Friday, July 31, 2020

7-29-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-29-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Yes, I too am very happy to be here at this time, once again with you, while all of these changes are settling in, with the thrusting of all of these high vibrations, coming through your Galactic Center, into your Solar Sun, and onto your Beloved Planet, and into your consciousness, into the Collective of Consciousness on your Beloved Planet.

Nothing can stop this flow of high vibration. It is coming from all throughout the Cosmos, Beloveds. And as we have said, so many star races are invested in your Ascension Process, and you waking up, and being in high vibration, because it will allow them to go to their next levels of Ascension, also.
So, the war is heating up on your Beloved Planet, as we would say, and moves are being made right and left. And what is being shown on your mainstream media, through your social platforms, that have been manipulated by this Artificial Intelligence, to allow the low-vibrational haters to come through, and have their say once again, to purport their lies and deceptions upon you, and those in low vibration, to magnetize them into hating more, and being more angry and more afraid. 

Well, Beloveds, we know that you see through it. And every day more and more people see through it. And they know, that they are so very grateful for the Love that they feel in their lives, through the relationships, that they have with their family, with their friends, with the connection that they have with us, the Higher Aspects of their being, as Ascended Masters, and Angels and Archangels, and their I AM Presence. 

Because, Beloveds, more and more are making the commitment to work on themselves to ascend, to find out all that they can know about bringing in this Love and Light, and doing whatever it takes for them, to be firmly flowing in this path of momentum with the Love and Light, the Divine Truth of who they really are. Taking it into their hearts, and blessing themselves, and each and every other being, on this planet, so that you all can come to this place, in the Now Moment, and rise on up, and liberate yourself, and your Beloved Planet in these high frequencies of Love. 

Beloveds, this is what you all came here for, and the more and more that you and all of the Beloveds come together in meditation, in allowing yourself to be in this rhythm, timing, and synchronization, in this Divine Flow of Energy, that informs you, and your actions, your words, and your thoughts, of who you really are, and the power, that you have to be a shining beacon of Love and Light, to others, to help them make the necessary changes, that you have already made, in bringing in the Love and Light, in enabling yourself to be a beacon, for these high-vibrational changes, this photon energy, that has been bombarding your planet in waves, in these cycles of portals opening, and very many lei lines, crystals, and Power Centers, on Beloved Mother Gaia opening up, and becoming ever more integrated, and powerful, and all of the pyramids coming online.

Ah yes, it is so very wonderful to see the consciousness operating together, with Mother Gaia, and with us, and working with the Alliance, and all aspects of the Ground Crew, to bring this Beloved Mission to completion.

Beloveds, we are here with you every step of the way. And we are so very happy, because you are feeling more and more Joy, more Harmony, and letting go of the fear and separation, and becoming more and more aware of the dynamics, that the AI has used against you. And now they are all but powerless to control you anymore, because your Truth is becoming fused with the Love and Light. And you are in Oneness, with these high vibrations, and making your choices to carry forth this Process of Ascension, on your Beloved Planet.

We love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

And yes, we are always here with you. Just call us in.

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