Friday, January 17, 2020

1-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda.  I come to you with such happiness, such Joy in my heart. 

I ask you tonight to concentrate and focus on the big picture here.  Beloveds, your Cabal who are overseen by the apparatus of the Artificial Intelligence, they do not want you to expand your consciousness, to open up your hearts to the majesty of these energies and high vibration coming in to inform each and every one of your choices in every Now Moment, now that this process is becoming so all-encompassing on your Beloved Planet, and bringing in these higher energies to wake you all up. They want you to stay in these lower vibrations of fear.

And yes, the fires, earthquakes, that have been perpetrated, the changes that your Beloved Planet is undergoing, through so many years of torment, by these false doctrines, that have been perpetrated upon it. They are being brought to the Light, Beloveds, and there is no reason for fear. We, as they say, we have got your back.

We on the ships, the Ashtar Command, it has been our Mission for many, many millennia here to support you, as you’ve undergone this Divine Process of bringing your Beloved Planet into the Light. Because yes, ancestors from neighboring planets, blew up their planets in playing out their games of domination and survival. 

But your Beloved Planet had a different destiny. And we have come together to ensure your Spiritual Evolution, because Beloved Mother Gaia is in the 5th Dimension, and she is being set free. And you, as Beloved Ascended Masters, will take over in this Mission eventually.

Ah yes, Beloveds, we shine our LoveLights into each and every one of your beautiful, receptive hearts on this call, and all who will hear the recording, and read the transcriptions. And ah yes, we marvel at the cooperation we see, between so many Beloved Lightworkers on your planet, and all of you Beings, who witness the transmission of these conference calls. 

We have set up this network of being able to bring our messages forth all over your Beloved Planet. And these messages will be held in perpetuity for all of the Beloved Beings, who will wake up and undergo their processes as you have been, since the Harmonic Convergence happened, Beloveds. You are the ones who have just been a little bit more receptive, and in knowingness of what you felt you needed to do, to fulfill your Soul Contracts. We are so very happy for you.

And once again forming our circle, and shining this LoveLight around your circle into your hearts, in our spiral of the combined energy field, up, down and around and through, from the left, to the right in a clockwise direction.  Breathing into your hearts, Beloveds, feeling this Love, that we are sending you from all over Creation.

In the higher dimensions there is only Oneness. There is only the One Knowingness, that we are all part of the Godhead, and there is no separation.  There are no reasons for fear, for running from being at Zero Point in this Now Moment. And feeling this Bliss, this Harmony, this Joy, that we all are, and especially, when we have the Divine Opportunity of coming together heart to heart and soul to soul.

Yes, Beloveds, we are here for you all of the time. Just call us in at any moment of the night and day, or before you have your sleep, and go into your dream states. We will work with you, Beloveds, to make your process more harmonious, more glowing, and allowing you the confidence to share your perceptions, and your heart-centered energies with your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, to help them to awaken and ascend.

Namaste, Beloveds. We love you so very much. And good night.

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