Friday, August 7, 2020

8-5-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 8-5-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


Ah, it is so wonderful for us to be together again, in our communion of the hearts, bringing in the high-vibrational energies, from all over the Cosmos.  And yes, they are coming in through your Galactic Center, through your Solar Sun, and onto your Beloved Planet. And they are a Divine Inspiration for us, as well as you, we can see. 


Because we see at the pace the energies are moving, between you Beloved Beings and enacting the Plans of the Alliance, and you being in Mission to being the Ground Crew, and you playing through all aspects of your Soul Contracts. And so many of them are coming to the fore, we would say, in this Now Moment, because there is so much, that is coming up to be healed within the four bodies of your being. And yes, a lot of the things that you have agreed to taking on, you would say, are not specifically your karma, but they have become a part of your Mission, and your Life Lesson.


Because, yes, you are learning, by having to make choices in bringing in healing energies, to resolve conflicts within these issues, and within relationships, and what has been troubling the human spirit, we would say, all through these times, that you have been reincarnating in this life cycle of duality. Because, yes, the density was something, that you could not plan upon, when you gave permission to start to experience these lifetimes, and none of you, as we have said many times before, had an inkling of what it would feel like to have almost total amnesia, in just about all of the lifetimes, that you came in within this cycle of duality.


But your new children, well, that’s not entirely true because they are coming in with more strands of the DNA activated, than you Beloveds did. And even though we see many of you have activated a strand or two more than you came in with, we are coming upon that Beloved time, where all of the strands get activated within the Event. 


And this Event, perhaps you can feel it as a pressure cooker. And it is starting to boil and pick up steam and momentum, along all of the different facets and components, that the plans of the Alliance, and the Announcement and implementation of NESARA entail. So, Beloveds, this is such a wonderous time for us.


And we would like to remind you ,that no matter what you see on your mainstream media, that all of these things basically are put there, to keep you in low vibration. Fear and separation are the two main tools of the Artificial Intelligence. And yes, it is a bunch of the Satanic minions, that are doing the work of this Artificial Intelligence, to keep you in low vibration.


But, Beloveds, they are losing the war, the war of Love. And we all know that Love is the dominant, most-wonderful and powerful force in all of Creation, because it allows us to feel Unity, Equality, and this Oneness of us all being a part of the Godhead.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And you reaching out for some other Beloved’s hand on this call. Forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, allowing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Platinum Ray, to come in through our crown. And spinning all of our chakras now, the crown, the third eye, the throat, the High Heart Center, the solar plexus, the sacral, and root the chakra.


And breathing out, and allowing the energy to go through the bottoms of your feet, grounding yourselves into Beloved Mother Gaia. And now breathing into the heart, and sending the energy from your heart, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into your hearts, expanding our field of energy together, and lifting up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up, through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the many ships, that are in the upper atmosphere, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.


I’m opening up the landing deck, and we are powering up through it, as it opens, and hovering in the air lock. And now we’re closing the landing deck. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we are walking on back to an open elevator. And yes, we are all getting in at the same time. And I’m the last one in, and I close the door. And I push the button to the top floor here, moving very swiftly, up through the many layers of floors on the ship. And now we’re here.  We’ve come to a stop. I’ve opening up the door, and we’re popping on through with our circle still intact.


And there are so many Beloved Beings, who are very happy to see us. And some of them are your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past. And the Mentors are here, Angels, and Ascended Masters, many Commanders from the ships, as well as those Beloved Beings who have bi-located their consciousness into the Crystal Healing Room tonight, to do this Meditation with us.


And so, we walk on over into the middle of the room where the Altar is. And we form our circle around the Altar. And yes, the Master Crystal sets on top of the Altar here. And the Beloved Beings, the Mentors first circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings circle around them. And we are sending our LoveLight, from the left, to the right, and to the outer circles. 


And we are expanding our field of energy, by spiraling it, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Breathing into our hearts, assimilating with all of these high-vibrational frequencies, that are represented here in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are partaking in this meditation with us, and all of the crystals, that comprise this Beloved Room.


Breathing into these high, interdimensional energies, that are informing us with high light codes, that are inserting themselves into our unconsciousness, that we can work with, when we are in our heavy dreaming states.


And now, we ask all of you Beloveds on this call to intentionally require, what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with your relationships, with your families, your children or your grandchildren, or having more of a connection with those higher aspects of your being, and being able to validate the answers that you are getting with your pendulums, or your muscle testing. Whatever resonates with you tonight, Beloveds, bring it into your hearts, shine it forth into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call, we intentionally require for Ease and Grace, to come in at this stage of the completion of the Plans of the Alliance. We require neutrality on all fronts, with you, our Beloved Lightworkers, with all of the beings, that are a part of this Mission to bring in and integrate you with the 5th Dimension, in the harvesting of your souls at this time of the Event. And this is such a joyous experience for all of us, because in all realms we see everything. We have access to all points on the timeline at once, Beloveds, which you do not. 


And we can see into your Akashic Records, and into your individual Soul Contracts. And we know what you have taken on, and what you are playing through, and what is still awaiting you in these very joyous days ahead, of completing your Mission, and feeling such Liberation, such Bliss and Joy, at having learned your Life Lessons, and completed your Soul Contracts, not just for yourselves, but for all of Creation, Beloveds.


And this energy of Love is powering you on, on your Beloved Planet. And please, we ask you not to lose sight of that, in your meditations, in opening up your hearts more and more, to the feelings and the inspiration of Compassion for yourselves, self-love, and for all others, too. 


Because Beloveds, you are all One with us. There is no separation and your survival is assured, Beloveds, because there is no death. There is eternal life in being heart centered, and allowing yourself to know, who you truly are, and to create your reality from that place of knowingness.


So, shooting our Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, from the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface. Spiraling it underneath the surface, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, permeating all of the subatomic particles, shining it into the Akashic Records of all of the DNA programming, with the Intentional Requirement of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, opening up their hearts and minds, to what is taking place, as these high vibrations come in.


We ask you all to utilize these high vibrations, and shine them forth in your meditations, throughout all of your Beloved Planet; into the Kingdoms of your planet, to inform the consciousness of the Collective, that Now is the time to re-awaken into the energies of the 5th Dimension, so that they all remember, who they truly are, and what they have been through in this continuum of testing the density of duality, in these many thousands of years. And now is the time of Joyfulness, of seeing all of the fruits of their efforts come about, and all of the effort, that they have put forth to bring their Missions to completion.


Breathing into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, feeling this Oneness, sharing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy up, down, and around and through, spanning the width and the breadth of your Beloved Planet.


And let us shine our LoveLights on this Beloved City, in Lebanon, called Beirut. It has been hit. It has been a part of waking up a large segment of humanity, about the secret contracts, that have been going on, supposedly between governments, but really it is the minions of the AI playing out all of their secretive scenarios, for controlling the energy, to inspire war on your Beloved Planet. 


Well, so many lives are affected by this. And it is a time for awakening around the brutalities of war, and how it has been used to enslave you, all of your Beloved Beings on this planet. And right now, it is another lesson to all of you Beloveds, that war is not what you want. And that the people responsible for these acts of war will not be let off the hook. They will be made to be accountable, for what they perpetrate upon humanity in a very negative way. 


So, shining the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings there, and magnetizing the LoveLight from each and every Beloved Being, who hears and sees these explosions, allowing them to feel the Love that they are, for all of these Beloved Beings who have been affected, allowing them to wake up, that the same people are always the winners in war, and these are the controllers, the minions of the AI, that have been enslaving your Beloved Planet. And Now is the time, when war will no more be tolerated.


Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through, all throughout this Beloved City, feeling the Power of Love shine into each and every being’s heart, and informing them of the Love and Light that they are, as part of the Godhead.


And now, spiraling our energies underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet, into all of the deep underground military bases, up, down, and around and through. Shining our LoveLights into the hearts of all of the children, and other beings, who have been enslaved, and into the hearts of the peacekeepers, who have been rescuing all of these Beloved Beings, who have been putting their lives on the line rescuing these children, and then destroying these bases for all perpetuity, because no more will the dark forces be able to use these bases to control your Beloved Planet. They and their dark energies, their power sources, are all being rooted out, and liberated, and held accountable for the evil, that they have perpetrated and reigned upon your Beloved Planet.


It is in the Spirit of Forgiveness, that we shine forth our LoveLight into the hearts and minds, of all of the Beloved Beings, who have been minions of the AI, to inform them about who they really are, and the Power that they truly have, as being part of the Godhead. And that it is up to them to choose the Light, from this moment on, but no one can do it for them. And we say to all of the Beloved Children, those enslaved in the Deep Underground Military Base’s, all of the Beloved Children, who have been stolen from their parents, and sold into human-trafficking cartels,


“We love you so much. Now is the time of your Liberation, of your Freedom, of you finally being granted your birthrights, and living your lives to the fullest.”


USAS, UASA; Already Happened, Beloveds, It’s Already Done.”


To all the Beloved Beings on the call, we love you ever so much. We thank you for all that you do. And we are always here with you. Just call us in.


And now we are going to bring in Beloved Maria.


Namaste and good night.

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