Thursday, June 25, 2020

6-24-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-24-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come in tonight, and again I am so very thrilled and happy to be here. 

Ah yes, things are moving along quite rapidly on your Beloved Planet. But you, my Beloveds, cannot see this, because so much is being kept from you. And you understand the apparatus, that this Cabal is using against you. This mainstream media limits, and severely misrepresents, what is transpiring on your Beloved Planet, by only focusing on what you would call Flash Points, to trigger you into low vibration, and to separate the consciousness between the Beloved Beings on your planet, by making you decide which side you are on.

But to us, Beloveds, there are no sides. It is all One, and you make the choice of whatever you want to give your energy to in the Now Moment. And this is what you allow yourself to experience and become.

So, Beloveds, we ask you to be always in high vibration, so that these choices, that you make will come from a place of Self-Love, and Compassion, and Knowingness of who you truly are in the bigger picture of all of Creation. And yes, it is so much easier to be able to do this on your Beloved Planet in this Now Moment.

The energies progress, after the portals have been opened this past weekend, on your Beloved Planet, with an eclipse and the solstice. And you are passing through this middle part of, in the Northern Hemisphere, we would call it the Summer-Time Eclipse Season. And with one more eclipse coming up in several days in the beginning of your next month.

And so many energies in high vibration are coming in. And we ask you to be ever diligent of your thoughts, words, and actions, because you are being gifted with energies, that allow you to more easily create your reality. And yes, our Intentional Requirement in coming together, and doing these meditations, and interacting with you, and loving, and supporting you, have to do with enabling and accelerating your Ascension Process.

And as you all know, before you get to that point of Ascension, you need to have a foundation of the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet. And this is what the Announcements of NESARA are enabling and building, on your Beloved Planet. And we see them moving to this point of conjunction, of intersection, of embodiment, and activation. And it is so very wonderful for us to be able to observe all of these different facets of the Plan coming together, and seeing the level of the consciousness, on your Beloved Planet, rise on up as they do.
And yes, it requires you, my Beloveds, to be conscious, and to shine your LoveLights on your Intentional Requirements, to bring this 5th Dimension, and the Announcements of NESARA into being, as it ever has been since we have been working with you.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. Please call us in any time you want to feel our Love and Support.

And now, my Beloved Sananda will come in. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

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