Thursday, September 17, 2020

9-16-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 9-16-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


Good Evening. Once again, I come to you in the vibration of Happiness, of Freedom, of feeling in our Now Moment, that your planet has already been liberated. 


Ah yes, all of these scenarios of fear, deceptions, lies, and separation in the consciousness, are being played out on the stage of your Beloved Planet.  And the mainstream media again and again focuses on the negative stories, and all of the acts of violence, and weather warfare, that are being perpetrated upon your planet. Of course, they do not show the mass gatherings where people come together and express themselves in a heart-centered way, and make it known, and propagate this abundant feeling of Unity and of Love.


And shining their Light on this Beloved Planet, at this time, to raise the level of the vibration, which is integral in the mass consciousness, more and more waking up to this level, where the 5th Dimension, and all of the plans, that enable this 5th Dimensional lifestyle to accelerate your Ascension Process, will flawlessly and seamlessly come into being, through the gateways of all of these very discordant acts, that you see, that are being perpetrated on your planet right now. 


Because, ah yes, the timelines are separating. And it is becoming very graphic and very clear, to the Beloveds on your planet, who have awakened, that this old scenario, the same rhetoric, the same lies and deceptions are creating this very negative reality, that they do not support. And the one that they do support is one of Truth, Happiness, Forgiveness, Clarity, Understanding, all of these high-vibrational attributes, which they are giving their energy to, to create this new reality, 5D-matrix timeline.


Ay yes, we didn’t say that this would be easy. And again we give no dates. But all this year you can see the stepping stones, that have aligned themselves, on your timeline, with taking you further into all of these acts, that are enabling the raising of the level of consciousness on your Beloved Planet.


And ah yes, the people, who have been the minions and the mouthpieces of this Satanic, AI-fueled consciousness, these hybrid factions of Reptilians, on your Beloved Planet, are getting more brazen, more reckless, and they are getting louder and louder. And this is further separating these two timelines into two camps of consciousness. 


And more and more people on your planet are seeing, that the choice is with them, of what their own Inner Truth is, and what they want to give their energy to, that is in alignment with this Inner Truth. And when they do this, they are feeling themselves being connected with so many other beings on your planet, that are at the same level of higher consciousness, which the mainstream media, and many different politicians, and actors, and other minions of the Satanic consciousness do not support. 


So, this is the War of Choice, we would say, because that choice comes from your heart, and from your Soul, about what you are giving energy to, in the midst of all of these scenarios of turmoil being played out. And you are choosing not to give your Power away to the dark energies. And again, we tell you, that that makes you very powerful, and to celebrate this feeling of these high vibrations, coming into your Beloved Planet, to aid you in this Mission of Accelerating your Ascensions.


Now, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw with each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach out, with your other hand, for someone else on this call. And forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, allowing the energy to come into the Crown, the Third Eye, the Throat Chakra, the Heart Center, the Thymus Gland, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral Chakra, and the Root Chakra. And spinning all of these chakras, in a clockwise direction, all at once.


And sending this energy, down through the bottoms of your feet, to the knees, the ankles, the soles of the feet, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.  Feeling this Crystalline Core reverberate at very-high speed, and high consciousness, with the Unconditional/Universal Love, that Mother Gaia shines and balances this Beloved Planet with.


Feeling her Love in a very deep, integral way. Feeling the love of all of her Kingdoms, into the DNA, feeling the Core Essence of our being, in Oneness with her, and with all of Creation. And knowing ourselves as a conduit of the Godhead.


And raising these energies back up through the soles of our feet, into our Heart Center. And sending this energy out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, around and around. And spiraling our combined field of energy up, down, and around and through. And it is with the Power, and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we lift ourselves up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, through the layers of the atmospheres, going higher and higher, coming upon layers of ships, and coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. 


I’m opening up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck. And we’re popping on through, hovering in the airlock. And now it is closing beneath us. And it is safe to touch down. And we are walking on back to an open elevator here, and all getting in at the same time, with our circle still joined together, closing the door, and pushing the button, to take us on up to the top floor.


And now we’re here; we’re opening up the door. We’re walking on out into being welcomed, by all of the Beloved Beings here, and the higher-interdimensional consciousness, that are projecting, and bi-locating themselves, from the many ships, in all over the different galaxies. And we come upon our Beloved Mentors, the Angels and Ascended Masters, our ancestors, and perhaps you in a previous lifetime or two. And we’re feeling this Joy, this Celebration, this deep Love and Light, emanating from each of these Beloved Beings, as we walk on over into the middle of the room, circling around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.


And forming our circle once again, as the Beloved Mentors form their circle directly in back of us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form circles around us. Breathing into our hearts, and spiraling this energy through our circle, to the outer circles, and spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Feeling ourselves bring in all of these higher frequencies of the higher dimensions, represented through the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings here, and all of the crystals, that comprise the Crystal Healing Room, and our Beloved Altar.


And breathing into these high-vibrational energies, bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, Metatron’s Platinum Ray.  Allowing ourselves to let go, and be more centered in the Here Now. Feeling the Ease and Grace, and the Love and Support, of all of the beings here, of all of the Universe, as we let go deeper and deeper with our breathing. Spiraling the energies up, down, and around and through this Beloved Room. 


And now, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the Power of the energies of this meditation tonight, Beloveds, whether it be having to do with finances, health, relationships, with you having a stronger connection with the Higher Aspects of your being, with having more Peace in your environment, whatever it be. Shining these Intentional Requirements, projecting your LoveLight into this Master Crystal with these requirements. 


And for all of us doing this meditation tonight, we require, that all of the Beloved Beings feel the Peace within their hearts, at this most-pivotal time, on your Beloved Planet. That they discern the Truth, and allow themselves to feel deep within the four bodies of their being, to be the Compassionate Observer, and allow themselves, with the tools of meditation, to detach from any low vibrations, that try to magnetize them into the negativity, that is being perpetrated upon them, by the mainstream media, by the institutions. And to allow themselves to breathe into their hearts, and expand their field of energy, and feel the Freedom of being in these high vibrations, and feeling selflove in a most poignant and powerful way, at this time, and the Power of their Love and Light.


And shining these Intentional Requirements for the Truth to come about. And the people, for all of the Beloveds to wake up, in the realization of who they are, as being integral messengers of Love and Light, on your Beloved Planet at this time. UASA, UASA, Beloveds; Already Happened; It’s Already done.


And shining our Lovelights into the Master Crystal, and shooting this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and the Metatronic Ray, up through the tip in the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, onto your Beloved Planet, from the layers of the atmospheres, onto the surface of your planet, to underneath the surface, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And all up, down, and around and through, raising the level of the vibration, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, into all of the DNA of all living beings.


Infusing the conscious knowingness into the hearts and minds, of all of these Beloved Beings, that everything on Mother Gaia is of Divine Presence, and that the real reality is knowing, that you are connected as an integral conduit of the Godhead, even though, that on your material plane of reality, you experience this hologram. But everything is of Divine Presence, Beloveds, and everything is in Divine Perfection, of the Rhythm, and Timing, of the Synchronization, that is playing out on your timeline.


Breathing into your hearts, letting go deeper and deeper into your DNA, removing anything less than Love, and transmuting it into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. And transmitting it to all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet, with the Platinum Ray, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. Shining this LoveLight with the conscious knowingness, that we are all One. And we are so very powerful, when we come together with this Intentional Requirement of liberating Beloved Mother Gaia, into the high vibrations of the 5th Dimension. 


And shining this LoveLight into all of these areas on your Beloved Planet, one of which is where our Beloved Julian Assange is, in the Belmarsh Prison.  Spiraling the energy from the surface, into his field of energy, where he resides in that prison. Up, down, and around and through, bringing in these high vibrations of Love and Light, to inform him of the Power of the Love and Light, that supports him throughout the Universe, for the Truth and the Mission, that he has undertaken. And that things are playing out in a higher-vibrational way, than he has witnessed before. And that everything is in the perfection of the Now Moment. And how his Intentional Requirements, and all of the Intentional Requirements for his release, and the Truth coming out on your Beloved Planet, mirroring the support, that is being given to him in the mass consciousness, on your Beloved Planet. The Love and Light, that is being shined into his heart in this Now Moment. And radiate that all throughout your Beloved Planet, through the Crystalline Grid.


And feeling the connection heart to heart, between all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And spiraling it down, onto these many fires, that have been perpetrated in many different ways, sometimes by lasers, sometimes by the ill intent of individuals, in dry areas, causing these mass fires to darken the skies, and to make it hard to breathe, causing ash to fall on the ground.


Shining this LoveLight up above the layers of the clouds, creating a vortex in a clockwise direction. While underneath that line of separation, underneath the clouds, where the fires are on the land, the energy vortex is spinning counterclockwise. And now the clockwise vortex is pushing out all of the fear, the anger, all of the lower vibrations, all of the noise, all of the pollution. The darkness is being taken over by the Light, and this clockwise vortex, of the Platinum Ray, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all through the West Coast of your United States. 


And with the Intentional Requirement of manifesting humidity and moisture, and dew, and raindrops falling, and allowing these fires to be extinguished moment by moment, cascading down, raining upon these battle fields of weather warfare, with the smiles returning to the faces, of all of the Beloved Beings, who have been put under such stress and strain, by seeing their environment under attack, and having their health be put under this stress and endangerment. 


They are letting go with smiles, with words of encouragement and gratitude. and feeling their heart meld into these high vibrations. And transmitting this Love and Light out to their neighbors, and out to the whole of the planet, for the end of these fires, for the Love and Support, that they received in allowing them to weather this very-ginormous storm, perpetrated by this Cabal against them. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And now shining our LoveLights, in a spiral, all over your Beloved Planet, underneath the surface, to all of the Peacekeepers, who are rescuing Beloved Children, and any beings enslaved down in these Deep Underground Military Bases. Shining the LoveLights, to reveal all of these acts of aggregation against humanity. Rescuing the children, shining the LoveLight into their hearts.


Shining the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, whom we call the Peacekeepers. And we celebrate with Joy and Happiness, the magnitude of their Love, and their bravery, and their Courage in carrying out their Missions at this time. 


And we shine the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Children, who have carried out their Soul Contracts, and have undergone such separation of consciousness, such trauma. And now it is their time of healing, and revealing to the world what has happened to them by being rescued. And we see all of these bases where the children have been, and all of the other Beloved Beings, who have been rescued, that these bases are being destroyed completely, so that they will not be able to be used by dark forces in any way, shape, or form ever more, underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet.


We love all of you so very much, all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.  And we honor all of you, on this call, for all that you do. We are one with you every step of the way. Call us in whenever you like.


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. And now Maria will come in.

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