Thursday, January 23, 2020

1-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our profound pleasure to be with you here again tonight, on this Beloved Conference Call. Ah yes, Beloveds, the times, that you are going through, are so very completely marvelous, and filled with hope and promise.  Ah, but the gifts you are receiving are making you more adept into creating the reality, that you truly desire in this Now Moment. Yes, we’re talking about manifestation, and the Power of breathing into your hearts, and allowing yourself to go up into the higher dimensions, with all of the meditations and the tools, that you have learned in the many years, that you have been doing this work. 

Well, there’s less resistance to bringing in this Love and Light, than there has ever been before, for the express purposes of creating the reality, that you truly desire. And in the coming days, there may be, in the mainstream media, instances, where they are only showing you protests and unrest and things, that it is their intention to trigger you into lower vibrations. But, Beloveds, you have this Divine Gift of using your meditations to spread out this conscious knowingness while being anchored in Unconditional/Universal Love, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness and radiating it out to the mass of humanity, which affects this Collective Consciousness.

And this is an ongoing phenomenon, because every time you raise the level of your individual consciousness, by bringing in this Love and Light, and rising on up into the higher dimensions, you affect the whole, or what we call the Collective Consciousness. And truly, one of our main purposes, in doing these meditations, is to raise that level of consciousness of the Collective to a place, where the mass of humanity, and all of the kingdoms on your Beloved Planet will be so very receptive to anchoring in the 5th Dimension once more.

Well, the time is upon you, when your meditations take on more energy and more meaning, we would say, in what you choose for your Intentional Requirements, and what you allow yourself to envision, the words perhaps you hear, that are coming in to give you new insights, and more new ah-ha moments, to let you expand your Love and Light and your Knowingness and becoming more adept at using your discernment. So, these days are really, for you, about empowerment, and using that empowerment for the highest and best interest of the whole of the Collective Consciousness.

Let us join together in our circle, by me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else on this call, to form our circle with. Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves once more to slow down and relax. And with our breathing, finding this grove, effortless Ease and Grace, the warmth of the Love and Light, and the feeling of Joy permeating our hearts. Sending it around out to the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand.

Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing yourself to let go, and to relax, so we can use the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, and our breathing as a conduit now into rising on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, into the layers of the atmospheres, higher and higher, up into the layers of ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship here.

And now we’re popping right on through, now hovering in the airlock all joined together. And now it’s safe for us to touch down, because the landing deck has closed. And we’re walking on back to an open elevator here. And now we’re all getting in at the same time. The interior of this elevator is enlarging itself to support all of us. 

And here we go, closing the door, pressing the button to zoom on up into the top room here. And here we go, opening the door, walking on through, our circle still connected, all of the Beloved Beings greeting us with their Divine Energies. The Mentors are here, Ascended Masters and Angels, Commanders on the ships, your ancestors, and, ah yes, perhaps you from a lifetime or two in the past. Walking on over into the middle of the room, forming our circle around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And feeling this Spirit of Warmth, of Joy, of Oneness permeate each and every one of us, as we form our circle. And the Mentors, forming their circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings, forming their circles around them.
And sending this LoveLight through the combined energies of our field of energy, from the floor, to walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it vertically up, down, and around and through, taking in all of these high vibrations, emanating from the consciousness of all of these Beloved Beings, and all of the crystals that represent all of the higher dimensions of realty, from all of Creation.

Bringing it in, allowing ourselves to merge with this Golden White Light, and this feeling in Spirit of Immutable Strength and Perfection, the Perfection of the connection with Creator Source, and the remembrance of who we truly are as part of the Godhead, each and every one of us, an integral part, playing out our roles continuously in the Now Moment. 

Again, spiraling this energy through our circles, up, down and around and through this Beloved Crystal Healing Room, our combined energy field, expanding the Love and Light, that we are, feeling great Joy and Harmony in this Spirit of Oneness. 

And now we ask you to intentionally require what you would like to create for yourself with the Power, the beauty, and high vibes of this Beloved Meditation, that we are embarking on. Oh yes, it could be financial, it could be bringing in more health and wellbeing, or just making better choices to create a higher quality of life for yourself and your Beloveds, of your family, or even your friends. And now, shining your LoveLights into the Master Crystal with these Intentional Requirements, Beloveds. 

And our Intentional Requirements for this meditation, in the Spirit of Oneness, is for NESARA to be announced, and all of the components of NESARA, as they say, to come online and create this, umm, field of energy, which can’t help but bring in the 5th Dimension. And all along NESARA, the implementation of all of these different components, was to ready the Beloved Beings on your planet for being in the 5th Dimension. But as the scenario unfolded, we are right up against unfolding this reality in the Now Moment, to take us home to the 5th Dimension, and embark upon your Beloved Ascension Processes, and the shift from the old earth to this New Earth. 

And ah yes, this element of the Solar Flash is in there to some level and degree, but it is emblematic of the shifting process, of readying all of your Beloved Beings, on your planet, into being able to hold the energies of the 5th Dimension effortlessly with Ease and Grace.

So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, shooting it out through the tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts.  And feeling the sparkle and the shine of this LoveLight, permeating your Beloved Planet, and all of its energy, from the atmosphere, to the surface, and beneath the surface, penetrating every subatomic particle, every photon, the cellular structure of all of life on your planet, and all of the kingdoms, not just humans or hybrids, but everyone and everything. Because, Beloveds, we are all imprints of the Beloved Creator-Source, which is the Seat of Consciousness, that created this reality. 

And spiraling it, feeling the energy and the Power of our Thoughts and our Intentional Requirements, as they say, gathering steam, and expanding this energy field, on your Beloved Planet, outward, shining it out to all of Creation, to let all of the Beloved Beings, that are pulling for you, and sending you Love and Light, to show their support of you, and you realizing your Ascensions. 

Because, yes, as we keep on telling you, this is a universal phenomenon, that is being felt all over Creation, you rising on up into higher vibrations to reach your Ascensions and bring them to completion. And it will affect most dramatically the level of vibration, that all of the other Beloveds feel, all over Creation, to rise on up in their Ascensions, to higher levels of conscious awareness and manifestation of that Oneness with Creator Source, that we all contain. 

Breathing it into our hearts, this message of Love for all of Creation, and shining the Power of it, going on over into this jail, in the United Kingdom, where our Brother Julian still sits awaiting his trial. And yes, picturing his energy field, and shining the LoveLight into his Heart Center, activating his energy templates, from the crown, out to the shoulders, to his heart, and from the High Heart to his hips and tapering to a point right between his knees. And these, you could think of them as two octahedrons.

And breathing into this energy with Beloved Julian to activate his energy body and energy field, which has been most ruthlessly depleted, we would say, over his long months of incarceration. Breathing into it with the Intentional Requirement for health and wellbeing for Julian. Seeing the sparkle of his LoveLight return its sheen, return to form, taking in the Power, and the Grace, and the Joy, and the Willingness to expand his energy field, and be the Love and Light that he is.

And jettisoning all guilt, lies of the ego, fears, all false dialogues, that have been perpetrated upon him. Even though he knows that they are not true, they are still-- try to grab onto his energy field. We’re jettisoning them, casting them out, removing them, by spiraling in a counterclockwise direction, from two feet above his head, to two feet below his feet counterclockwise, two feet all around his energy body, going up, down, and around and through. And we require that the Speed and Efficiency and Accuracy of this spiral unfolding throughout his energy field be increased 10,000-fold.

And that all of the Beloved Beings that are helping us here now on the ships, and all over Creation, will bring their tasks to completion with us in this Now Moment. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA;  Anything less than love being removed, It’s already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done.

And transmuting all of these energies into the high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And shining it from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction, to bring in these high vibrations to his DNA, his energy body, his energy field, and all within the four bodies of his being.  UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. UASA, UASA; Already happened, It’s already done. 

And Julian, we say to you,
“We love you so very much. We shine our LoveLight into your heart, into your energy field. And we say, that your time of revealing the Truth is upon you.  And you are loved and supported from all over the Universe, all over the Multiverse, our dear Beloved Brother. Namaste, Julian.”

And now let us move our energies over into these underground terminals, these bases. And tonight, let’s go for doing it all over the planet. And if you could envision all of these different underground networks in all of the continents, and even to some degree in Antarctica, that hold negative energy, that hold secrets that are waiting to be unearthed, that hold Reptilian power sources, that hold enslaved beings, that have been victims of human trafficking and ritual sacrifices. We’re shining our spiral, our energy spiral into these networks, all over the planet in unison with one another.

And tonight, we could go for shining it underneath the surface of the planet vertically, up, down, and around and through, penetrating all of the different layers, etherically and physically, of the underworld, of all of the secrets, that are being waited upon, to reveal themselves in the Spirit, in the Light of Love, to bring into the Now Moment the totality of the Truth of what we have been doing, and what these forces of the darkness have perpetrated upon us.

The time for Truth, we are calling it in to manifestation, in this Beloved Meditation here now. Shining this LoveLight up, down, and around and through, Beloveds. All of the sequestered wealth, all of the armaments, the advanced technologies; the Truth shall reveal them, and jettison them up onto the surface of the planet, where they will be used for the betterment, for the freedom of all of humanity, and not the enslavement. Those days are done, Beloveds. Calling in the Truth.

And we say to all on the Beloved Beings, that have been kept in these installations, in these underground bases, against their will,

“We love you so very much. We honor you, and your time of liberation is upon you. Your time of completion of your Soul Contracts is coming to its fruition, Beloveds. We honor you.”

And we say to everyone on this call, or who will listen to the recording, or read the transcripts, we love and honor you also in the Spirit of the Love and Light, of the Oneness of who we all are together, as integral parts of the Godhead.

Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. We are always here for you.  Just call us in. 

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