re all on the same Mission.

We  want so deeply to see the Love and Light permeate all of Creation, and allowing ourselves to feel more of the Joy and harmonious good vibes, that accompany this realization of manifesting who we really are, throughout all of our experiences that ultimately leads to your Ascension on your Beloved Planet in a way, that has never been even tried before. But on our side, of course, we see it as done.

And now we’re walking on over. We’ve assembled around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And the Mentors have circled around us and the other Beloved Beings circling around them. And sending our LoveLight around our circles, from the left, to the right, to the outer circles. And spiraling our combined energies of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Feeling these energies with Ease and Grace come in, and harmonize our vibrations, between each and every one of us, lifting us up higher and higher in vibration.

Permeating those layers of your DNA to wake up that genetic encoding that will activate those dormant places in your minds, in the right lobe of your brain. And breathing into it, up, down, and around and through, expanding this consciousness with the help of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and the consciousness of high vibration of the crystals, that represent all of the higher dimensions in all of Creation.

And yes, Beloveds, we ask you to formulate what you want to create in this Beloved Meditation tonight for yourselves. Breathing into your Heart Center, and calling upon whatever your desires seem to be uppermost, whether it be financial, health related, relationship oriented, or just having better connections with the higher aspects of your being in your meditations, in healing work, in being able to express yourself with your Beloveds from you Heart Center so they too can feel these very high-vibe energies that are coming into your planet.

And you can think of it all as preparations, for when so many of the Beloved Beings on your planet who have yet to awaken finally do so. You’re going to have a lot of practice here in being able to interact with people that do not have much, if any, of a clue of what’s going on.
Shining this LoveLight into the Master Crystal, and we say that all of us have uppermost in our hearts and minds the Intentional Requirements of shifting the dynamics of your genetic coding all over, and throughout all of the species on your planet, whether it be animal, hybrid, human, what have you, so that each and every one of you will be able to better accommodate these high vibrations coming in. And that we wear down this false apparatus, these delivery devices and systems that have been perpetrated upon you in this matrix by the AI. 

Shining our LoveLights all in concert with one another into the Master Crystal with the highest vibrations that we can assimilate at this time. And shining it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru. And radiating it down in a spiral onto your Beloved Mother Gaia, up, down, and around and through. 

Feeling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness spread into the subatomic particles, throughout all of the photons, coming into your Beloved Planet, into the DNA of all of the Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We intentionally require, that they will let go, and allow themselves to be in the Now Moment, whether it be in in their conscious, physical, awakened states or their dream states. But to have these recognitions, these realizations of what was once dormant, waking up, and then allowing themselves to feel turned on and illuminated. And to feel Joy and Happiness in their hearts, because of this feeling of Oneness permeating their knowingness in the Now Moment. 

So up, down, and around and through all over, the width and the breadth of your Beloved Planet, in this vertical spiral, feeling the magic unfold, Beloveds, this transmission, to each and every being on your planet throughout all of the kingdoms, the mineral, animal, plant, through all of these Beloved Kingdoms.

And now, let us focus on this Beloved Continent of Australia. Because, yes, there are disruptions going on with all of these high vibrations coming in, and also the resistance that is being shown by your Cabal, in perpetrating weather warfare in certain areas of your Beloved Planet. Because no, they don’t want to give up control. But we see it as imminent. 

And we are shining our LoveLight from the atmosphere, to the surface and beneath the surface. Because, yes, they have underground bases there too in networks that serve as energy sources for their devious plans of keeping you in low vibration and causing destruction which perpetrates such fear and separation. Because, ah yes, that is their true, main tools to keep their domination. But, Beloveds, it is wearing thin. And the Truth is becoming more and more transparent each and every day.
So just allowing ourselves to be in this rhythm of healing, up, down, and around and through, permeating the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds on your planet, and especially all of the Beloved Beings in Australia, who are affected by these very powerful assaults in the form of fires on their Beloved Continent. 

And let us envision this completion of all of these laser-induced fires, being put out, and their technology becoming inoperable in the Now Moment. Because it is the Will of the Company of Heaven for your Ascensions to accelerate, and for Peace to permeate your planet, so your Ascensions, and the 5th Dimension to become the dominant force on your Beloved Planet.

Now, let us go over to our elevators in the underground network in Mexico.  And yes, this is a very high-tech network, happening here of these underground bases. And they have manifested technologies, which you do not see on the surface of your planet. This system of underground rail connecting all of them, and these facilities are huge, Beloveds.
So, we’re shining our Beloved LoveLight horizontally in a spiral from Mexico through the United States, up into Canada, and then back and around again, from coast to coast, feeling the Joy of being able to transmit these high vibrations to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved there against their will, who have been doing yeoman’s work for completing their Soul Contracts.

Because, Beloveds, if they weren’t doing the work, then we wouldn’t be able to tell their story, now, would we?  We wouldn’t be able to point out just how devious this Cabal has been, and all of the heinous acts, that they’ve been doing against humanity, so that they would stay in control, and keep you unillumined, and in low vibration, and just completely get their way. 

Well, their perpetrations have all been because of lies and deceptions. And now the Truth and high vibration of the energies, that are coming in can no longer be held back. So, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of these Beloveds in all of the underground bases, and feeling this connection.  And we say to all of you Beloved Beings,

“We love you so very, very much. And we are awaiting the announcements of NESARA. All the plans are in place, and your Missions have gone along swimmingly well. And we are so very much in awe of you, and so very happy of the contributions, that you have all made.”

And all of you Beloved Beings on the call, or who listen to the recording, or read the transcripts, we love you so very much. We thank you for your contributions.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1-8-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-8-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight and, yes, what a marvelous call it has been!

Your expression of the Love and Light, that you are, with your Intentional Requirements, with the focus in Sekhmet’s guided meditation, with your knowingness of who you truly are, is marvelous for us to observe. Beloveds, your devotion and commitment, to living heart-centered lifestyles, is a main component of your Mission, and what has brought you into these very high levels of Light and Love, that all of you truly are at your Core Essence.

And we ask you, Beloveds, to hold on, to keep on breathing, to keep on believing and knowing, who you are, and that you are the co-creators of your realty. You are the co-creator of your Beloved Species, and your planet, passing the Markers for Ascension. And this process is taking off and picking up more steam, as you say.

And with all of the plans there, you can rest assured, that more saber rattling, more negative spin on the events, that are transpiring on the world stage, will be perpetrated upon you, by your mainstream medias, until the Truth is so very prevalent on your planet, that it cannot be denied any longer.

The plans are in place, Beloveds, for all of the different aspects of what has been held back, and from you, to come into manifestation, to be embodied with conscious sound, from the mouth pieces of the moral authority of Beloved Beings, Beloved Leaders on your planet, that have made their vows and commitment to playing out their roles, to enabling these plans to reach fruition, to reach this stage of completion, where our hearts can be joined in Oneness with one another, over the Truth being made manifest. And giving you the insights to why the lies have been as they have. And also, for this Truth to be used as your Instrument of Empowerment, at this Beloved Time, when these high-vibe energies are still coming in, and the window is open for your Ascension.

Yes, Beloveds, there is a time frame happening, and you are well within it.  And in a couple of days, you will have another portal opening up. There are so many different aspects of evolution visiting your planet, being orchestrated in Divine Rhythm and Timing, by the stars. All you have to do is to feel this Love and Light, bring it in, and multiply it, and radiate it out, so it, Beloveds, will take on a life of its own in helping to wake up all of your Beloved Sisters and Brothers, who have been sleeping.

And yes, we envision you still in your circles, and us sending you Love and Light into your hearts, all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, from all over the Cosmos, Beloveds. Because what you are doing is so very important, so very magical, and has captured the imagination all over the multiverses. And so much Love is being sent into your hearts, for it to become ever easier, to show you just how much Love and Support you are most worthy of. And you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, are held in such high esteem for your contributions. 

Beloveds, when you are in sleep state, you have these realizations, this knowingness, with being with us on the ships, and maintaining the Conscious Awareness of your plans, to play out your roles, and to disseminate these dynamics of Ascension into the dream states of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and working with them. 

Because, yes, Beloveds, you are on the First Wave. And you are playing such an instrumental role into the rest of your Beloved Planet waking up, and bringing this dance of Ascension to completion.

We love you so very much. Yes, we are always here with you. Just call us in. 

Namaste, Beloveds, and a good night to each and every one of you, here now on the call, and whoever listens to the recordings, or reads the transcripts. We love all of you so very much.

Namaste and good night.

1-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

1-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again.

Ah yes, the energy, the Miracle of Love, manifesting on your Beloved Planet the way, that it has taken shape, over these many millennia with each of us playing out our roles, being in Mission with one another, to take back your Beloved Planet, and raise it on up into the 5th dimension once again, and enable your Ascensions. 

And as you know, Beloveds, all of Creation is in sync with you in the process, that you are going through on your Beloved Planet, because it will help each and every one of them rise on higher up into their Ascension Processes.

It is no mystery, from where we sit on the other side in the ships, of all you have done to enable this dynamic, to be in overdrive, we would say, for it to manifest before each and every one of your eyes. Every day now, that you have passed the Ascension Markers, since seven years ago, Beloveds, this time in the evolution of your planet, of your species, is so very magical. And Beloveds, you have the Power with your Intentional Requirements.

And this a big reason, why we ask you to breathe into your hearts, to allow yourself to feel the Eternity of this Now Moment. Reach deep and high above in the connections with those higher aspects of yourself, that create this conduit into Creator Source, Beloveds, where all things are possible, where your Ascensions are assured, and where the Splendor and the Joy of being in this Now Moment, with us on this call, is a Magical Journey into your DNA, into knowing who you really are, and who you’ve been. 

And all of these questions, that you have, that pertain to these facets of your being, and the journeys that each of you have been through in your many, many lifetimes, since the creation of the wave into the particle, and the manifestation of creation in embodied form. They will start to be known, when you ascend. And even every time that you transition after being embodied, you are able to see what your life’s journeys have been, and the Soul Contracts you agreed to, and how you fared in that lifetime.
Beloveds, we never judged you. We allow you to have your life reviews. And you are the ones, along with the higher aspects of your being, that call it like it is for yourselves. And from there, you know where your journeys will take you next.
Only this is your Ascension lifetime, Beloveds, so your time of duality and the density of having to deal with these low vibrations, and tests, and challenges, that are born from these polarities, experienced in the density of duality, are almost at an end. 

Beloveds, we celebrate with you, and for you. We love you so very much.  Beloveds, we are always here for you. Please call us in and celebrate with us, in Joy, and Eternal Knowingness of who we really are, and that that we are all One. 

Namaste, Beloveds. And good night.

1-8-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-8-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. It is such a pleasure to be here once again with you all.  

Ah yes, the timing couldn’t be more perfect, because what we are experiencing as you are going into this new earth year of yours, it is truly remarkable. And all we really ask you to do, when you are getting up in the morning each and every day is to be aware with your breathing, of the way the energy feels now.

Because yes, you are going through all of these cycles where the energy is compounding in its potency, in the level of vibration that is coming in. And this is enabling you to have these insights. And, of course, we ask you to call us in to help you with this. Because from these feelings, being in high vibration, it enables you to have a stronger connection with those higher aspects of your being, so that it can become easier for you to cognize what is going on with your individual process, that ultimately is going to lead you toward Ascension.
Because, ah yes, Beloveds, right now the main thrust of your Mission is to bring in more and more of these high-vibe energies, by letting go with your breathing, or any other way that enables you to be more firmly in your own inner flow, and to let go to it. Because, yes, the Universe, Beloved Creator Source, has never wanted you to feel anything less than Love and Light, which you are. 

And to feel this Joy, this Bliss, that ultimately has always been part of your birth right, by being incarnated, not just on this planet, but whatever planet, that you found yourselves in, in any of your lifetimes. Because it’s all about the experiences, that you have. So why not allow yourself to have the best experiences, to put out your desires, and be in high vibration. And to ultimately realize how easy it is for them to manifest right before your very eyes.

So, Beloveds, let me extend and bi-locate my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach out with your other hand to some Beloved Person on this call, to form our circle now. Ah, yes, breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to relax, to be grateful for being here together, and feeling our Unified Field of Energy, by breathing into the Heart Center. And sending it around, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back inside of yourself, into the palm of your right hand, breathing into the Heart Center. 

It is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, Beloveds, that we jettison ourselves up off the surface of your planet through the layers of the atmospheres, and up into the layers of ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck here. And all of us joined together, in our circle are rising on up, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us, Beloveds. 

And we are walking on back to an elevator, that is open for us. We’re all getting in with our circle intact. And me pushing the button, to take us on up, as we close the door, right on up into the highest level of the ship, and into the Crystal Healing Room.

And now we are here, opening the door, feeling all of the Beloveds around us, and feeling their high-vibe energies greet us. Ah yes, all of the Mentors are here, the Beloved Commanders from the ships, many angels and Ascended Masters. Perhaps you don’t even know all of their names. And that is fine.  And your ancestors are here, and possibly an incarnation of you, from a past incarnation, a past lifetime. And walking on over into the middle of the room, and forming our circle around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal sets.

And now the Mentors are circling around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings are forming other circles around them. And breathing into the heart, and sending it around our circle, to the outer circles, and into our combined energy fields, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Feeling this glorious energy emanate heart to heart, Soul to Soul, between all of us. And feeling these high-vibe energies of these Beloved Crystals, coming into our consciousness, allowing us with the energies of the Beloved Beings in this room, to access all of these higher dimensions of reality. 

And continually spiraling up through our combined energy field, up, down, and around and through, feeling this strong connection from Creator Source, where there is no separation, where we know, that all of Creation is One. And it has unlimited possibilities for each and every one of us.
So with that realization, we ask you to think of what you would like to create, from the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight, for each and every one of you, your own individual selves, whether it be financial, spiritual, having to do with relationships, having to do with feeling more Ease and Grace in life for all of the tests and challenges, that you are experiencing right now.

Ah yes, Beloveds, this Now Moment is upon all of us with the opportunity to grow, to strengthen our connection with Creator Source, and to rise on up into these high vibrations, so that we will very soon be able to anchor in the 5th Dimension. And this is the main thrust of all of our Intentional Requirements for our Meditation, and it continues to be so.
We require that we empower this Beloved Law of NESARA, which is, in truth and reality, the law on your Beloved Planet. But it hasn’t been activated yet. So we require its activation with all of these Beloved Plans of the Alliance, that have been set forth to finally take hold and blast off, as it were, in the Collective Consciousness, so that when the Truth is told, when these Laws are announced, and all of the facets of their components are put forth, that people can allow themselves to feel this heart-centered energy, that NESARA perpetrates and enables upon your Beloved Planet.

Yes, it is such a marvelous gift, that you have earned for yourselves, and your patience and your understanding, that it is in the highest and best interests of all of you Beloved Beings on your planet, to be able to seamlessly make this change into the 5th Dimension, so that all of the Beloved Beings on your planet will take advantage of having earned their Ascensions.

And that the fear and the separation will totally be gone, and allow them to see and feel themselves in each and every other Beloved Being on this planet, with an open heart and an open mind. And that will make it so much easier, for them to let go, and for them to awaken themselves in these high vibrations.

So, Beloveds, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, from each and every one of our hearts, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through the tip of the crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, from the atmospheres, to the surface, and beneath the surface of your Beloved Mother Gaia, penetrating its crystalline core with this Intentional Requirement for freedom on your Beloved Planet, for each and every one of you Beloved Beings to be liberated, to realize your salvation of knowing, who you truly are, and that there is no reason anymore, for fear or separation. That the connection between all of us, and all of Creation, grows ever so much stronger with each Eclipse, east portal opening, each massive wave of Photon Energy that raises the Schumann Resonance even higher.

And yes, when this Schumann Resonance reaches its white-out stage, you will be there, Beloveds, because this energy dynamic is increasing, and multiplying, and accumulating on your Beloved Planet, and the Collective Consciousness. Spiraling up, down and around and through your Beloved Planet with this Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And shining it into the hearts and the psyches of all of the Beloved Beings, of all of the kingdoms. 

And, ah yes, we’re shining it down into the oceans here, into all of those spots on your planet, that are feeling massive earthquake-seismic energies. And we’re spiraling it with the Intentional Requirement to reverse the spin, to slow it down, to let go, to break down the motion into one of Harmony with the Love and Light that we are sending it.

And then to spin it in a clockwise direction, and to transmit this Love and Light back up into your Solar Sun, with the Intentional Requirement of slowing down, of breaking down this dynamic, whereby each and every Beloved Being on your planet opens their hearts and minds, either consciously or unconsciously to the changes, that are taking place. And require Peace, the Peace that passes all understanding, where no one will have to give up their lives needlessly, where no riots or violence will happen, because people are afraid. 

No, Beloveds, fear is gone with your Intentional Requirement for each and every Beloved Being on your planet, to wake up in high vibration, and to be able to assimilate and integrate this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And let us put forth the Intentional Requirement of Bliss, of Satisfaction, of Understanding in each and every heart and mind, that these changes are something that are Divinely ordained, and that you have earned, and that they will allow you to take back your Power, on this Beloved Planet, in a way that you have never realized before.

So, Beloveds, let us focus our energies, by going on over into Mexico, into our elevators here, and going down into the tunnel- network system. And spiraling it horizontally, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, up, down, and around and through, from Mexico, through the United States, into Canada, from coast to coast. 

And allowing this Golden White Light to seep down, in some cases very deep down, into Beloved Mother Gaia, to penetrate these underground caverns, where the energy sources are hiding, where sequestered weaponry, and secrets, and wealth have been kept a secret, from all of you over the course of many thousands of years, and advanced technologies. And shining it into this network of the underground bases. Yes, some of them are military, but many of them are pleasure, spa resorts, where heinous acts have been committed over and over again.

But we say to you, Beloveds, that the time of the Cabal’s and the AI’s dominance over your consciousness, over enslaving you into survival games and dynamics, is being put to an end, because each and every day, that one of these stories about the corruption, the scandals, the true purpose of how your politicians, your rulers have kept secrets from you. And that it overall really has to do with them continuously staying in power, lying to you, and deceiving you to keep you imprisoned in your bodies, in your thoughts. 

Beloveds, this is why we ask you continuously to let go and access these higher places of consciousness, and transmit into the Collective Consciousness. Because some of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, as well as Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved in this underground-network system, need a little push here, to raise the level of their consciousness, so that they realize the Power, that they have, by accessing the Love and Light that they are.

It’s a very simple equation. And the more that you breathe into it, and allow it to grow, and to materialize within the four bodies, of not just your being, but everyone’s being on your Beloved Planet, the more that this dynamic of anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and allowing your Ascension Process to accelerate, becomes a reality, Beloveds. Spiraling the energy again up, down and around and through, a horizontal spiral. UASA, UASA.  Already happened. It’s already done. UASA, UASA. Already happened. It’s already done. UASA, UASA. With Speed, Ease and Grace, it’s already happened. It’s already done.

And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved in these underground bases, no matter what age they are,

“We love you so very dearly. We admire you for your commitment to complete your Soul Contracts. And we say to you that, yes, your Ascension is assured.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so very dearly.  And yes, please call us in any time you want to feel our Love and Support, or do meditations with us. Because, Beloveds, we are all on the same Mission.  And we are coming right down to the Finish Line!

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

Friday, January 3, 2020

1-1-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-1-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I’m so happy to be with you tonight.
Here is this Beloved Meditation, that I would like us to do tonight. So, hooking up your circle, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you.  And you reaching out to someone else on this Beloved Call, to form our circle once again. And sending it around the circle, from the left hand, back into the palm of the right hand, breathing into your hearts, allowing this Love and Light, that we all are collectively, to expand even more.
And all of the Beloved Beings still on Mother Sekhmet’s ship, and on Ashtar’s ship, sending you this Love and Light so that, more and more, our consciousness expands into these higher levels of awareness, into this feeling of Unity Consciousness. And empowering ourselves with the Love and Support, from all over the Cosmos for your Ascension to further escalate and accelerate, from this Now Moment on, Beloveds. 

And raising ourselves with the rhythm of our breathing, up off of your Beloved Planet. And going into the portal, into your Solar Sun, and traveling along this direct conduit into the Central Sun, up through the Galactic Center. And speeding on over to the other side of the multiverse, to where the angels have helped me, and my teams of angels to construct these healing pools of water. 

And yes, we are here. We are allowing ourselves to walk into these pools.  And the water level is just high enough for you to sit with a straight back, to stretch out your legs, and to keep your breathing vigorous as the water is about up to your chest, or your neck. And feeling the Peace and Harmony. And the spectrum of the colors in these healing waters, as we breathe into our hearts, and activate even more of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness. Still in our circle, feeling this Love and Light that we are. 

And yes, our Intentional Requirements are the same, as what has already been said tonight, for Harmony, for Bliss, for Ease and Grace, to power you each and every day, from now on, to fulfill your Missions of bringing in more and more of the Love and Light, that we all are. And to having no resistance whatsoever any longer to doing this.

Ah, yes, all of the Beloved Beings all over Creation have been sending the Love and Light, increasing these dynamics to be in your favor for your liberation to become complete on your Beloved Planet for you to integrate these high vibrations, for you to feel this Joy, this miraculous Bliss of knowing, that there is no separation whatsoever with us, and all of the higher levels of consciousness, which have all emanated from Creator Source.
And you always have this connection into your I AM Presence. Your I AM Presence is always active, is always in direct connection with Creator Source, up through all of the higher levels of dimensionality.
And it is such a marvelous moment in your evolution, Beloveds! Where the steps, that you have taken, to get you here are now fully forming, and taking on greater meaning, deeper meaning, and fulfilling a shape to your reality whereby the Truth will be known. And the artifice of this negatively programmed matrix, that has entrenched itself into the four bodies of your being is ready to be jettisoned, to be removed. And to be transmuted into such high vibrations of Love and Light, which will only aid you instead of hampering you the way that they have all of the time since you’ve been in this duality life cycle, learning your life lessons, compounded by these tests and challenges you have faced in duality, in this very extreme density, which you have learned to protect yourself, and to thrive in, and which has led you to pass the Marker for Ascension.

Beloveds, we are so happy, that we are at this place together and your earth year promises so many Divine Surprises. We, the Mentors, and all of the Beloveds all over Creation, are sending you these increased high-vibrational energies of Love and Light into your hearts, to love and support you more and more, as the changes come about, so that you will reach this saturation point, and implement it into your conscious 5th Dimensional reality, Beloveds.

All you have to do is reach out to us with the Intentional Requirement, that you want us to come into your hearts, and we are there to Love and Support you, and to do our work with you, and to guide you along with your Guidance Teams and I Am Presence.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.