4-1-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Good evening! It is once again my Divine Pleasure to
be with you all tonight.
Ah yes, we are not superfluous. We are coming
together, because you have to deal with so much superfluous information, that’s
designed to distract you, and keep you amused, and not on task. Well, we come
together in this Now Moment to be on task. Because there is so much that is in
the works, we would say, to liberate you, Divine Beloveds, in your physical
embodiment and the whole of your Beloved Planet.
And ah yes, Beloveds, we have worked for this in
many lifetimes, and in this lifetime. And you have been consciously aware of
your brothers and sisters, the ones who seem to be sleep walking, and just taking
as fact anything, that they are told, by the mainstream media to heart, because
you have prayed, you have done energy work and meditations, so that these
Beloveds would wake up.
And now we feel that the probabilities are happening
very much so, because of this Corona Virus quarantine, that all of the Beloved
Beings on your planet are experiencing to some degree. So, everyone is having
to rethink their daily routines, and to realize what is really important to
them in the Now Moment.
And yes, something like this test and challenge, of
this virus, enables you to let go into the Now Moment even more, than you have
up to this point. Because you start to consider your brothers and your sisters,
your families, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and see and feel
into your heart, that you are all One, because you are all going through these
same experiences of wondering what is true, what is not true, how much longer
it will be before things assume their natural flow.
Well, let us say to you, that the plans in the works
are going to take you out on the other side of that tunnel, into a light, which
you and your planet have not seen before. And yeah, there’s going to be some
very wonderful, beautiful, rainbow lights shining your way.
So, Beloveds, let me bi-locate my paw out to each
and every one of you. And please, you reach around for someone else’s hand,
with your other hand, to form our circle tonight. And breathing into our Heart
Centers, allowing ourselves to relax, to bring in this Golden White Light of
Christ Consciousness Energy, to feel the Ease and Grace, permeating all of the
subatomic particles of our being down into our DNA.
This is a consciousness shift, Beloveds. And we are
all playing our parts in bringing all of Humanity into the Light, and your
Beloved Planet into the 5th Dimension firmly with all of you on
Letting go with our breathing, it is with the Power
and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we lift ourselves rapidly off of the
surface of your planet, into the atmospheres, the layers of atmospheres, into
the layers of the ships coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And yes, I’m
opening up the landing deck here. We’re popping on through the belly of my
ship, hovering in the airlock. And now it is closed, and it’s safe to touch
And we’re walking on back to an open elevator. And
we’re all getting in, smiles on our faces, because once again we are so very
fortunate to be here altogether. And rocketing up as I close the door and push
the button. And once again we are here opening the door, all going into the
Crystal Healing Room at the same time, and all of the Beloveds here to greet
There is no social distancing here, Beloveds. They
are so very happy for us to be here, as we are happy to see all of the Mentors,
the Angels, and Ascended Masters, Commanders on the ships, your ancestors, and,
ah yes, perhaps you from a past lifetime or two.
And we’re walking on over into the middle of this
room, circling around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And the feeling
of Love permeates all of the cells of our beings, Beloveds, into our hearts,
the Golden White Light shining into the crowns of our being. And forming our
circle, the Mentors forming their circle around us, and all of the other
Beloveds assembling their outer circles.
And sending this LoveLight around all of the
circles, spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling,
expanding our energy fields in this Beloved Love and Light, that we are, this
Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness Energy, letting go with our
Feeling all of the dimensions of reality. once again
presented in the consciousness of all of the Beloveds Beings here, in the
consciousness of all of the Crystals, that have imprinted many cultures, star
races, galaxies all through the multiverse, Beloveds. That information and high
vibration is available to us in this Crystal Healing Room. And ah yes, you can always come back here to
do your meditations, to feel our Love and Support.
And now, we ask you to make your Intentional
Requirements for tonight, for what you would like to do with these
high-vibrational energies, that are coming in within the four bodies of your
being, while doing this meditation. And
to focus on bringing them into your 3rd-Dimensional duality, there
on your Beloved Planet. Well, it’s not all 3rd Dimensional right
now. It’s leaning toward the 5th Dimension. And we’re very happy about
that, as we know you are also.
So, whether it be financial, health related,
focusing on your families, and all your Beloved Friends, and the Power of your
meditations to bring about NESARA. Just shining your Intentional Requirements
into the Master Crystal. And all of us doing this work tonight, we require that
the Truth be known through all of the information outlets, that you have
available to you, as these changes transpire on your planet.
And ah yes, this Mission will soon be underway to
take out the Cabal. And this is what we have been working for. And ah yes, this
is one of the main components of NESARA. This really kicks things off in fine
style, Beloveds.
And so, feeling this LoveLight in our hearts with
our Intentional Requirements for Peace, Harmony, Ease, and Grace, while all of
these changes, while the completion of these plans of the Alliance take shape,
and undergo the necessary flow in your timeline, to bring this Intentional Requirement
of Liberation to your Beloved Planet to completion.
Shining our Intentional Requirements all together
into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through the tip of this Crystal,
through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto
your Beloved Planet, from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface
into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Up, down, and around and through, Beloveds,
into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and to all of the
kingdoms, into the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, harmonizing with the Intention
of Mother Gaia to rise on up and anchor in all of you Beloved Beings, along
with her, into the 5th Dimension in a way that is unparalleled, that
has never been brought to fruition on your planet in this exact way before.
So, ah yes, you are all innovators, and you are the
spearhead for this movement for Liberation. So, pat yourselves on the back for
that one. Because, ah yes, our Mission has been unfolding over these many
years. And now we are reaching that point of overdrive, while allowing
ourselves to be at Peace. Because, Beloveds, everything is in Divine Timing.
Everything will come about in Divine Order, and there is nothing to prove.
None of us have to make so much effort here, or to
swim upstream against the tide. The Universe hears our Intentional Requirements,
and feels our Love, and responds to it in like-kind and helps us to create this
reality. And we see the changes. We see the Shift happening right before.
And ah yes, your mass meditations in a few days. There’s
a big one planned around astrological, humm, components that are coming
together to form an Ascension Gateway. And that’ll be a humdinger! And we will
be right there with all of you, shining our LoveLights into your hearts, for
the maximum effect.
So, Beloveds, ah yes, we see all of these different
pockets on your planet where the Truth is not being told, where the Cabal is
still trying to hide away, underneath the surface, and on the surface, going
about the guise, wearing their masks, as it were, and pretending that they are
the authority. Well, their authority is based upon lies and deceptions,
Beloveds. And there’s no reason to judge them. We are all Children of God.
So, shining the LoveLight into all of these
different places, and all of the hearts of all of these Beloveds on your planet,
up, down, and around and through, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath
the surface, in all of these underground bases.
Just letting go in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization
with our Intentional Requirements that each and every one of them know, that
they are of the Light, that they are part of the Godhead, and that they can
come into the Light and give up their Contracts with Satan, or Lucifer, or
whoever they call the front man for the AI, which is really the backbone behind
all of the information that they are getting, in order to run their ruse of
control and domination on your Beloved Planet.
Well, the Truth be known at this time of Great
Shift. And they are losing their Power. And
so, yes, acts of desperation may still be in the offing. But breathing into your hearts and knowing,
that we are always One, and all you have to do is to allow yourself to be in
high vibration, and come up into the higher dimensions. And yes, with Ease and
Grace, this comes about.
And this makes us all very powerful as we can see
right now with this Shift happening. Because things on your Beloved Planet are
happening now, that have never happened before in your lifetime. And even
though some people may be down in the dumpies, we would say, you know that this
change is a sign of all of our meditations taking hold, with the Intentional
Requirement of NESARA coming into implementation.
And ah yes, that lovely word is starting to be
spoken. And we are in great Joy for this, because there’s no reason any more
for these Beloved Beings of the Light to think, that they’re going to be thrown
in jail, or have retribution come upon them for saying this word. Because this
is the essence of the Plan for Liberation. All of the t’s have been dotted, or
they have been crossed, and all of the i’s have been dotted rather. And we are
at this place where it is coming together.
So, let us be in Joy and feel Compassion for one
another, for ourselves, much Love for ourselves, and going through all of these
changes, and all of our Beloved Brothers and Sisters going through the changes,
along with us, because we are going to come out of this so much stronger,
Beloveds. We love you so very much, and we thank you once again for being with
And now, we would like to shine this LoveLight into
the hearts of all of your leaders on your Beloved Planet, the ones that have
the ability to make this process of the changeover to the new financial system,
the new governance on your planet, much easier than it has ever been before. Because
they are the ones that can disseminate the Truth with Ease and Grace here, and
make this process so much more- palatable and easy to understand.
And ah yes, out of the chaos of the Covid-19 Virus
will be the Ease and Grace of Peace, and Universal Love, and Understanding with
all of the Beloved Beings on your Beloved Planet. So, spiraling this energy all
throughout your planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the
surface once again.
Ah yes, Beloveds, we thank you so much. And to all
of the Beloved Beings, who listen to the recording, and read the transcripts,
we are One with you. We love you so very much. We are always here to Love and
Support you. Just call us in.
Namaste and good night.
And now we’re going to bring in Beloved Maria
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