Thursday, June 25, 2020

6-24-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah yes, it is my profound pleasure to be with you once again tonight. And, ah yes, let me take you back, in the way-back machine, to the way things were some, oh well, 10,000, 12,000 years ago on your Beloved Planet, because there was a lot of confusion happening back then too.

And if you could picture, and imagine, how these off-world star races were trying to really take advantage of how your consciousness has been limited by all of you having to come back into physical embodiment, being reincarnated, after the severe traumas that happened, when the last Fall of Atlantis transpired.

You know they were doing things, that they are doing right now, such as cloning, but only in a more obvious way. Because, of course, you did not have the levels of technology that you do today. And they were able to be under the radar, and to have their secrets be more effective, we would say, because, they could just hide away in underground bases, or even in meeting halls, or the covens, and formulate their plans without having to be out front about them whatsoever.

But the power grab that’s going on right now corresponds to what it was back then, only that they had so much more leverage in the density of the energies, being what they were back then. And now that playing field has dramatically shifted to your advantage, Beloveds. Because these higher frequencies are allowing this matrix of their control, of the remote targeting, to be very limited at these times.

And really what it comes down to is you, the populous, using the Power of your Choice, and having the ability to make many different choices, and have many more options, than you used to have, such as getting your news from the Internet and various websites. And listening and watching videos, that detail why things are unfolding the way that they are, because researchers and journalists who have integrity have put themselves online, to bring the Truth of the stories, that are unfolding, and to go back into history and to truly elucidate and clarify, where a lot of these polarities and these games, that are being perpetrated upon the populous, started from. And how the same dynamics have kept on playing out, over and over again, rooted in fear and separation, and how coverups, and lies, and deceptions, and secrets have been perpetrated upon the majority of the populous. 

And of course, all of this emanates back to the roots of this negative programming to control this Beloved Planet from this Artificial Intelligence.  Because if you remember, in all of the stories, that you’ve been hearing from Ashtar, and all the Beloved Other Channels, that you may have endeavored to read or listen to, that these off-worlders came onto your Beloved Planet with advanced technologies. So, a part of that technological advantage was for them to have these mainframe computer data bases, if you will, that provided them with all of the information, and gave them probabilities of how to perpetrate institutions, and control the consciousness, and the populous of your Beloved Planet.

So, that is all being disassembled and disincorporated, because Beloveds, we are doing the work, and not just in this group but, Beloveds, all over your Planet. And again, we say to you, that there are billions of Starseeds on your Beloved Planet at this time, that are waking up. And the main part of our Mission in being with you, and us coming together and feeling this Communion of our hearts and souls, is to raise the level of the vibration to such a level and degree, that the Collective Consciousness wakes up, and that the brilliance of all of these Plans of the Alliance come to fruition in the Now Moment.

And again, we say to you that the timing of this has to do with the level of the vibration being very, very high to transmit that level of knowingness throughout the Collective Consciousness where people will rise up and have the Courage to Empower Themselves. And that is when the 5th Dimension, and these Plans, can truly come online, Beloveds. 

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw. And we’re asking you to reach out with your other hand to someone else on this call to form our circle with. And breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, and to bring in this LoveLight. Feeling it come in through our crowns, the third eye, the throat, into our hearts, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root, and out through the bottoms of your feet.

And spiraling this energy and sending it from your hearts, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle into the palm of your right hand.  Breathing into your hearts, and spiraling our collective energy field, expanding it, by breathing into these energies, and spiraling them from the center above, to the center below. Having a unified field of energy, a unified chakra, breathing into it, and allowing ourselves now as One to lift up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the ships.

And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck here, and we are popping up through, hovering in the airlock. And it is closing beneath us. And now, it’s ok for us to touch down. It’s safe. And we are walking on back to an open elevator here. And all getting in at the same time. And I’m closing the door, and pushing the button, and we are rocketing right on up to the top floor, as we always do.
And we are opening up the door, and we are popping on out. And all of the Beloved Beings are here to greet us. Of course, the Mentors are here, Angels and Ascended Masters, very many Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two in the past. And walking on over, feeling these high vibes of energetic merriment unfold, as we walk on into the middle of this room, and form our circle around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.
And as we do so, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form circles around the Mentors. And breathing into our hearts, and again sending it from the left, to the right, and now to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy from the floors, to the walls, to the ceiling, expanding this field of energy. Incorporating all of the higher dimensions of reality represented within the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, that have come into our field of energy. And some of them are bi-locating from the ships and other planets. They are very aware of our efforts to accelerate your Ascension Process, Beloveds.

So, spiraling up, down, and around and through, allowing yourselves to come to this place of Peace, and bringing in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Lights.

And this is where we ask you to set your Intentional Requirements,, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight.  Because it is so very important for you to have a great quality of life, and for you to be inspired, and to be in Joy, as much of your waking reality as possible. Because this makes you so much more effective in carrying out your Mission to be a conduit of these high vibrations, and sharing them, and transmitting them into the Collective Consciousness. 

So, Beloveds, whether it has to do with personal relationships, with your health and wellbeing, or those of your family, or friends, or the ability to feel, and to detach, and to let go and allow yourself to be in the Now Moment, as the Compassionate Observer, so that you find your flow of energy, and that you are in great Joy, and this feeling of Unconditional/Universal Love throughout your day. Shine it forth into the Master Crystal with your Intentional Requirements.

And for us, for all of us in this meditation tonight, we call forth the understanding of the Power of the Announcements of NESARA, and how they will level the playing field, and return to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet their sovereignty and understanding, that we are all One, all created from the Godhead, all equal expressions of Creator Source, playing out our parts in the Now Moment. And that NESARA gives us the foundation and the framework, to bring in the 5th Dimension, and create this Heaven on Earth, that we have been yearning for, incarnation after incarnation, in this duality life cycle of these past 13,000 years, Beloveds.

So, breathing into it, and shining it into this Master Crystal. Feeling this Peace that Passes all Understanding, shining our LoveLights. Multiplying these energies, and shining it up, through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru.

And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the layers of the atmospheres, to the surface, and underneath the surface, through the underground cities, the military bases, into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Spiraling this energy in the highest of frequencies and vibrations of our combined LoveLights, up, down, and around and through into the subatomic particles, into the crystals underneath the surface of your planet, into the time loops, into the lei lines, and all of the power and pressure points on your Beloved Planet, into the pyramids to raise the level of the vibration, and transmit it as of in the days of old, in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis.

We are making a comeback, Beloveds, in a truly expedited, and new and brilliant way. After having all of the experiences of playing out the duality, and what has transpired in this cycle of duality on your Beloved Planet, it has made us all the wiser collectively. And we have the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, waking up in this Now Moment, from now on, remembering who they truly are throughout all of eternity, from now on. 

Ah, and let us go over to see our Beloved Brother in Belmarsh Prison here, this Beloved Julian Assange. Because yes, his story is unfolding still. And he is still hanging in there. And he can use a little Love and Light, to help raise the level of his vibration, because it is so important for him to know that he is loved, and supported, and admired. And he is an inspiration to so many citizen journalists and researchers, who are carrying on in his tradition, with the same Spirit of Courage in telling the Truth, and in hooking up the dots in such a way, that people understand the dynamics of how they have been manipulated, by these various devious, dark forces of the Artificial Intelligence and their minions.

So, seeing Julian’s energy field, all two feet around his body. And spiraling the LoveLight, from his center above, to his center below, all two feet around his energy body. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through in a counterclockwise direction, to remove any and all of the low vibrations, the negative programs, the negative programming, all of the etheric structures on the 3D matrix, to disassemble, and disincorporate them, in the Now Moment, to remove any disqualified and discredited energies, any polarities, and traumas, any frequencies having to do with 5G, that are detrimental to his health and wellbeing, any poisons that he is being made to experience such as contaminated water, and air, and food.

Removing all of these things, and bringing in the Pure LoveLight of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond-Frequency Lights, spiraling them to remove any of these low vibrations. We require that the speed, and efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this spiral be increased one million-fold. And that we all help Beloved Julian to be free of all negative programming, in this Now Moment.  Bringing all of these tasks to completion in the Here and Now, Beloveds.

And we require, that we transmute all of these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And spiraling them in a clockwise direction up, down, and around and through with the Intentional Requirement of Julian reaching his Liberation, and being able to speak from his heart to the masses once again, without any fear of retribution. Knowing that he is honored for the contributions, that he has made to all humanity, and finally being recognized as a hero of Truth, of Compassion, of Courage.

And now, let us shine our LoveLights from the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling in a vertical spiral from the surface, underground into all of the deep underground military bases. Shining it into the hearts of all of the peacekeepers, waging their battles to liberate the Beloved Beings being held captive in these base. Freeing up Reptilian power sources, bringing them to heel, so that they are now powerless to perpetrate evil, and control on our Beloved Planet.
Spiraling these energies into the hearts with the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings, who have been captured, and enslaved, generation to generation down there for Adrenochrome harvesting and ritual sacrifices. Freeing up their energy, removing any fear, doubt, any of the lower vibrations, and giving them a taste of their Liberation in this Now Moment. And we say to them that,

“Your time is coming, Beloveds, your time of rescue and Liberation. And you are admired and honored for your contributions, because you have helped to unmask the evil, that this Cabal has routinely done, over and over again, for thousands of years, by allowing yourselves to be down there, and be participants in their machinations, by playing through your Soul Contracts.

“We love you all so very much. We honor you for all of the contributions that you and the peacekeepers have made.”
And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we thank you so very much for all of your participation, for your Courage, to keep on growing and nurturing yourselves, and being inspired by the Love and Light emanating from Creator Source, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Maria right now.

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