Friday, September 25, 2020

9-23-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

 9-23-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come in shining the LoveLights into your hearts, and bringing with me, my Mother Mary and Maria Magdalena to pass out the Kumara roses to you, as you are still assembled in your circle. And take as many as you like, all of the different colors, the frequencies associated with them. Take them etherically into your hearts, to provide you the beauty of the Truth of who you really are, that we are always one in the high vibrations, of doing our Mission, and being in meditation with one another, to fulfill our Mission of Ascension, on your Beloved Planet, for each and every one of you, Beloveds.


Yes, there are so many waking up on your Beloved Planet. And they see those around them, who are in such turmoil, hating and judging, without really doing the work, of finding out how the dynamics of the negative programming have been used against you, in your timeline, for such a long, long time now.


The dynamics being used against you, Beloveds, haven’t changed for thousands of years. Their narrative always is intended to drive you into fear and separation. And they have ways of perpetrating lies and deceptions upon you, by making it seem, that they are telling you the truth. But they are only showing you one slide at a time, one side of the story, while there are many different faces, of that Rubik’s cube, to be revealed on the timeline. And that is the Beloved Truth.


Truth has a Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronicity. It has a feeling of Grace and Ease. It is a flower unfolding in the Spirit of the Love and Light, that you are, in Integrity with its Creator, the Creator Source, the Seat of Consciousness of all of Creation. 


Beloveds, we are so happy to be with you once again, to feel your Love, to feel the Oneness, on your Beloved Planet, growing and nurturing the children, and all of the Beloved Elders, some of them who are very close to transitioning. And becoming aware, that they have done their work, and will never have to reincarnate in duality ever again. That is a splendid feeling for them. And also, to know that their children, who they will be leaving behind, will feel Heaven on Earth, and that they can commune with them in the higher vibrations. 


Beloveds, we are always here with you doing this Mission, taking it step by step, breath by breath, to bring all of the Plans of the Alliance to completion, to help you to bring all of your Soul Contracts to completion. Just ask for our help and guidance, in your meditations, and the answers shall come in whatever way, that they can be given to you on your 5th Dimensional timeline, Beloveds.


We honor you for all that you do, and how you are moving in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronicity to this Finish Line, to this place of complete and total activation of the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night.

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