Thursday, March 26, 2020

3-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

3-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight with Joy in my heart. You have been imprinted to think that Consciousness is only located in your brains. Well, this is not the Truth, Beloveds. This Consciousness is in high vibration. It is interdimensional. It is a part of your Divine Being, your Essence of who you really are.
And at this time, this reality of yours is shifting into high vibration, and allowing you to delve into your interdimensional nature, by allowing you more and more to be in the 5th Dimension. This is a place, Beloveds, where the Truth of who you are can allow you to feel this Magic of you being able to co-create your reality in a very real, tangible way, Because, Beloveds, yes, the Crystalline Nature of your being is being activated in this Now Moment.

These high vibrations have upgraded your consciousness. And the more, that you allow yourselves to breathe into your hearts, to see things from this perspective, that you are all part of the Godhead, that you are here to learn this, to activate this on your Beloved Planet, and to shine these remembrances, to be part of this Unity Consciousness, to be a Lighthouse, and a beacon to others, who have not yet awakened, who still believe that their thoughts come from their brains, and not from this interdimensional Consciousness, that you all emanate from as part of the Godhead.

Well, Beloveds, you have been led to believe, have been imprinted with the false information, that you were only of the 3rd Dimension of reality. And you know this is not the Truth of who you are. But, Beloveds, there are so many dimensions of reality, as we have been telling you on these calls for so very long now.
And now, we feel that you are starting to implement the Truth and the Way, which is very fluid, and feels so very good within your knowingness, within your hearts. And allowing yourself to transmit this Love and Light, that you are as this shining beacon of a Lighthouse to permeate your planet, to help all of the others to awaken.

You are upon the threshold of that Beloved Saturation Point, that we have ever-so diligently been working towards together, in Mission with one another. And yes, it started so very long ago, thousands upon thousands of years ago, Beloveds. And now to be at this place with you, and to be able to come in, and to share our insights, our Love with you, makes us so very happy. 
And seeing you assembled in your circle, we the Beloved Mentors, shine our LoveLights into your hearts, and send it around your circle, and expanding your energy fields collectively. Spiraling this energy all through your energy fields, up, down, and around and through. Just breathing into your hearts, letting go, being in this place of Zero Point, in the Here-Now Moment. And allowing yourself to carry these realizations forth, of being in Joy, of being at Ease and Grace and Harmony, with all of these dimensions of realty, in harmony with all of us Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Commanders on the ships all over Creation.

You are the focal point, Beloveds. You are making such a huge contribution to the raising of the consciousness, to enabling the Ascension Protocols for all of Creation. 

We love you so very much. We are always One with you, and we are always here for you. Just call us in, Beloveds. Namaste and Good Night.

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